At this time, the distance between the two is only 20 meters.

Wuchen took a deep breath. He knew that to deal with this guy, he had to blow up all his body first. Although there was a lot of magic power in Gerald, Gerald's body was still a mortal body after all, although it had been transformed. Some, but still mortal bodies!

Gerald is a life-sucking guy, and he doesn't make jokes about his body.

Of course Wuchen knew what he was thinking.

A sneer appeared on his face, since these magic powers are so dark, then give them all to yourself, but before that, you must kick Gerald's body until it is scrapped!

Followed by.

Wuchen immediately arched his body, as if he was about to start, and the phantom of a giant dragon appeared on his body.

I saw him slowly raised his head, looked coldly at Gerald who was swaying and stood up, and said coldly, "This kick will kill you!"

Hearing these words, Gerald showed a look of surprise on his face, and the strange spells he smelled immediately moved. He roared loudly: "Give me death! Freeze magic: space!"

The moment his words were spoken, he immediately stretched out his right hand and shook it suddenly in the void.

At this time, Makarov was obviously anxious, his expression changed, and he quickly said loudly: "Be careful, he can freeze the space..."

Wuchen shouted loudly at this time: "Yekai!!!"

The moment the sound fell, the space had not had time to freeze, and I saw that he was astonishingly fast, kicked out with an incomparably fast kick, and flames were burning at his feet!

The moment he kicked out, Gerald's eyes narrowed, but this kick hit him directly in the face!

Gerald's entire body was kicked and flew out, hitting his back with a rumbling sound, and it stopped on a huge rock.

Wuchen also immediately returned

He was almost limping. ..

094, Advent [fourth more]

At this time, Gerald was beyond recognition, but his body was still recovering, and half of his body was kicked off.

At this moment, Gerald's whole body seemed to be scorched.

Slowly get up from the ground.

His hands like ghost claws are even more ferocious.

There was anger in his eyes.

He has been kicked off the altar.

At this time, one of the five elements at the altar was destroyed.

Just gold.

At this time, Gerald said: "You are so strong that it is incredible, your physical skills are amazing, it is completely impossible for anyone to make such a move, but so what??!"

His words said, only to see his body heal quickly, he stood up, and immediately tore off the clothes on his body.

His upper body is covered in tattoos.

Or all kinds of spells!

The incantation wrapped around him like a snake, made people feel an inexplicable evil when they saw it!

Gerald laughed loudly: "There is the darkest power in the world hidden in my body, and there is a power that can control the world, but as long as I detonate it, even if I can't rule the world, even if I will die! Then you too I will fall into the darkest situation! Then the whole world will be buried with me! The world I can't get will never be left to you!"

Gerald's words came out, and I saw that he immediately stretched out his right hand, slammed it suddenly, and a puff sounded, and his right hand penetrated his chest!

Wuchen's eyes widened, and the others were stunned.

Makarov had a look of surprise in his eyes, and he couldn't figure it out.

Elsa's eyes were round, and there was a bit of heartache in her eyes.

That was his former friend, but he was bewitched by the devil and became another devil.

His teeth were clenched, his eyes filled with tears.

At this time, Gerald laughed and said: "Come on, you have to face your death, make a choice! What can you have before death? Hahahahaha!"

His words were extremely exaggerated.

And at this time, he immediately opened his chest directly.

The incantations that were constantly moving around like snakes on his chest instantly changed the atmosphere around him.

Because everyone knew that it was about to activate the power of the explosion.

Wuchen took a deep breath and could see that this guy had gone crazy.

But the only way can only be that way!

And right now.

in the public eye.

Under the circumstance that everyone is amazed.

I saw a muffled voice from the sky: "It's time to recycle the world I created!"

Wuchen suddenly looked up and saw the phantom of a man with horns appearing in the sky!

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