It appears to be the real name, and the horror has twisted runes and twisted energy.

Wuchen saw those runes and those ghost-like claws.

Said coldly: "You are distorted by this dark power!"

The man laughed out loud when he heard this, and the runes on his body also turbulent, like snakes moving around on his body.

There was a bit of ferocity in his eyes, and he straightened his eyes and said, "Who is it that has been distorted? My strength is unparalleled, I will be the king of the world starting from conquering you, but although you seem to be very It looks amazing, but it's not worth my shot, come out, my servant!"

He spoke softly and waved to the front.

Right now.

Darkness flashed.

A swipe.

Not far in front of him.

Walking slowly in the smoke floating in front of Wuchen, one person came out.

I saw that the man was strong, his body was like a stack of rocks, and there was an iron mask on his face.

He walked out slowly, his eyes were like the eyes of a devil, and he was generally tall and very tall.

In the right hand is an axe.

Came out coldly.

Looking at Wuchen in front of him, he said, "Kill!"

The moment a simple sentence was spit out of his mouth, the start of the killing was already decided!

I saw that the man immediately swung his axe, jumped out, and slashed out with a sudden blow!

Fast, amazingly fast, fast, incredible!

Wuchen was also startled, but his hands were also fast!

I saw that he completed the seal immediately, and shouted loudly: "Shui Dun: Water Array!"

The moment the words were spoken, a huge water was born in front of him.

The water column instantly wrapped the man in front of him.

After the man was wrapped, he was stunned for a while, because he had dropped the axe from the air and wanted to be clean.

But the axe slashed into the high-speed rotating water, which made his hand feel a little painful.

But he quickly reacted, coming back and snorting coldly, standing still and roaring!

The energy exploded all over the body, and the rumbling sound of water directly exploded.

Wuchen had already withdrawn to complete the seals of more than a dozen hands, and shouted loudly in the air: "Huo Dun: The arrogant fire is extinguished!"

The moment the sound fell, a violent flame erupted from his mouth!

The violent flames turned into fireballs and fell from the air like a meteorite.

The man was unafraid, and saw that his body immediately sank, and then he lifted the ghost-headed axe in his hand and struck it down suddenly.

Only a bang was heard, and the huge fireball was directly slashed and exploded, and scattered around, and many things in the palace were ignited by the fireball.

But the man who was covered in runes and wearing a dark cloud and black dragon robe didn't care, he just walked lightly towards the throne in the center of the hall.

When he walked to the throne, he turned around and swept his sleeves and sat down, watching the two of them as if they were watching the duel of the dead in the dueling arena!

Wuchen snorted coldly.

Take a deep breath.

The instant he landed from the air, he slapped the ground with his palm, and at this moment the man with the big axe was almost in front of him.

Wuchen shouted loudly, "Woodun: The Art of Cloth Bags!"

The moment the voice fell, countless trees immediately grew beside the man, and those trees immediately entangled the man with the big axe, and it was even more entangled!

The man couldn't move at all.

Wuchen snorted coldly, wanting to end his life, but soon, he was stunned first, this guy, this guy looks familiar, wait for this guy.

This is Simon!

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

I didn't expect it to be him!


There was some inexplicable complexity in his expression.

At this time, the man in the dark cloud and black dragon robe gently swept his sleeves and said: "Human beings are such fragile things that they can be manipulated by emotions, do you know Simon? He has now become the same existence as me, But he's a little bit lower than me and became my family! He is my family now! But the power is just as strong!"

After saying this, the violent Simon suddenly burst with one hand!

I saw that dark energy erupted all over his body, and the trees around him clacked, and they were directly shocked!

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