The moment he said his words, it was the blue ball in the palm of his hand, and it was also the energy added to the spiral pill!

Spiral pills are instantly added with various energies.

At the same time, a clone of the tomb of the wheel also appeared behind him.

There are also many spiral pills in the hands of the clone.

Wuchen shouted loudly: "Tailed beast spiral pill!"

His words were immediately thrown out of his hands

At this time, the clone behind him also threw all the spiral pills in his hands in an instant, and those spiral pills instantly turned into energy bodies with huge lethality!

With a loud noise, it was directly smashed out!

Anse Alam's eyes widened, and he immediately covered his body with his wings, but 9 huge spiral pills hit his body directly, and all the energy made his wings tattered When he got up, his eyes were full of surprise. He gritted his teeth and spread his wings, but soon Spiral Pill grabbed the point and immediately attacked his body. His entire body was instantly aching from those energies!

The severe pain made his face change.

At this moment, when everyone was amazed, just when they thought the battle was about to end.

Suddenly a big ship flew above the sky.

Ansel Alam's eyes showed a bit of excitement, he looked up, and some of his previous energy was given to Gerald.

And the lack of energy caused by crossing the world can be solved.

Thinking of this in his heart, he laughed loudly, got up and looked at the spaceship above his head, his face full of excitement.

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, this time it was bad.

The Gate of Hades!

Here comes the bastards.

Just thinking about it at this time.

Ansel Alam immediately stabbed the sky with a claws!

Astonishing energy erupted from his claws, stabbing directly into the sky, enduring the pain of the spiral pill.

That energy directly blew up the entire spaceship.

After the spaceship was blown up, the roar of the owner of the spaceship was heard, but soon the whole spaceship rattled, and a small pill was made directly, which was absorbed by the energy.

All that Ansel Alam did was to absorb all the energy of the spaceship and the people on the spaceship.

Wuchen's eyes widened involuntarily, this guy is too...

It's too scary.

Ansel Alam had a cruel smile on his face, and said coldly, "Don't think I'll let you go like this, you're dead!"

When he said his words, he took another step forward, because he absorbed the energy just now, and instantly dissolved all the power of the spiral pill.

He coldly spread his wings and looked at the dust-free in front of him

Said, "You're screwed, you know what!"

Wuchen heard these words and said coldly: "This is not necessarily!"

He turned to look at the Allied Forces of the Magic World.

The magic world coalition was ready at this time, and they pulled down the largest gun on the largest gunship.

Everyone is constantly injecting energy into that gun.

Ansel Alam turned his head to look over, and said disdainfully, "It's just a mere cannon, am I afraid?"

When Wuchen heard this, he tilted his head and said, "Really? Is it just a mere cannon?"

Ansel Alam couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart, but immediately a sword appeared in his right hand, jumped up, flapped his wings, and slashed with a sword!

This sword directly slashed at the coalition forces.

Makarov bore the brunt.

But right now.

The huge cannon was fired.

The sound of a booming explosion sounded, a huge explosion sound.

resounding above the sky!

But at this time, Ansel Alam was completely stunned. He looked back blankly and said in disbelief, "Why..."

Wuchen said, "Thank you for your energy!"

A smile appeared on his face, this time he could fight this evil god to the end, and what he absorbed was just the energy accumulated by everyone, because everyone could already see it.

Wuchen can absorb energy, which means that as long as there is enough energy, he can absorb it!

Wuchen turned his head to look at Anser and said, "Can't you think of it? You're finished now!"

Ansel Alam slowly turned around with the great sword in his hand, with a bit of interest in his eyes, and said coldly: "I'll see how strong you are! Come on, try it!" ..

097, defeated [third more]

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