Wuchen snorted coldly, blood-red tears flowed directly from his eyes, his eyes widened suddenly, and Simon's body slammed and disappeared instantly within three seconds!

At this time, Simon hadn't reacted yet, and was immediately absorbed into the Shenwei space!

He stared blankly for 4 weeks at this time, only feeling that the connection was becoming less and less, but soon his mind became more and more dizzy, and he fainted directly in the space with a snap!

Wuchen took a deep breath, using the divine power is really laborious, just like using the power of the Six Paths.

The burden is only laborious, and it will reduce the strength of the eyes, and it will also reduce the energy of your own!

But this guy...

It shouldn't be that hard to deal with.

That's when he was thinking about it in his heart.

at this time.

The man already had a deep and gloomy look on his face.

He coldly stretched out his right hand like a ghost's claw, clenched his fist and said, "You damn bastard, you dare to do such a thing, and dare to destroy my plan, right? I have to clean it up properly. You, I will dig your soul out of your body and refine it into the most sinister puppet, I will torture you forever, and I will chew your soul as a snack!"

His words came out of his mouth frantically, and his eyes were full of anger!

Wuchen didn't care, and replied with a smile: "Okay, then come when you have the seeds!"

When he spoke his words, his hands did not stop at all, and the seal was completed immediately, and immediately he raised his head and spurted out flames.

The flames that spewed out immediately smashed down on the top of the man's head like a meteor, and the man didn't react.

Wuchen said with a cold smile: "Huo Dun: Fengxian Fire Technique!"

Immediately following the flames, the man immediately avoided embarrassedly. Although his strength was very powerful, he was frightened by the flames at this time, and he couldn't help but hide for 4 weeks!

After the flames slowly disappeared, he stood up awkwardly and clenched his fists. He also knew that I was too stupid just now!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn bastard!" ..

091~92, Defeated [Second Update]

When his words came out, he immediately stretched out his right hand, and then the ghost claw of his right hand opened directly, and the snake-like incantations on his hand kept moving!

He roared loudly, "Laser Magic: Wear!"

These words said, a small magic circle appeared immediately from the palm of his hand, and the laser magic was activated in an instant, and the laser magic was directly ejected from the palm of his hand.

Wuchen's eyes widened, he knew there was no way to escape, he could only slap his hands suddenly, and shouted loudly: "Mu Dun: Mu Dingbi!"

The words came out in front of him and the sound of popping sounded!

Immediately, many shields made of wood appeared.

But it didn't have much effect. The laser swiped directly and made the wood directly catch fire.

Dust-free flashed to the side.

In my heart, I was astonished, this guy's strength is a bit strong!

At this moment.

The man once again stretched out his right hand and raised it to the ceiling.

He shouted loudly: "Enchantment Magic: Wet the Earth!"

When the voice fell, he immediately retracted his outstretched hand and slapped it on the floor with a sudden slap.

Wuchen felt that something was wrong, and immediately leaped!

at this time.

He saw with his own eyes that the floor turned into black sludge, and there was nothing blocking the sky for 4 weeks, and everything changed.

He was stunned.

At this time, a grim smile appeared on the man's face, and the surrounding area was no longer a palace, but a large area of ​​pitch black.

Underfoot is black mud.

Those houses are surging like swamps!

The man sneered, and saw that his right hand was once again casting a spell, and shouted loudly: "Binding magic: black hand!"

The words said that from the surging black mystery, dozens of snakes immediately rushed out and entangled them.

Wuchen snorted coldly when he saw the entangled snakes, and immediately summoned sand in the air.

He stepped on the sand, and with a roar, his palms slapped violently.

He shouted angrily: "Huo Dun: arrogant fire extinguishes arrows!"

The voice fell for a moment, and the mouth immediately spit out violent flames. The black snakes rushing under the feet were instantly burned and screamed, and the sludge under the feet was dried.

Wuchen then jumped from the sand onto the large piece of dried sludge.

He looked at it as if he was standing on a floor at this time, and felt the enchantment magic just now when he was 4 weeks old. In fact, he completely transferred the two of himself to another space!

He said coldly, "Has the space shifted?"

The man smiled coldly and said: "It is true, you can understand it like this, but you... have no chance!"

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