The man had horns on his head, and his face was hideous, like a devil, with wings on his back.With a strong and burly figure, when the phantom appeared, everyone was stunned.

This guy……

This guy...isn't that the legendary Ansel Alam!

Wuchen also recognized it, he snorted coldly, looked at the phantom of the man above his head, and said coldly: "It seems that you have finally appeared!"

His words had just come out.

Gerald's expression was stunned!

But right now

Anse Alam slowly appeared in the air with a swipe.

I saw a burly man with wings on his back and at the same time like a demon slowly descending from the air.

He landed on the altar from the sky.

He looked back at Gerard, who had energy brewing in his body.

Shaking his head and sighing, he said, "It's too weak, forget it..."

His words just came out.

With a sound of the dust-free brush, it flashed and flew over.

After all, he is light!

Ansel Alam didn't react at all.

And this time.

At this time, Gerald was also stunned.

The dust-free eyes instantly turned into reincarnation eyes.

At the same time, both hands directly clasped Gerald's hands.

When Gerald's eyes were surprised.

Wuchen shouted loudly: "Hungry Ghost Road: Swallow!"

At this moment, Gerald froze involuntarily.

But in an instant, he felt that the power in his body was constantly being drawn away, and he stood there stunned.

Wuchen is madly using the power in his body, and directly draws the energy in Gerald's body to replenish his own power. He doesn't care about the dark energy at all.

Tou Tai, itself is a collection of darkness and light!

It is possible to receive these energies in the first place.

Soon the energy is constantly filling the dust-free body.

The incantations on Gerald disappeared in an instant, and his body fell softly.

His expression also changed and fainted in place.

There was a smile on Wuchen's face.

Turning to look at Anse Alam, he said, "I knew you would definitely appear!"

Ansel Alam looked at the dust-free coldly

Say, "You bloody bastard, that's my energy!"

Wuchen didn't intend to push him too hard!

Immediately the seal is completed.

He shouted loudly, "Fire Escape: The Art of Fireball!"

This is spoken.

Immediately spit out a huge fireball from his mouth.

This fireball surprised everyone!

Ansel Alam was also taken aback.

He hurriedly took a half step back, and at the same time, he punched his right hand, and a black light wave appeared from his hand, which immediately shattered the fireball!

Wuchen had already appeared directly on his head.

Both hands are finished

He said coldly, "Spirituality: Orochimaru!"

The moment the words were spoken, a huge white smoke appeared in the air.

When Ansel Alam looked up, he saw an incomparably huge white snake descending from the sky, hitting him with a bang!

Wuchen had already appeared behind the white snake.

Anse Alam was already crushed under the giant snake.

But just when everyone was surprised.

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