Everyone finally rushed to the point where they were less than 500 meters away from the tower.

At this time, there are fewer and fewer demon soldiers, and the dark aura is getting heavier and heavier.

At this moment.

at this time.

In the east of the island, the sound of a booming explosion sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Gray was startled.

Quickly said: "What is that!"

Everyone looked over.

On the east side of Dongfang Island, a huge spaceship smashed directly there.

Wuchen snorted coldly, he saw that it was the symbol of the devil's heart!

He wants to destroy everything on this island before the gate of Hades, those people are monsters!

And although this demon heart is strong, it can still deal with it!

He said to everyone coldly, "Let me deal with these guys!"

Just as he said his words, a person flew out from the crashed spaceship.

Wuchen immediately recognized who it was, the one who flew in the air with the help of magic!

It is a person who directly reduces his own gravity to the lightest and leaps forward.


The damn man who uses gravity magic!

Wuchen snorted coldly.

The hands are suddenly in harmony.

He shouted loudly, "Woodun: The Art of Wood Man!"

In an instant, when everyone reacted, a huge wooden man appeared directly on his left!

The shepherd punched Brunot, who was rushing towards him.

Brunot was stunned for a moment, but immediately used gravity to strengthen his fists and punched him suddenly!

A booming sound rang out, and the wooden man was directly smashed and scrapped!

Dust-free snorted.

Controlling the eight-headed snake, he suddenly turned around and turned around. Because he was wearing a Susanoo, the snake at this time was very powerful, and immediately spit out a fierce light.

That contains venom and fire!

Brunot was directly hit by the violent light wave and flew out with a scream! ..

085. Devil Heart [First Update]

Wuchen sneered when he saw Brunot being knocked out, but soon Brunot stood up on the spot. He was beaten and fell into the forest, but he quickly stood up.

Brunot looked coldly at the dust-free standing on the high snake head

At this moment.

Natsu snorted coldly.

He flew to Wuchen in the air and said, "Let me deal with these guys!"

His words came out.

Just jump straight down.

Looking at Brunot wiped his mouth and said, "I'm going to knock you out!"

When Brunot heard this, he snorted coldly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his hands immediately fell down!

Immediately afterwards, the tyrannical gravity directly blessed Natsu!

How can Natsu manage so much, he is a demon himself, and his power is stronger after being activated!

He jumped out directly at this time. Although he was affected by gravity, he was so powerful that he punched Brunot in the face directly!

Brunot didn't have time to resist, he was punched in the face, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his teeth were sprayed out of his mouth.

Natsu didn't give him any face, and after falling to the ground, he directly pursued him fiercely.

Before Brunot had time to react, he saw black and red flames spurting out of Natsu's hand.

Natsu's flames were extremely terrifying, and the sudden flames made Brunot stunned.

That time, it was a loud roar: "The serial strikes of the demon dragon!"

The moment he said these words, he immediately waved his fist, and the crackling sound continued to sound, and the fist in his hand was swung extremely fast!

The waving fists kept hitting Brunotte's body.

Brunot was beaten and called back!

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