Wuchen shook his head and said: "Of course I didn't use it, it's Qi! It's the air mass I excite in the air! Although these air masses will be partially blocked by your shield, they will still be leaked! And also It can penetrate your shield instantly! Because it is not a complete entity! And your shield is water with gaps!"

As soon as these words came out, Gerald's face changed.

He also understood, he gritted his teeth and said, "Even so, you can't kill me, and you can't beat me!"

When his words came out, he immediately widened his eyes and saw that his whole body increased in energy!

The energy in the whole body exploded directly, and the black-purple light waves were surging constantly on the body.

At this moment, he smiled wildly and said, "Do you think you can kill me? It's completely impossible, I have the strongest power, and everyone in the world will respect me as a god!"

His words said that his body slowly left the ground, slowly floating in the air, his hands stretched out, and his clothes were ruffled by the wind. At this moment, he was crazy like a mad dog.

There was a deep madness in his eyes.

Wuchen stared at him coldly and said, "I'll just see how much power you have!"

When his words came out, he immediately jumped up and kicked out.

He shouted loudly, "Knoba Gangli Whirlwind!"

When the words are spoken, it is directly rotated and kicked out!

But at this time, Gerald immediately swiped in the air with his right hand!

Followed by.

The dust-free kick was kicked in the air.

And it fell directly to the ground.

Just now, Wuchen also noticed it, he quickly took two or three steps back and looked at Gerald floating in the air.

Brows frowned slightly

He said coldly: "Is it a protective cover formed with special energy? Good! It's really powerful!"

Gerald laughed and said, "You're finished, Devil's Claw!"

As soon as his words came out, his expression became cold, and his hands suddenly made a gesture in the void.

Wuchen immediately saw black and purple claws appearing on both sides, and pressed directly towards him.

Clean but don't care at all.

Immediately, he suddenly threw his hands and shouted loudly: "Shocking door: open!!!"

The moment the words were spoken, the blue light wave shot straight into the sky, and the claws that rushed over were immediately scrapped by the blue light wave.

At this time, Gerald was taken aback

His eyes widened, and he quickly took a half step back in the air.

At this time, Wuchen leaped up and punched out!

His fist was extremely fast, and in an instant it hit Gerald's body with one punch.

Gerald didn't have time to react at all, but he was punched in the face, and his entire face was crooked.

Wuchen shouted loudly, "Give me death!"

The voice said, it is to use the peacock again!

Immediately after that, the fiery red fist continued to shed light, and Gerald was hit close by.

His body was smashed directly to the other side of the altar with a bang.

Dust-free also landed from the sky.

But he is faster.

In an instant, he reached Gerald's side, and his hands were sealed!

He shouted loudly, "Day Tiger!"

The moment the sound fell, a white giant tiger appeared directly, knocking Geral up into the air!

Wuchen widened his eyes, and once again flicked his hands, taking advantage of Gerald being kicked into the sky.

He roared loudly: "The door to death! The Eight Doors Dunjia Formation! Open!!!"

When the sound fell, the blood-red light shot up into the sky, and it also jumped up, kicked directly on Gerard's back, and Gerald was immediately kicked.

The dust-free body flashed quickly beside him, constantly holding his body to accept the colleague who couldn't move at all.

Wuchen roared.

He shouted loudly, "Xixiang!"

The voice fell, and the fists formed a hammer!

A hammer hit Gerald directly on the back

Gerald was hit in the back like a blind man, and slammed into the stone pillar on the altar beside him with a bang.

His eyes were full of horror. He was already bruised and bruised, and the clothes on his body were tattered, revealing the white clothes he was wearing there.

Wuchen took a breath and slowly fell from the air to the ground.

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