The old white man stepped forward and hugged Jackie Chan, and said with a happy face: "Don't worry, I won't hinder you, I'll stay here and wait for you, don't worry, but I'm looking forward to what you will bring back. Literally, the cultural relics you brought back last time, Aaron, surprised me very, very much!"

When Jackie Chan heard this, he said with a wry smile: "Dr. Matthews... This time is very dangerous, I hope you can go back now to a more comfortable place, this time we are not just looking for cultural relics... …”

Just after saying this, the white old man said: "It seems that world civilization is my duty. Ever since I became a researcher, I know that I must be targeted by some illegal forces. I have already learned from others. I learned from my mouth, did someone try to snatch that shield last time?"

This is spoken.

There was an air of expression on the face of the white old man.

Jackie Chan sighed and said helplessly: "This matter is not under your control, professor, you should do experiments in the laboratory. What does it have to do with you? If there are valuable cultural relics, I will Naturally, I will take it back for you to study, I know that is your job, but it is so dangerous here, this is not the place you should come!"

After hearing this, Dr. Matthews said: "But Aaron I..."

Jackie Chan said with a wry smile, "Let's find a room first..."

As he said his words, he just wanted to go to the counter.

At this moment, Dr. Matthews immediately stopped him and said, "Don't worry, I have already found a room for you!"

When Jackie Chan heard this, he gave a wry smile, nodded and said, "Thank you so much!"

Dr. Matthews said with a satisfied smile: "Let's go!"

Having said that, the three of them walked directly to the second floor with their luggage. The hotel in Mexico was originally rather dilapidated, but because the two booked a hotel when they came!

And it just happened to be a very high-end hotel!

Therefore, the residences of several people are still very high-end.

Wuchen was not made of steel, and he would also be tired. At this time, he put his luggage away and didn't care about anything. He walked into the room, and immediately slept on the bed after putting away his salute.

Jackie Chan and the two looked at Wuchen, who was sleeping directly on the bed.

Jackie Chan was stunned for a moment, and immediately said to Dr. Matthews: "He is very tired, so he needs to sleep first, but I am also very tired, and I also need to sleep..."

After Dr. Matthews heard this, he said very distressed: "Okay, I wanted to discuss more knowledge with you, but I didn't expect you to say that you are tired, so you better rest!"

Jackie Chan nodded with a wry smile.

A helpless look appeared on his face.

At this time, Dr. Matthews continued: "When you wake up, we can discuss more things, go to sleep!"

Jackie Chan nodded and took the dust-free door.

He quickly went straight to sleep, and Dr. Matthews sighed helplessly and scratched his head. He knew that this time was very dangerous, but as an archaeologist, he also had I have my own determination, but I also have my own ideas. Even if it is dangerous, I have to get the cultural relics first!

But he didn't expect Jackie Chan to fall asleep as soon as he arrived. It's a pity that he thought so in his heart!

At this time, Dr. Matthews could only go downstairs to the coffee shop. After all, there is no cultural relic research, no laboratory, and no environment for him to write papers. He can only go downstairs to drink coffee!

Wuchen and Jackie Chan slept soundly..

113. Night Attack [Second]

Time is like running water, and the time when the two came to Mexico was actually in the morning.

But because the two were really overworked, after all, it was an overnight flight, who wouldn't be tired, there were so many bumps on the plane, so the two slept for a long time.

Wuchen frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and then immediately raised his wrist, he saw that the above time had already shown 8 o'clock in the evening!

He was stunned, he was stunned!

He had slept for so long. When he arrived, he slept from 10 in the morning to 8 in the evening. This is simply amazing!

And right now.

There was a voice in his ear

It was a noisy sound on the street, because although this hotel is high-end, the high-end place is not sound insulation, but can transmit the sound from outside the street, in fact, it also depends on the noise outside the street, It is too obvious to be isolated at all!

Wuchen sat up from the bed in distress, sighed and said, "It's really troublesome!"

The first thing he does when he wakes up is to rinse his mouth.

And just when he had just finished rinsing his mouth.

At this moment, a black shadow floated past behind him, causing his eyes to widen immediately.

He snorted coldly, looked at the dressing mirror and said coldly: "It seems that I really don't know whether to live or die, and I don't know whether to advance or retreat. Well, since you are so afraid of death, what if I will play with you again?"

The breath and the shadow that flashed just now, he has seen clearly, who is as expected, the power of the Holy Master has been enhanced!

Not only that, but even those shadow corps have become stronger and become more like ninjas!

And the waist has begun to be equipped with knives, and the speed just now is faster.

Wuchen took a deep breath, and immediately jumped out of the toilet window not far from the dressing table.

He jumped out at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time condensed Chakra on the soles of his feet, stepped directly on the wall, leaped and jumped to the top of the building.

Right now.

Just as he jumped to the top of the building, black shadows converged for 4 weeks.

The black shadow fell and surrounded it in an instant. Three feet away from him, there was a large black mass.

He looked coldly at the dark shadows beside him, and the blood-red eyes revealed murderous intent.

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