Then, he hugged him with infuriating air.


The power of chakra contained in a drop of ten tails was dripped into the place where little Sun Wukong's dantian was.

After coming to Dragon Ball World, Wuchen's first thought was to take a look, if he encountered the absolute protagonist of the Dragon Ball plot, Sun Wukong.

Then, you must compare yourself with the other party to see who is more powerful.

However, I never thought that it was too early for Wuchen to come to Dragon Ball World at this time.

Sun Wukong is still at the age of a child, and he has not left the Baozi Mountain where Sun Wufan raised him.

Therefore, Wuchen had another thought, that is, to instill the power of the true source that he obtained from other worlds into this little Monkey King.

Even some other seeds that he thinks are good in the Dragon Ball world.

Then, take this to see to what realm their potential will grow in the future. ..

004. Future Plan [Second Update]

And, the reason why, last night, did not take advantage of Sun Wukong's transformation into a gorilla to pass out and pour ten seeds into it.

The same is true.

Wuchen knew that even if a Saiyan turned into a super gorilla with a tenfold increase in combat power, it would have a negative impact on the body due to excessive overloading in a short period of time.

What's more, He Wuchen is still Monkey King, the inferior bloodline warrior of Saiyan who broke his brain.

"Then, even if the ten-tailed seeds in his body haven't been activated yet, for the sake of little Sun Wukong, I have to think of a way to prevent him from turning into that kind of gorilla..."

Wuchen said silently in his heart, while holding up the little Sun Wukong who was a little big in his hand, he walked into his thatched hut.

Little Sun Wukong really had tossed too much last night, and now he fell asleep immediately after being knocked out by Wuchen.

In this way, it is not clear whether it was Wuchen who knocked him unconscious or whether he took the opportunity to take a nap and take a nap.


At this moment, a thought flashed by Wuchen.

The fluffy tail behind the little Sun Wukong, which was different from ordinary people, was scraped off in an instant, and then disappeared into a puff of blue smoke.

However, as the original owner of the tail, he just felt a little itchy at the tailbone, so he reached out and scratched while snoring in his sleep.

If there is a first requirement for removing Saiyans from turning into gorillas, then it is natural to cut off their tails.

This is the internal cause in their bodies. After sealing the tail, even if the Saiyans can heal their tails, they will not be able to grow again.

But in order to be safe, we also need to start with external factors at the same time.

That is, the main reason that induces Saiyans to become gorillas.

That is, Earth's satellite, the Moon, that reflects a lot of the sun's beta rays.

For example, the previous Turtle Immortal and the later Piccolo did this.

Since these two ordinary humans can do it, destroying a mere moon is naturally not a problem for Wuchen.

But the point is, at this point, it's not the evening when the sun sets.

In other words, it is where the little Sun Wukong lives, and the moon has not yet appeared.

The moon is still on the other half of the planet.

However, the dust is still in action.

I saw that he was holding the little Sun Wukong in both hands, standing at the door and suddenly looking back at the sky.


A divine power loomed and flew into the sky.

In an instant, this divine power traveled along the earth's stratosphere to the other half of the planet where the moon emerged.


In the blink of an eye, the moon was blown apart.

Make a loud noise.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of the explosion of the moon had not yet reached the earth.

There is a vortex, at the center point of its explosion, suddenly generated.

Then, a huge attraction was born, and the surrounding split-nuclear star fragments were sucked in.

Even nearby sounds and light waves are swallowed into the twisted vortex.

All the matter disappeared completely.

Therefore, the artificial satellites orbiting the earth did not observe the explosion that occurred in a very short period of time without sound or light leaking out.

Immediately, the vortex disappeared silently.

By the time people noticed that the moon had disappeared, it was already the second day.

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