At the moment when these words were spoken, before everyone could react, the sound of a booming explosion sounded and ripped apart in the air!

White smoke appeared in the torn space, and only a clattering sound was heard, and a gigantic snake that was [-] meters high appeared instantly!

The white snake appeared.

This surprised everyone!

At this time, Ignilu was also very surprised.

Said: "Does this kid still have such a big trick?"

There was a look of surprise on his face.

But soon he was surprised, and he couldn't help laughing and said, "Let's help him!"

Natsu nodded, and with a hum, a demonic flame appeared in his hand.

He knows what's hidden there!

I saw the black flame in his hand getting stronger and stronger.

Ignilu immediately continued to benefit at this moment.

Natsu roared, and suddenly fell from the air, followed by a large group of allied forces of the magic world.

A group of people rushed out directly, and the demon soldiers shouted very loudly.

The moment Natsu rushed out, his hands swept away!

Before everyone could keep up, he fell directly into the sea, and the magic soldiers who appeared at sea were suddenly swept out by his claws!

Orochimaru is no joke.

The tails hidden in the sea were also swept away, and the magic soldiers were immediately swept all around!

Wuchen snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned into the appearance of Samsara Jiugouyu.

The moment it turned into the appearance of Samsara Jiugouyu.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

I saw that he jumped on the head of the Yaqi Orochi at once!

Take a deep breath.

Blue light waves appeared on him.

Just when everyone was amazed.

On the huge body of the Orochi Orochi, the rumbling thunder covered the thick armor.

Ignilu was even more surprised.

Wuchen drove the Orchid Orochi under his crotch and rammed directly into the thick barrier.

There was a rumbling sound, and the thick barrier was directly knocked out by a huge gap.

What Wuchen wanted was more than that. He widened his eyes and roared violently, "Kirin!"

The words said, the light of thunder and lightning flashed in both palms, and two unicorns burst out in the hands, tearing directly, opening a huge gap.

The magic coalition broke into the island in an instant.

Everyone jumped directly from the boat onto the island.

Ignilu also entered through the gap, in the sky of the island, surrounded by flames, and sprayed directly from his mouth. All the passports wrapped on the island were completely burned.

At this time, everyone, after arriving on the island, looked at the huge tower on the island that rose straight into the sky.

All stunned.

Makarov snorted coldly, swept his sleeves and said, "Is that so!"

The Magic Alliance was soon attacked again.

"Kill them!"

"Kill the invaders!"

"Damn all intruders!"

Soon the magic soldiers came back, and everyone fell into a hard fight again.

Fakarov immediately opened his body powerfully and slammed it down with a punch, only to hear the sound of babbling.

Immediately after the punch was hit, it was the screams of those demon soldiers.

Ignilu also instantly turned on the berserk mode, like a bomber, and swept out with flames.

Its speed and strength are unparalleled, after all, it is the incredible existence of the Fire Dragon King Qiang.

Natsu is even more terrifying. He has a powerful demon body and is not afraid of being injured at all. When he punches out, he will bring countless demon soldiers!

The dust-free driving of the Orchid Orochi quickly took everyone to the front and rushed out violently.


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