After thinking about this, Wuchen said: "I can teach you martial arts, and even make you a martial arts master immediately, but you have to promise me one thing!"

Xiaoyu immediately became excited, widened her eyes and said, "No matter what it is!"

Xiaoyu's face was full of surprise, and her eyes also revealed inexplicable excitement, learning martial arts!

This is the only thought in my mind.

Wuchen said with a wry smile: "You have to promise me that no matter what, you must keep your inner peace. You have to know that the wise seek power from within, not from outside! All power is only from the inside out. It’s just a thirst for exploration, you have to make good use of the power of this thirst and create for yourself the power that can defeat the enemy!”

After Xiaoyu heard these words, she suddenly became dumbfounded!

There was a look of astonishment on his face. Is there any difference between these words and what Uncle Long said?

Wuchen looked at Xiaoyu with an incomprehensible expression and said, "Oh, what I mean is... If you want to learn my strength! If you want to learn my kung fu, then you have to do it. It is first to calm down your heart and find your strength in your heart, so you can learn kung fu!"

After Xiaoyu heard these words, she said in a daze: "Is that so..."

There was a deep surprise on his face, but he quickly said, "How to find it?"

Wuchen slowly squatted down and said: "It is a very difficult knowledge to find your inner strength, and it requires each of us to spend our whole life to explore, because strength is hidden in our hearts, and everyone is their own hero. , but to activate this switch is like learning kung fu!"

Xiaoyu still didn't understand. After all, she was only a 13-year-old girl, how could she understand things so quickly.

He said, "But..."

Wuchen laughed and said, "This is a difficult thing, you have to learn to calm yourself down!"

Xiaoyu nodded and hummed.

At this time, Jackie Chan walked over slowly with the coffee, and saw Xiaoyu with a thoughtful look on his face, and said in surprise, "Achen, what did you say to her?"

Jackie Chan's most troubled is why Xiaoyu has to pester herself to learn kung fu all day long, but Xiaoyu is not suitable for learning kung fu right now, or her heart has not calmed down!

But at this time Xiaoyu was quietly contemplating, which surprised Jackie Chan very much.

Wuchen turned his head with a smile and said, "It's very simple, just say some ordinary words."

He said his words, walked over, patted Jackie Chan on the shoulder and said, "But you come with me first, I have something to tell you!"

When Jackie Chan heard this, he nodded dumbly, put down the coffee, and the two soon came to another room.

This room looks very cluttered.

Obviously it's just a normal utility room.

The two came to the utility room, and Jackie Chan said very puzzled: "What are you doing here?"

Wuchen said: "Brother Jackie Chan, you can tell me everything we say now, I'm not from this world, I'm from another world!"

When Jackie Chan heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly lost his head and said, "Ah Chen, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand..."

Wuchen said distressedly: "I mean I'm not from your world, but from another world, that's why I have that kind of power to breathe fire and summon the unearthed wall, because that's me Great power gained in another world!"

After Jackie Chan heard this, he nodded dumbly and said, "Is that so..."

Wuchen nodded and said, "But don't worry! I..."

Jackie Chan slowly came back to his senses and said in surprise, "Then why are you here in our world?"

Wuchen's mind turned very fast, and he immediately figured it out. He came over and said, "I came to this world purely by accident, but I learned that there are some demons in this world... So..."

Jackie Chan said with a surprised look on his face: "So it is, you are here to destroy those demons, such as those villains who snatch spells!"

Dustless nodded.

At this time, Jackie Chan had a surprised look on his face, but he was a little suspicious.

Thinking about it, he said, "Really?"

Wuchen nodded with a wry smile and said, "That's it, so I want to remind you now that it is very likely that the world has undergone some changes because of my arrival... Get some strange power..."

As soon as he said this, Jackie Chan immediately widened his eyes and said, "Is that so..."

There was a thoughtful look on his face.

Wuchen continued: "So in order to avoid some accidents, I decided to help you!"

He said his words and took a deep breath.

It is true that Jackie Chan in front of him is the protagonist in this play, and I really like Jackie Chan in this play!

Wuchen said: "Next, I will teach you a special method!"

Jackie Chan nodded.

Followed by.

Wuchen took a horse stride and said: "First of all, it's like when you are practicing martial arts, take a steady horse step, and at the same time use your mind to feel the energy floating in the air, and then let that energy slowly flow into yourself. body!"

Jackie Chan nodded dumbly. Although he didn't understand what was going on, it seemed to be beneficial. Jackie Chan did as he did at this time.

Wuchen stood behind Jackie Chan.

After taking a deep breath, there was a serious look in his eyes, and he used his sword finger to point directly on the back of Jackie Chan's head.

Wuchen said lightly: "From now on, I will help you absorb the special energy that flows in the air, so that you can have those powers to fight and avoid some particularly troublesome enemies!"

As he spoke his words, a pale blue light immediately appeared from his fingers.

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