Ansel Alam slowly understood, he gritted his teeth, roared, his fists clenched, and suddenly expanded outwards!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of rumbling sounded, and the sound of explosion appeared!

The stones wrapped around him were directly blown away by the shock!

But at this moment, Wuchen immediately became a pair of palms, his eyes widened and he shouted: "Xianfa: Yin Dunlei School!"

The voice fell, and immediately stretched out both palms to the front!

at this time.

A black light appeared on the hand.

The black light turned white, forming a space between thunder and light, and it rushed out with a crackle.

Ansel Alam was startled in an instant, but he was quickly electrocuted and screamed with wailing.

Wuchen shouted loudly: "Lun Tomb: Border Prison!"

The moment the words fell!

I saw his clones rushed out in an instant.

The detached figure rushed out and formed directly at the 4 corners beside Ansel Alam.

Wuchen said coldly: "Four Scarlet Sun Formation!"

Ansel Alam was stunned involuntarily. At this moment, he looked at 4 weeks, and saw that the 4 corners were immediately blocked, and at the same time, a formation that was tightly locked in all directions directly wrapped him in in.

Wuchen snorted coldly.

The palms slammed abruptly, hitting the ground.

Said coldly: "Let you try this trick! God: The tree world is born!"

The voice fell, and a huge tree immediately grew behind him.

At the same time, a white bandage appeared immediately from the tree behind him.

The white bandages became more and more, and they were directly wrapped around.

Where did Ansel Alam have time to resist, he was tied together in an instant, and just after being tied, he widened his eyes and said, "You want to attract my power!"

Wuchen said coldly: "Good idea!" ..

096. Support [Second Update]

His words came out, and immediately the bandages tightened even tighter.

At the same time, energy was immediately sent to him.

Wuchen felt very comfortable in an instant, with a smile on his face and said, "What?? Are you comfortable?"

The words were spoken.

Ansel Alam immediately sensed the 10-point horror of the loss of energy in his body.

At the same time, he also saw that the huge tree behind Wuchen grew more rapidly, and at the same time there was a slowly growing fruit on it.

Wuchen said coldly: "I don't believe you can resist!"

Ansel Alam said coldly: "Really? Then you guessed wrong!"

The moment his words came out, he immediately opened his wings, and the sound of a hard click sounded, and the bandages wrapped around his body were immediately forcibly torn by his strength!

The bandages that were torn apart also cracked directly with the red formation!

Anse Alam instantly noticed that there was someone in 4 weeks, he roared loudly, and a huge magic circle appeared under his feet.

He said coldly: "You dare to show off your little tricks in front of me...?"

The moment he said his words, there was a thick black light above his hands, and his hands were spinning!

The 4 clones were hit directly and burst open and backed away in an instant.

Wuchen said coldly: "Is that so? Then let you try this trick! Amaterasu!"

The words were spoken.

Ansel Alam didn't have time to react, but he saw that flames were already burning on his body. The temperature of the flames made him involuntarily take a breath. Comparable, even similar to magic!

This guy.

He watched his burning speed getting faster and faster, and couldn't help stunned for a moment, but he quickly resisted!

He snorted coldly.

I saw a black light immediately appear on his body, directly wrapping the entire Amaterasu!

The moment Amaterasu was wrapped, it was immediately swallowed up.

No dust but no fear at all!

Immediately, small blue balls appeared on his fingers.

When the blue ball appeared in his hand, everyone was startled.

Wuchen raised his head coldly and said, "Your life! I want it!"

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