He said coldly: "You may not be qualified just because of you!"

When his words came out, he took something out of his pocket!

It was a small scroll reel, and it was pulled straight away and snapped!

Only a thud sounded, and the instant white smoke flashed.

Dolls appear.

It was a doll he made in the world of Fairy Tail.

A body entirely made of magic crystal and armor, like a knight in the classical era.

But this doll is many times stronger than those knights in the classical era!

Right now.

Those ninjas immediately pulled out their bright Japanese samurai swords and slashed directly.

The dust-free manipulation speed is very fast, and the puppet is immediately connected.


In an instant, it moved, and I saw a knife formed by Chakra on my hands!

The puppet turned like a whirlwind, and the knives of those ninjas couldn't resist it at all, only the sound of clinking rang, but in half an hour, the large group of ninjas were killed and injured a lot!

That's when.

Those ninjas also slowly took a dozen steps back and walked out from among the group of ninjas, a ninja with a cape behind him and not only a monotonous veil on his face.

It was a ninja with a bronze ghost face, and the knife in his hand also had a faint black and purple pattern.

He raised his head coldly, a murderous look in his eyes.

Holding the knife in both hands, he looked at the puppet in front of him.

With a sudden roar, he took a step forward, and the black-purple knife in his hand drew a ray of light!

A knife slashed directly at the puppet.

At this time, the puppet jumped up quickly under the control, and then the chakra knife in his hand suddenly broke the flying knife!

Then you just saw the ninja with green face and fangs move in an instant, and immediately jumped out with the saber in his hand, and slashed at Wuchen who was manipulating the puppet.

Wuchen was completely fearless, and immediately opened his arms to the maximum limit, and the puppet also received the order immediately, flew back to his side in an instant, and opened his palms directly, in the palms, formed a special wall!

The walls opened up, forming a special shield!

The moment the knife was cut down, it was immediately broken!

What is even more exaggerated is that the ninja has only just stepped back half a step.

Wuchen immediately withdrew his hands, and at the moment when the puppet attacked, he roared loudly: "Huo Dun: Ashes burn!"

The moment the voice fell, white smoke spewed out of his mouth and sprayed out!

At this time, the big ninja was kicked out by the puppet, and the white smoke followed closely behind, surrounding most of the ninjas.

Dust-free homeopathic direct bite!

The sound of the recent rumbling sounded, followed by black mud, eyes kept appearing, those ninjas were instantly burned to ashes, and a large area of ​​black and purple ink flowed and disappeared!

And this moment.

The ninja with green face and fangs also slowly disappeared.

Wuchen Leng talked to the big bad wolf, looked at the mess on the ground, shook his head helplessly and sighed, although the better power was enhanced, it was still no match for him!

Good risk, this matter has not left his control after all!

He thought so

And right now.

In a building in San Francisco, inside the headquarters of the Black Figures.

At this moment.

The news of the defeat of the ninja with green face and fangs immediately spread to the Holy Master and roared angrily: "Does the chaos of this clothes have such a strong power? I will let you disappear, and it actually hinders my plan!"

Saying it has no effect.

Wallon was not around, and there was no one to stop his anger.

The Holy Master immediately spewed flames from his mouth, burning everything in front of him to ashes, the desk in front of him, the large part of the carpet, and a lot of decorative furniture on the side. , all burned to ashes!

Its anger has not disappeared since then, it has reduced a lot, and his face also revealed a thick sea buckthorn!

He knows that things will become more troublesome in the future, but even so, he must kill that bastard!

Jackie Chan and Wuchen, yes!

The Holy Lord will bury his inner anger! ..

114. Curse Seal [Third]

Jackie Chan just woke up at this time.

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