Then, he grabbed the fierce red whip and held on to it.

"Hey, kid!"

"Dare to grab Major General Neil's whip!"

The man who called himself the 'major general' saw Hawkeye grabbed his whip and pulled it back desperately.

The whip did not move.

And he was reluctant to put down the whip handle, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to pull.

"It was you..."

Wuchen on the other side smiled when he heard the other party's words.

Immediately understood the identity of the other party, it is the son of General Blue, the boss behind the Red Silk Army in the original book.

Although it was not mentioned in the original book, it is normal for that vicious one-eyed general to give birth to such a stubborn prodigal.

Hawkeye stood coldly in the middle of the courtyard, his hunched body pinched the end of the whip.

The whip that was three meters long was pulled straight.

The 'Major General' seemed to hear Wuchen's taunting, and he increased his strength, leaning back and pulling the whip rope back.

"Shit, if you don't let go, this Major General will call someone to smash you to pieces..."

After speaking, he glanced outside again, intending to find his guard.

Unexpectedly, all those guards were killed by Hawkeye without leaving behind.

"Hawkeye, let it go."

Wuchen saw that the major general was blushing because he used all his strength, he suddenly seized an opportunity and said softly.

Immediately, the whip rope was released.


The fat Neil was just overjoyed when he fell from the tall and strong man because he couldn't control his center of gravity because of inertia.

It fell heavily to the ground, setting off a layer of black smoke.

"Bah! Bah! Bah... shit!"

Major General Neil slowly got up from the ground and supported the slightly crooked military cap.

Angrily stared at the big round eyes and looked at the two Hawkeyes.

Just wanted to raise the whip and beat it, but then cowardly shrank back.


Then, he directly drew the strong man in front of him, and made a bright red blood mark.


clap clap clap...

He kept whipping, shedding anger that had nowhere to go.

"Dog android, it's fine if you don't help Major General Ben, and you dare to drop Major General Ben!"

The strong man was beaten constantly by the whip, but he did not dare to complain.

He just gritted his teeth, anger flashed in his eyes, and his bulging muscles fluctuated.

But he could only press down, holding back.

Wuchen glanced at it and sighed deeply.He knew why this strong man didn't dare to fight back, but he didn't expect him to be so servile.

After a while, Major General Neil, perhaps exhausted from exhaustion, stopped.

Thinking of staring at the two of them, but seeing the other party's fearless appearance, I felt a little timid in my heart.

So, the voice was amplified and boldly said:

"Who the two of you are!"

Then, pointing to the strong man on the ground, he said loudly:

"Robot No. [-], as long as you can help Major General Ben teach the two guys on the opposite side, then Major General Ben can let you go to the army to be a clerk!"


After speaking, the major general fumbled around on his body, took out a key and threw it in front.

The brawny man had a rare joy on his face when he heard the words, and quickly took the key and opened the iron chain on his body.

Although he is still not free, and he is just a cook who manages kitchen chores;

But in his opinion, as long as he is not the major general's mount, he is better than anything else.

The eagle eye on the opposite side watched the strong man stand up, with a body more than two meters tall.

Even though he has regained his freedom now, he still does not dare to escape, but instead faces the two of them with a fierce light.

There was greed and longing in his eyes.

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