After speaking, he pushed open the door and walked out of the hall.

After walking to the lobby, the 13th district is still very busy at this time, because they are not only responsible for the black hand, but also responsible for the entire crime information of San Francisco and the United States.

Coffee in clean hands.

Seeing how busy everyone was, a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, Sheriff Black walked up to him and said, "You know what? We work here, and in fact, many times we are doing useless work..."

Sheriff Black showed a somewhat uncomfortable look on his face. Although he is a straight man of steel, he also understands that it is not easy to be considerate of his subordinates, and he also understands and understands that most of the time when subordinates do these things, they are just very useless things!

After hearing this, Wuchen nodded and said, "I know that some of the information may even be wrong!"

Sheriff Black said with a wry smile: "So I need your help. Only if you and Jackie Chan help us together, can we arrest all those black hand organizations faster and better!"

After hearing this, Wuchen smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that simple, this matter is really not as simple as you think!"

Sheriff Black showed a rare seriousness.

Said: "Even if it is not easy, then we must do it, after all, there is no cat in this world that does not catch mice!"

Wuchen wanted to refute this sentence.

But he showed a faint smile and said: "If someone commits a crime in this world, someone must stop the crime. Although we know that crime is endless, it is better than letting crime run rampant forever, committing crimes in the name of freedom and harming others!"

Sheriff Black was stunned when he heard these words, and said with a look of surprise on his face: "Then..."

Wuchen immediately saw what the big bald head was thinking, rolled his eyes and said: "I won't add any 13 distinctions, I think about this idea, I'll just help you find those cultural relics, of course I need my assistance. I'll do it when I'm not, but you have to give me money!"

His words came out, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

Sheriff Black said, "You weren't..."

Wuchen laughed and said: "Yes, but the people who stop the crime are you. I'm not a policeman, and I'm not a special agent. You should do the crime-stopping thing!"

Sheriff Black showed a little bit, and said helplessly: "Okay..."

Wuchen laughed out loud, with a smile on his face, then turned around and went to another place.

The 13th district has been expanding tremendously. He walked for a long time and did not finish it completely, because this underground office space is indeed very large, and the division of labor functions is also very clear!

There is a surprised look on Wuchen's face. This is not as simple as the cartoon, and you can enter casually, because there are really many roads, as well as a lot of defense mechanisms, and even a lot of them. The gunmen of the gang are obviously to prevent invasion, no wonder the important things are always placed in the 13th area in the animation! ..

112. Departure [First Update]

Dropping off at a noisy airport.

There was a stunned expression on Wuchen's face, and the place where it appeared was naturally the airport in Mexico!

He stared blankly at everything in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned. The Mexico he imagined was not like this. He thought Mexico was a relatively backward city, but he didn't expect that Mexico is very prosperous, and It has a very modern look.

And at this time.

Jackie Chan beside him said with a sleepy look: "It's finally here!"

There was a bit of exhaustion in his words, after all, it was naturally very tiring to take a plane for a long time.

Wuchen nodded and smiled bitterly: "Then let's find a place to rest!"

Jackie Chan nodded, dragged his suitcase and walked out of the airport with him. Although the streets of Mexico are much worse than San Francisco, they are still very modern!

The two walked on the street, and Jackie Chan's obvious Chinese ornaments caught everyone's attention. After all, most of the Chinese who appeared in Mexico in this era were not good people.

And this time.

Even more striking is the fact that it is dust-free.

Because he was not wearing a suit or Sam's attire, but a classical medieval European attire.

It looks like a magician, wearing a long black robe, and the robe is dotted with vines.

He didn't feel any discomfort at all while walking on the road, because he was used to the surprised eyes of everyone, and he just walked lightly!

With a faint expression on his face, he walked forward.

Although Jackie Chan was sleepy, he could see that his general eyes were not right. He stared at Wuchen blankly and said, "Aren't you afraid of others..."

When Wuchen heard this, he rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, "What's so scary about this..."

After saying this, they stepped forward and snorted, and the two quickly found the previously booked hotel.

directly into the hotel.

The two had just arrived at the lobby of the hotel, when Shen Tong made a voice.

"Hey! You two are finally here!"

That voice was an old voice, yet full of vigor.

Jackie Chan knew who it was all of a sudden, he smiled helplessly, turned his head and said, "Why did you follow me?"

Turning his head to look, it was a white-haired old man, and it was a white and white-haired old man. His face showed a look of surprise and said, "Of course I will come here, otherwise, how do you know what kind of cultural relics you will bring back this time? ? The 10 points of the shield last time are meaningful, let us find a little bit of Bavarian classical culture!"

This is spoken.

Wuchen is also curious, what is going on?It should be that this world has undergone some strange changes because of his arrival!

He thought in his heart that the old white man in front of him should be the researcher of historical relics who worked with Jackie Chan before.

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