The light blue light is that chakra can help Jackie Chan adapt faster, and chakra should be infuriating or qi in this world!

At this time, Jackie Chan said with a surprised look on his face: "I feel it!"

Jackie Chan only felt that there was a burning sensation all over his body, and he absorbed the power that existed in the air.

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face. Sure enough, this guy's talent is high, and he is indeed the protagonist.

At this time, Wuchen stretched out the sword finger of his left hand and placed it on Jackie Chan's neck.

Said: "I will give you another power, but you have to remember! You can't use it easily! Control your emotions!"

Soon, he directly planted the curse of the sky!

Jackie Chan frowned in pain immediately, but quickly clenched his teeth and stood up.

He stood up slowly.

With a smile on his face, he turned around and said, "Achen, no matter where you come from, no matter who you are, you are my good friend, and this time I think you really helped me!" ..

111. Sheriff Black's Abacus [Fourth More]

A smile appeared on Wuchen's face, and a warm current flowed in his heart.

Said: "It's all right! I understand!"

Jackie Chan said with a smile: "Ah Chen, no matter where you are from, I believe you are my good friend!"

There was a smile on Wuchen's face involuntarily.

The two smiled at each other.

At this moment, a very surprised voice appeared at the door: "What are you doing in the utility room?"

Sheriff Black, with a strange look on his face, walked over slowly with a tray in hand.

Wuchen turned his head and looked over. At this time, Sheriff Black was holding a plate of Western-style fast food.

A 10-point mark that is as long as no dust, soft and beautiful like a woman.

Jackie Chan has 10 points of toughness and handsomeness.

And at this time, the two were holding hands.

When they turned around, although the two immediately withdrew their hands, there was a strange ambiguous look in the eyes of Sheriff Black.

Sheriff Black had a smile on his face and said with a smile, "You..."

Although Wuchen looks like a woman, she is a real tough guy at heart.

He immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Don't think about it, Sheriff Black!"

When he said that, he rolled his eyes and walked out.

Jackie Chan also said: "What are you thinking!"

After speaking, he slowly left Sheriff Black, and immediately shook his head, shaking out all the strange thoughts in his head!

Wuchen sighed.

Back in the room.

Although his room has been tidied up, he is not in the mood to sleep at this time, and it always feels a little wrong, because every time he enters a world, the primitive characters in this world seem to be strengthened.

In other words, in order to specially match his ability, the difficulty was slightly increased, just like playing a game.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable with his studies, after all, he was not a troublemaker.

He's not a person who likes to challenge high levels of difficulty.

And this time.

While he was lying on the bed.

Xiaoyu immediately rushed over from the door.

Said: "Brother Chen, I have found a way, I seem to have found it!"

Wuchen sat up slowly from the bed, looked at Xiaoyu who was very happy beside him and said, "Then tell me first, what method did you find to calm down your heart?"

Xiaoyu said: "I found that when I don't think about anything, I start to quiet down, but it seemed a little boring at that time..."

Speaking of this, Xiaoyu's face showed a bit of disappointment.

With a smile on his face, he slowly got up from the bed.

Pulling Xiaoyu to the side, he said, "Xiaoyu's feeling is right, it's not all boring, but to unify the emotions and thoughts in your heart, no matter what it is, it must be like this, let's do it together. One thing has to be focused on!"

Xiaoyu nodded, but she still didn't understand.

Wuchen didn't have extravagant hopes, Xiaoyu immediately understood, he said with a smile: "I know you probably don't understand, but you need to know your most important feeling! In fact, you don't feel when you are concentrating your thoughts. Bored!"

Xiaoyu nodded dumbly.

Wuchen laughed and said: "At that time, you can really learn Kung Fu, because Kung Fu is a very delicate and profound knowledge, not ordinary fighting, fighting and killing is just a reckless behavior. !"

Xiaoyu nodded.

Wuchen laughed loudly, stood up and said, "I'll wait for you to understand this in the future, and I'll teach you martial arts!"

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