"It's just that there is a slight change now!"

"The day tiger under normal circumstances is not so huge, nor is its power."

The dust-free voice explained slowly: "Of course, the reason for this qualitative change is that I added some special seasonings to it. In the past, the power of the day tiger was only pure chakra. Now I also incorporated the Reiatsu that belongs only to the god of death, so that’s how it came to be.”

Looking around, the body of the day tiger in the sky is too majestic. The so-called huge word is no longer enough to describe him, because a tail of the day tiger is five or six hundred meters long, and it can't see the end at a glance. What kind of thing is this? terrifying!


Saitama looked at Wuchen without moving, although he didn't know what Wuchen said about chakra and what Reiatsu was, but his ability to understand was not bad.

It can be analyzed that the original day tiger is not as exaggerated as it is now, it only exerts the power of chakra, but then Wuchen made improvements and incorporated the so-called Reiatsu, so the body size and power of the day tiger have a leap. type of explosion!

So...that's what it is now.

"bring it on!"

Saitama took a deep breath and stared at the behemoth in the sky without fear.

He will not be afraid, he will only go all out!

"Don't worry, you think this is over? It's still early!"

There was a strange smile on Wuchen's face, and he said meaningfully: "Although the day tiger is integrated into the spiritual pressure of death, it has undergone a great change, but do you think... this mutation has ended?

"Wrong, terribly wrong, very sad, ridiculous, and ignorant!"

Wuchen raised his head and stared at the giant tiger crawling in the sky. His whole body was white. At this time, with his head as the center, a dark light gradually appeared, and gradually spread to the whole body.

"Armed Color Hardening!!!"

With Wuchen's order, the appearance of the day tiger has undergone earth-shaking changes. Before, his whole body was glowing with white light, but Wuchen forcibly plated it with an armed color and domineering defense.

The body suddenly became extremely dark, like an underworld beast that came out of hell, full of ominous aura.


After covering the arrogance of the armed color, the day tiger roared twice again, the sky trembled, and the sound waves spread to the distance without limit, destroying everything.

Originally, after hearing that there was a war in this city, the Hero Association immediately sent people to support, but most of them hadn't approached the center of the war, and they didn't even know who was fighting, and they were killed on the way.

It was all annihilated by the aftermath of the fight between Wuchen and Saitama.

"Devouring him, Day Tiger."

Wuchen's raised right arm suddenly swept down, and the day tiger entrenched in the void also moved. Despite his boundless size, his huge body did not slow down his speed at all.

The moment Wuchen's voice fell, with a swish sound, the day tiger disappeared.


When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Saitama, his hideous head slammed directly towards Saitama.

And Saitama naturally couldn't wait to die, so he clenched his fists and fought back again!

"Boom, boom boom!!!

The effect of the impact can be called a collision between planets. The power emitted collapsed everything in the world, and the sky within dozens of kilometers around was suddenly blown away.


The collapse of the sky, this scene looks particularly shocking, spreading like a tsunami, and the speed is outrageous. Such an aftermath, such as an S-class hero and a dragon-class monster, will be wiped out with a little bit of aftermath!

If you look at the earth from outer space, the place where Wuchen and Saitama confronted has become pitch black, no grass grows, and everything is annihilated.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The wave of destruction is still scattered, not only the sky is collapsing, but the world is like this. Because of the relationship between the two people, the whole world feels the thrilling power, and there are many supernatural disasters.

"Continue to delay, the world is afraid that it will collapse."

Wuchen frowned, and he didn't admit defeat at this time. His fists were firmly against Zhou Hu's head. Even though his hands had been rubbed and the flesh was blurred, and his body was retreating, he still refused to give up.

"forget it..."

Wuchen suddenly snapped his fingers, followed by the rapid expansion of the spiritual pressure and chakra in the body of the tiger, and his stomach instantly became extremely huge.


Immediately after that, there was another rumbling sound, and the day tiger exploded on its own, and a stronger shock wave was released from Qi's body, all greeting Saitama.


Even though the iron man, Saitama, whose feelings had been wiped out, screamed without warning, and the ground he was stepping on shattered into powder-like sand. This kid couldn't hold back the terrifying power and was directly bombarded. to the depths of the ground.

"But so."

Seeing this, Wuchen closed his eyes indifferently, with a calm expression, "But ah, if a human can reach this level, I am willing to call you the strongest human being, this is not as good as any enemy I have come into contact with in the past. you!"

In the long years, the only one who can achieve this state with the body of a human being is Saitama.

Chapter 18 Saitama's All-Out Punch? 【First Update】

"Master Wuchen!"

Blizzard's eyes have turned into stars, and they are all blind worship. At this moment, the brilliance shrouded in Wuchen's body is infinitely magnified, almost occupying the whole world in Blizzard's heart.

Staring at his invincible posture of divine power, thinking about the time when he challenged Wuchen before...

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