At this time, Wuchen took her to find the target on the street quickly, with a smile on his face, he had a thick smile on his face, pointed to the past and said: "Hair!"

The little snake saw it all at once. It was a rather high-end building, and it seemed to be very powerful.

There are no neon lights that make people feel very vulgar, but very low-key lighting of small lights.

Wuchen said at this time: "The taste there is very good, I think you will definitely like the taste there, we can go buy more daily necessities after eating!" ..

132. The one who finds fault is here [First Update]

Little Snake saw that the place was so different, and he seemed very happy beside him.

I couldn't help but warm my heart, thinking that this piece of wood was finally enlightened, and finally I didn't take my mother to strange places!

She nodded with this thought in her heart, and hummed.

Soon, the two walked towards the house.

But right now.

Just as the little snake was about to walk towards that tall and low-key building.

Wuchen quickly grabbed the snake.

Said: "You are stupid, we can't afford it there, here is..."

His words came out, and he pointed to a small fly pavilion not far from the building.

That small restaurant is a Chinese restaurant, and it is also run by a Chinese!

It was a squat little old man who was greeting guests inside at this time.

The little snake was stunned when he looked at the fly pavilion, and looked up!

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

Very surprised: "You want to invite me to eat this?"

Wuchen shook his head and said, "I'm not asking you to eat this..."

The little snake breathed a sigh of relief.

Wuchen said with a normal face: "We are AA!"

The words were spoken.

The little snake immediately said in shock, "Have you never had a girlfriend before?"

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Why are you talking so much? Just eat after a meal, return your girlfriend, and leave!"

The little snake followed him silently into the fly pavilion.

This small restaurant, although small, has all the internal organs.

Wuchen took the little snake to the corner and sat down in the cleanest place.

With a smile on his face, he asked, "This is a tube that I like very much, and it's all very good. It's Fujian cuisine. The boss cooks very authentic!"

The little snake nodded, smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

Wuchen raised his hand first, turned his head to look at the chunky boss who was greeting the guests, and shouted loudly, "Boss, I want a dry fried beef, plus a beef brisket noodles!"

The little snake was very surprised when he saw the dishes he ordered directly.

And at this time, Wuchen turned his head and said to the little snake: "You can call what you want, what are you watching me doing?"

The little snake sighed helplessly, nodded and said with a wry smile: "Okay!"

Soon, the two of them finished ordering, and the chubby boss had a smile on his face, and then slowly wrote the dishes they ordered into the menu.

He came over with a number plate and placed it on the table to look at the two of them.

Then he looked at Wuchen with an ambiguous expression and said, "You are not simple, you found a foreign girl so quickly?"

After hearing this, Wuchen rolled his eyes and said, "Master, what are your eyes? Why did you find a foreign girl, this is my friend!"

At this time, the little snake said: "The two of us are friends..."

At this time, the boss laughed happily and laughed: "My wife and I also started from friends at the beginning, you two have a chance!"

As he spoke, he laughed.

Then left.

Wuchen smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "This boss is very funny..."

The little snake rolled his eyes and said, "It's better than you..."

Wuchen coughed lightly. He naturally knew the mind of the beautiful woman in front of him, but he didn't dare to accept it. He couldn't help but sighed and said, "It's not easy to survive in the United States. Have you ever thought about going back to your own country?"

After hearing this, the little snake rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you open the pot and lift it?"

When Wuchen heard this, he quickly coughed twice, relieved the embarrassment and said with a smile: "I'm not very good at speaking..."

Where is he not very good at speaking, he obviously did not dare to say what he knew too well, and there was some inexplicable avoidance in his eyes, because he knew that he could not stay in this world for too long.

It won't stay for too long, so at this moment, his heart is also empty.

At this time, the little snake saw his evasive appearance, sighed and said, "Forget it..."

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