Wuchen immediately covered his mouth and nose, took two or three steps back again, and looked back at the abyss that fell directly behind him.

He took a deep breath, knowing that it would be troublesome now!

Simon has been transformed into this appearance, and this is a big trouble!

The more I thought about it, the more troubled I felt.

At this time, Simon roared angrily and widened his eyes.

Like an angry bull, he rushed out with a big axe in his hand.

Seeing him suddenly rushing over, Wuchen was also very helpless, gritted his teeth, and his hands immediately formed seals.

He shouted loudly: "Woodun: The tree world is born!" ..

090, Simon [First Update]

As the sound fell, the moment Simon rushed over, he was immediately entangled by those trees, and at the same time, his body was instantly smashed out by the trees growing from under the earth.

After he was directly hit and flew out, he hit the top of the hall.

He hit the ceiling and fell to the ground with a bang. There was even a big hole on the floor. He got up and shook the dust from his body, and threw the axe in his hand directly to the side.

Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "This guy is really troublesome!"

He knows that he can't kill Simon now, after all, this is also Erza's partner.

Erza will be very sad if she kills Simon.

But Simon's frenzied state cannot be fully awakened, which is troublesome.

The more I think about it, the more helpless I feel.

And this time.

The man in the dark cloud and black dragon robe said coldly, "You don't want to kill him, do you? But you have no choice! Simon killed him for me!"

When Simon heard these words, he immediately threw the axe in his hand, his fists collided, and black flames appeared on it.

A deep flame like the night burned out in his hand, and the powerful light wave made the surrounding feel hot.

Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted coldly and said, "It's not that simple!"

His words came out in one breath and inhaled deeply into his stomach.

He had absorbed the power of the magic cannon just now and was already powerful!

And its own body is also extremely powerful, and the speed of generating energy is also fast.

Even in the face of Simon, the current state of rage is completely true.

But what I am most afraid of is that if Simon is completely unable to wake up for a while, and drags his footsteps, the people at the gate of the underworld will just rush over and kill all of them, which will be troublesome!

With this thought in Wuchen's heart, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

His eyes changed immediately, just as Simon's fist was about to hit him.

The dust-free eyes immediately turned into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

In an instant, I saw the moment when his eyes changed.

Simon was stunned, he froze in place, the flames on his hands were still burning, and the momentum of his body remained the same, but he was stunned involuntarily, the two of them were only a few steps away from each other.

But Simon was stiff and sluggish, as if he had seen a devil. He couldn't say a word, and his body was stiff. The devil-like eyes slowly faded from black and purple, and turned into normal human eyes. His eyes All of them were full of fierce colors, and I couldn't help but widen my eyes, and the incantation marks on my face began to decrease.

Wuchen took a deep breath, and sure enough, Yuedu was useful to this person!

This is the only way to awaken his will, although the energy in Simon's body is already the power of demons, the terrifying power from the abyss!

But it is also good to wake up his will, maybe his firm will can resist the power of the abyss, so as to obtain the energy of the devil!

Natsu is also a demon, and he also has the desire to destroy, but with his blunt and powerful will, he deeply overcomes the violent state and becomes a person who can use the power of demons. Maybe Simon in front of him can do it too. .

When Wuchen was thinking like this, Simon's left eye was immediately covered with the brutality of the devil and the black and purple light.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not saved anymore, kill me, let me stop being a minion for him, everyone died, all gave their lives for his great cause, he is a king who has nothing to save. , the world can be peaceful only if he kills him! Otherwise, the world will fall and kill me, I have no salvation!"

There was helplessness in Simon's words, and he was really determined. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His whole body was shaking. He knew that he would never see his companions again, let alone the red-haired girl in his dream. !

But so what?As long as you are dead, you can't be controlled by them!

Wuchen gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

Said, "What a hassle!"

His words came out.

Immediately, the monthly reading was launched again!

At this moment, the man in the dark cloud and black dragon robe suddenly stood up because he felt it.

Simon's contact with himself is actually decreasing, and this time he has troubled himself, but he has made a contract of ability with Simon.

If Simon breaks free from the bondage of the contract, it means that the power he gave not only cannot be taken back, but also cannot be controlled by Simon. one!

Just then.

Just when the man was about to shoot.

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