"[Big Black Sky]!"

Countless sharp sword lights shot out from the iron sword in Hawkeye's hand without any dead ends.



bang bang bang...

Countless corpses fell to the ground unharmed.


Hawkeye retracted his sword into the sheath and gently fell back to the ground.

"Oh yeah! It's finally cleared!"

Dust-free in the restaurant happily raised the handheld and cheered.

Although handheld games are long outdated, there are still a few that are worth playing.

The wealthy and elites from all walks of life who did not hide, when they heard Wuchen's cries, for fear that he would attract the attention of the soldiers of the Red Silk Army, they had the heart to strangle him.

Then they looked out the window.

All were stunned.

The soldiers of the Red Silk Army who were still surrounded by layers just now collapsed to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.In the eyes of these mortals, they naturally couldn't see whether the soldiers who didn't have a trace of blood were alive or dead.

Only Hawkeye with a sword on his waist stood outside unscathed. ..

022. Primitive Artificial Human [First Update]

"The Red Silk Army's white-clothed corps are all excellent fighters of the top [-]. Not long ago, they defeated an army of [-] people in Mengfeilan, where Beidu was five hundred miles south. !"

"How could it be so easily destroyed by a swordsman..."

"Wow! It's amazing! This little brother is so handsome!" The little loli who just spoke up shouted loudly.

"With progress, Hawkeye's swordsmanship has become more and more proficient... He really deserves to be my capable fighter..."

Wuchen raised his eyelids and walked outside the restaurant to meet Hawkeye.

Looking at him, he whispered contentedly.

He already knew a lot about the swordsmanship of the Pirate World, and naturally he immediately saw Hawkeye's moves.

Moreover, because the blood thoughts are synchronized with the real world, the eagle eye made of ghost paper before is the true strength of the eagle eye in the small world of pirates at that time.

at this time.

An arrogant voice full of anger suddenly came from the shore:

"Someone dares to provoke our Red Silk Army, I really don't know what to do!"

"The major general will come to meet you for a while!"


A whip slapped the ground and exploded.

"Climb quickly, dead android!"

The voice continued to roar.



dong dong dong...

Immediately afterwards, a stout-eyed strong man in a dirty suit was lying on all fours and dragging the heavy black handcuffs and anklets.

Step by step.

On half of his body, there are dark scabs of whip marks visible to the naked eye.

Even now, he still slaps from time to time and gets a violent whiplash.

It was caused by the man he was stomping on who swung the whip like a horse.

That man doesn't look much older than Eagle Eye.

The fat head has a pair of bulging eyes, looking at everything around him disdainfully.

Seeing the corpse lying on the ground, he pointed at Hawkeye and roared angrily:

"Dog thing, what a good thing you did!"


A long whip shadow called at Hawkeye.

And recklessly and completely ignoring the dust-free who may be in front of Hawkeye.


Hawkeye quickly flashed out from behind Wuchen.

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