Soon the dishes came up, and the two started eating.

Both of them bowed their heads and ate what they ordered.

And at this time.

When Wuchen bowed his head and ate fried noodles.

The little snake suddenly said, "Has anyone ever told you that you're charming and damn annoying at the same time?"

Wuchen almost didn't get choked, and said quickly: "No, no..."

He didn't dare to say a word, and there was an inexplicable look of dodging in his eyes.

At this time, the little snake sighed and said, "Do you know or don't know? Or are you pretending? Maybe pretending?"

When Wuchen heard this, he couldn't speak for a while, his eyes showed a bit of dodge, a smile appeared on his face, he raised his head, hehe smiled and said: "Maybe..."

After seeing this look, the little snake snorted and said, "Maybe you like it..."

This is spoken.

Wuchen said: "Um..."

There is dodging and dodging in his eyes, and his heart is also very empty for a while.

At this time, the little snake saw that he looked so worry-free, and came a little more angry, and stood up directly.

When I was thinking of ordering two bottles of wine to drink.

Just then.

A grumpy voice came: "What kind of dishes are you serving on tmd!"

After saying this, I saw a pineapple head standing up directly. The pineapple head was very strong, and immediately blocked half of the lights.

The little snake originally wanted to order two bottles of wine to drink, but was suddenly frightened by the sound, and could not help but stand up.

First he was stunned for a moment, then he looked over.

It was a very strong Caucasian man with hair on his head that was as messy as a pineapple, and he was wearing a green-purple dress.

There was a bit of anger in the eyes as big as a cow.

The boss who was waiting on the side was immediately taken aback, and he took two steps back quickly, with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face, and quickly said in poor English: "I... I'm sorry, I'll give you a refund now. …”

And this time.

At this moment, the pineapple head immediately widened his eyes and said, "Whoever wants you to return, I want you to lose money!"

When this is said.

The little snake immediately frowned.

Wuchen frowned and walked over, looking at the arrogant pineapple head and said, "Hey, are you bullying my friend?"

His words were spoken in Mandarin, but very quickly.

The pineapple head turned around directly because he understood Mandarin.

He just widened his eyes and said, "It's none of your business!"

His words are also spoken in Mandarin, and they are very pure, obviously having special training! ..

133. Black Hand [First Update]

Wuchen gave him a speechless look and said, "Don't be so irritable, we are all civilized people!"

Just as he said this, the pineapple head immediately widened his eyes and roared, "Get out of here!"

His words roared out.

The little snake immediately stepped forward, frowned at the pineapple head and said, "Your mother made you so tall to beat people?"

The pineapple head was immediately the little snake that turned to look at.

Said: "It's none of your business, don't meddle in your own business, otherwise I'll fight you all together!"

When Wuchen heard this, a cold expression appeared on his face.

Said, "That's what you said!"

After saying this, he stepped forward and slapped him on the face.

The pineapple head hadn't reacted at this time, but was slapped in the face by a slap, and was slapped directly and flew out, and the whole person fell to the ground.

At this time, everyone in the restaurant was stunned, and at this moment they were all surprised.

Although the little snake was surprised, it wasn't his strength that surprised him, but how bold he was.

At this time, the restaurant owner was also stunned for a moment. This guy looks elegant, and he has eaten here for so long without conflicting with anyone. He became angry today, and he has so much strength to put such a A tall man fell to the ground with a slap!

The owner of the restaurant is a fearful owner, with a look of fear on his face, he quickly said, "Don't fight, don't fight, it will be bad if you provoke the police!"

The police on this street are really not a good thing. The first thing they do is to collect money from both parties.

Then the second thing is to ask the background of both parties clearly, so as not to make things happen!

The third thing is to leave.

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