"I didn't expect this guy's blood to be so magical. It would be great if he could be taken away and kept in captivity."

Mosquito Girl squinted her eyes and looked extremely greedy. At this moment, her appearance and body have undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, Mosquito Girl has become a giant in the true sense, reaching a height of more than ten meters, and the previously damaged wound has also been repaired, her eyes are oily green, and there is a terrifying aura spreading all over her body.


I don't know how to describe Fubuki's mood, but she devoured Wuchen's blood, and this mosquito girl had such an exaggerated mutation, and the burst of breath all over her body made her tremble.

"I said it's almost done."

Wuchen said, and then the wound on his wrist was automatically repaired, but there was still a lot of blood on the ground, and the mosquitoes were still greedily devouring him, he couldn't help frowning, "Insatiable greed is ultimately doomed to nothing, you are too weak, Blindly swallowing my blood may not be able to endure it."

"It has been said that it has evolved to the dragon level, and this time Chuixue will be beaten again." A schadenfreude smile appeared on Wuchen's face.

"How can I waste such a good thing, trying to fool me? There are no doors, human beings!"

Mosquito Girl turned a deaf ear to Wuchen's advice and continued to devour the remaining blood on the ground. She was so hungry and thirsty, like a homeless man who hadn't had a full meal for decades.

Her body is also getting bigger and bigger, ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters... until she finally turned into a [-]-meter super mosquito, how exaggerated, and her strength is estimated to surpass that of a dragon-level monster.



What I heard was not the sound of joy, but the miserable screams of Mosquito Girl. Because of the rapid evolution, Mosquito Girl's physical fitness was fundamentally unable to withstand the power contained in the dust-free blood, so a lot of her skin surface appeared. 's cracks.

Chapter 23 The Dragon-level Weird Who Was Suffered to Death [First Update]

"I said it all, you just don't listen, who can you blame now." Wuchen shrugged, looking irrelevant.

It really has nothing to do with him, after all, I reminded Mosquito Girl before, but this guy is insatiable.

"Ahhh...it's so uncomfortable, kill me!!!"

Mosquito Girl struggled fiercely. There were more and more cracks on her body. There were more than ten wounds on her face alone. It was as if she had been thrown into a shredder and crushed all over her body. The wounds almost filled her body. More than hundreds or thousands.

"Forget it, good people do it to the end... I'll free you." Wuchen covered his ears, and the scream was harsh.

His dry lips opened slightly, and the mighty spiritual pressure also opened with the collapse, "The Ninety of the Destruction: The Black Coffin."

"Pfft... puff... puff..."

Several black crescent moons fell from the sky, like cutting tofu. They penetrated Mosquito Girl's body with great ease, and cut it into several halves. Her body finally exploded with a bang, and blood flowed into a river.

"Is this dead?"

Chuixue watched blankly, everything that happened in just a few dozen seconds was too shocking, and her thoughts were extremely messy for a while.

First, Wuchen gave his blood to Mosquito Girl to supplement, causing this guy to transform in a short time, his strength soared, he directly stepped into the ranks of dragon-level monsters, and quickly approached the peak of this field.

The breath of Mosquito Girl's evolution made Fubuki desperate, and Wuchen was going to kill her own rhythm.

But who knows that the style of painting will change in the future, because Mosquito Girl is too greedy, and is directly blown up by the power contained in Wuchen's blood.

It's just ridiculous, this is probably the first dragon-level monster in history to be killed, right?

Oh no, it's just a dragon shame!

"Why are you still in a daze, everyone is dead, still not leaving?" Seeing Fuxue still standing there, Wuchen urged: "I'm a little hungry, let's go back to eat grilled eel rice."

"Uh... ok!"

Chuixue quickly followed, and two pairs of bright eyes secretly looked at Wuchen.

That handsome face did not show any movement, as if an ant had been trampled to death just now, completely worthless.

"Then, that Mr. Wuchen..." Fubuki finally asked weakly: "Do you know... the one who was killed by you just now seems to be a dragon-level monster, and even an S-level hero may not be an opponent. "

"You said Mosquito Girl, it seems to have really evolved in the end, but what's wrong? If you die, you will die. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"A little bit of blood can kill a dragon-level monster... This kind of thing is unheard of. I'm afraid that if the mosquito girl devours hundreds of humans, it will not evolve into a dragon-level monster, and even bursts in the end." Fubuki I feel very emotional, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing, and I was choked by the thunder.

"So what are you trying to say? Fuxue." Wuchen stopped, stared at the girl's clear eyes, and smiled slightly, "You want to ask... What is the origin of my blood?"

"Is it really possible?" Fubuki asked expectantly, but did not deny it.

"It's actually not that hard to explain."

Wuchen tilted his head and explained slowly: "When a person's strength reaches a certain level, his body, bones, flesh and soul will undergo qualitative changes, and even some special people can pass their own strength to the younger generation, You can understand it as genetic inheritance, and even some people can directly confer their own power on others, which is nothing to me."

For example, the dragon-level eccentric of the Weird Association, the Wandering Emperor, he used to be an ordinary human, but one day he awakened his hatred for human beings, so he was directly empowered by the gods, and suddenly changed from ordinary human to dragon-level eccentric. , This method of giving power directly is much more powerful than the method of swallowing dust-free blood to obtain power.

"So that's the case." Chuixue nodded with a vague understanding, and then raised his head slightly, out of the corner of the eye secretly looked at Wuchen, and an unusual light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Tsk tsk..."

Aware of Chuixue's abnormality, Wuchen couldn't help but curled his lips and said sadly, "You child is really unconscionable. It's in vain for me to help you train your strength. Looking at you now, you seem to want to drink my blood."

Chuixue was surprised when he heard the words, and quickly said: "I, I, I, I actually..."

"No need to explain, if I were you, I would have this idea too. Who doesn't want to go to the sky in one step, but you have seen the end of the mosquito girl just now, sucking a certain amount of my blood may improve your strength, but There may also be a heavy price to pay for this.”

"I understand." Fubuki nodded obediently.

"How about this."

Wuchen stopped suddenly, looked at Fubuki and said, "When your strength reaches a certain level, I can let you devour a little bit."

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