On the side of the earth where the little Sun Wukong lives, people still don't know the moon is missing.

At this moment, out of nowhere, came a low voice:

"This power is far from the power that our dimension can send out..."

"Could it be that another turmoil is about to happen?"



Boom boom boom...

It seemed to be the sound of the planet moving, and then the whispering sound disappeared.

Dust-free, this fashion does not know the murmur of this outer space.

He looked at the little Monkey King lying soundly on the bed, and silently planned his future plans in this Dragon Ball world.

Now, Sun Wukong has been buried in the ten-tailed seed as the number one seed.

When he grows into Super Saiyan 2, that drop of true blood will germinate automatically.

Then, according to Wuchen's thoughts, Immortal Turtle is also the next seed.

From the first part to the last part, the unique skills of Turtle Immortals, the Qigong Bo of the Turtle School, were brought into full play in the hands of the Sun family.

More importantly, no matter how strong the foreign invaders are, as long as they dare to confront the Sun family, they will lose without exception.

Of course, by virtue of this, it does not explain how powerful the Turtle School Qigong Wave is.

However, in the early Dragon Ball low martial arts world, he was able to realize the turtle qigong wave.

Even as an ordinary earthman, he used this trick to smash the moon.

Then, Immortal Turtle's martial arts talent is not too bad.

You know, in the later Dragon Ball Super, it was inspired by the turtle fairy that Sun Wukong realized the ultimate mystery of 'Freedom and Ultimate Mind'.

As a result, in the final confrontation of the Almighty Universe, he defeated Jiren, the strongest human being in the eleventh universe, and obtained an absolute victory from the destruction of the universe.

Therefore, it is also a good idea to choose Turtle Immortal as a candidate for his Dragon Ball Seed Project.

Moreover, how much they can upgrade depends on their respective efforts in the later stage.

It's not that they are given ten-tailed seeds, so they can sit without worry and stop exercising their martial arts and physical fitness.

However, several small worlds have been turned around.

Wuchen felt more and more that he should expand the candidate target of the Dragon Ball Seed Project from the pure martial artist range to a larger one.

For example, in the Dragon Ball world, the characters who are also known for their high IQ naturally prefer the Bulma father and daughter.

Moreover, after Sun Wukong woke up, Wuchen asked him his age and answered that it was 11 years and 10 months.

Although I don't know if Sun Wukong has remembered correctly, it is not too far from the 12-year-old Sun Wukong self-reported at the beginning of the original book.

It means that the time when the little Sun Wukong meets Bulma is coming soon.

At that time, Sun Wukong will follow Booma and run around the world to find seven dragon balls that can make wishes.

For the Seven Dragon Balls, Wuchen has no idea yet.

In his eyes, this kind of thing is just pure yy for children.

Not much practical effect.

Anyway, as a person who has crossed countless worlds and seen countless wonders, he has no desire or desire.

Dragon Balls, in the final analysis, are just playthings created by the earthlings at that time in order to satisfy their own desires and pray to the gods.

When it comes to the realm of Wuchen, immortality has long been established, and the strongest person in the world has long been established.

As for the future, whether he will meet more powerful opponents in the Dragon Ball world, then it will be up to him.After all, relying on Dragon Ball, it is impossible to defeat an opponent that even Wuchen can't solve.

Just like that, Wuchen didn't have any thoughts about Dragon Ball.

Just step up the training of the little Sun Wukong who is full of heart and soul. ..

005. Training [First Update]

The little Sun Wukong, who was defeated by Wuchen's move, was naturally convinced by him.

Moreover, after waking up that day, he pestered Wuchen to ask him how his flying skills were developed.

Although Wuchen doesn't know what's going on with Dragon Ball's Qi;

But having been to so many small worlds, he naturally knows how to fly.

The world of martial arts is similar, and He Wuchen's Wuchen at this time has been promoted to the realm of the gods. Naturally, he is more able to integrate the doorway of this low-level martial arts.

Immediately, combined with his experience in other worlds such as the Navy's six-style moon step, he turned a corner and told the little Sun Wukong, and named this kind of light work as the super moon step.

Unexpectedly, the little Sun Wukong was able to get through at one point.

After listening to Wuchen's words, he pondered for a while, and quickly understood.

To tell the truth, whether it is what I saw with my own eyes or what is written in the original book;

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