"No, no, Lord Wuchen, is this really possible?!"

Chuixue instantly became extremely excited. At this moment, he really felt that he was the happiest person in the world. Not only did he find a strong backer, he was willing to help him strengthen his strength, and he could even donate his blood.

"It's nothing, the mosquito girl can give it, you have no restrictions. After all, you are also responsible for my daily life." Wuchen has no grudges about this, and agreed very readily.

"Master Wuchen, you can rest assured!"

Fubuki suddenly knelt down on one knee and flattered respectfully: "In the future, your orders will be God's orders to me, and I will unconditionally fulfill all your orders, even if I die."

"In this way, my strength is not lost."

Wuchen touched his chin and then lifted Fubuki.

In fact, frankly speaking, Wuchen is still very satisfied with receiving such a loyal little maid as Fuxue. Well, there's really nothing to say right now.


Chapter 24 The parties fight for the cage [first more]

"With a master like Mr. Wuchen, I should be the luckiest person in the world." Chuixue blushed, like a ripe apple, very cute.

"Anyway, you shouldn't be too bad in the future. I'm a person who hates troubles. There are always weird people who find fault every day. In fact, I also have a headache. It's too many times. I don't have to do it."

Wuchen explained lazily, in fact, this is what he planned from the beginning.

It's not good to fight and fight... Every day, I spend leisurely basking in the sun, playing games and taking a walk, or having a few drinks. When I'm bored, I make fun of the kid Fubuki.

Such a life...isn't it very pleasant and dashing?

"After I go back, my physical training will be doubled. If I don't meet the standard... I will drop it on a tree and hang it for three days. No problem, Fubuki..."

Fubuki: "??????"


After Wuchen killed Mosquito Girl, some heroes also came, but unfortunately, they still did not encounter any weirdos. As usual, they came to clean the scene completely.

"I don't know which hero killed Mosquito Girl..."

The hero who arrived was bewildered, because this has happened so many times recently.

I just received the news that a strange person appeared, but when the hero arrived, the strange person had already been eliminated, and it was not clear who did it.

However, although the Hero Association is not clear, a certain faction is clearly aware of it.

Because Mosquito Girl was released by them.

"I can't believe that there is such a magical guy in the world. His blood... can actually promote biological evolution?"

"It's great, I see the true meaning of science all at once!"

In some unknown depths, this place is very hidden, buried deep underground, no one knows where it is.

A young man in a white coat was staring at the computer screen.

The content played above is exactly the clip of Mosquito Girl swallowing dust-free blood. He has probably watched it dozens of times before and after, but even so, his eyes are still staring, and he never tires of watching it.

This person is called Jinos, a genius scientist, he is also the founder of "Evolution House", he was the one who sent Mosquito Girl to hunt before, it's just a work that is still in the experimental stage, let's see how the new work goes That's it.

But who knew that luck was so good, and met the surprise that fell from the sky without dust!

"That guy called Wuchen, no matter what, I will get him, no matter what the price is, I will get him!!!" Dr. Kinos roared to himself like a madman.

In fact, if you have been alone for so long, you might have already become mentally ill. Otherwise, why would you clone countless of yourself to be tortured and killed by the Asura unicorn?

It also happened to answer that sentence, the so-called genius scientist often has a sick head!

It is easy to be dominated by extreme thoughts.


In fact, it's not just the evolution house here, there are small riots in other places as well.

When Wuchen first arrived, he appeared in the form of ten tails. As soon as he came up, he was judged as a weirdo by the Hero Association, and he was still a dragon-level weirdo.

It is also because of this that Wuchen has received the attention of the Weird Association. In order to win over Wuchen, the king of monsters, Orochi, even sent two elite cadres to invite Wuchen to join the team.

Of course, the so-called invitation is actually forced, if you agree, it's best, if you don't agree... until you serve it!

But so far, I haven't received any news from Wuchen, because since the ten tails appeared once, Wuchen has never used such a gesture before. The appearance is too exaggerated, and the power is not easy to control. Yawning, it could easily lead to massacres...

"It's all a bunch of useless waste, not even a single person has been found!"

In the base camp of the Weird Association, the BOSS Orochi lost his temper angrily. In the depths of the ground, all his gloomy roars lingered.

"Okay, so scary!!!"

All the weirdos looked at the big snake in fear. It was too strong. Just the cold wind blowing on them made them goosebumps, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

No way, maybe it was destroyed for some reason.

Because Orochi has a special hobby, those weirdos who fail their missions will always be eaten by him.

This is not... This time, the whereabouts of the ten tails were not found, and the snake looked at the two weirdos who failed in the mission.

One of them is a hero, and the other is a centipede elder.

Before, the two of them were sent to search for the whereabouts of Shiwei, but a few days passed, and not even a chicken feather was found.

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