If he wants to become a truly complete dragon, he must retrieve those 12 abilities, but in fact, if he wants to use magic, he can do it, for example, enhancing the Wallon group!

At this moment, the man saw his surprised appearance, smiled and said: "Cooperate with me, if you cooperate with me, I will make you free faster and let you get those spells back! And To be able to make those brothers and sisters of yours... come back together!"

When the Holy Master heard this, he immediately snorted and said, "Can you help me find the spell?"

The man nodded and said, "I can, of course, I can do it as long as I want, but you have to promise me one condition, that is to become my partner and become my ally!"

When the Holy Master heard this, he snorted coldly and said, "Even if I don't need you, I can still get those 12 spells back!"

Just after saying this, the man said coldly: "Really? This is not necessarily! I will make you get those 12 spells faster, so that you can get those powers, so that you can recover quickly, This is my strength! And those undead gods! But they are staring at you!"

These words have just been said, and the Holy Master involuntarily shivered.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Then what do you want me to do for you!"

The man laughed and said, "It's very simple, this is much easier, all I want is to conquer this world!"

Hearing this, the Holy Master said coldly: "According to what you said, you can conquer this world at any time, this world has reached the age of magic, magic has become a hot commodity, you can conquer this world at any time, why do you need it? I?"

The man shook his head and said: "Not only that, I want to conquer other worlds, but I can't open the door of time and space right away, I need your help, as long as you are willing to help me open the door of time and space, I will help you conquer this world, Then you send me to another world, simple, right?"

After the Holy Master heard this, he frowned and said, "The gate of time and space is not so easy to open, it is a very difficult thing, you want me and you to work together to open the control ability at that time, right!"

The man nodded and said, "I remember that you have raised a lot of evil dragons, and it takes a lot of time and magic to open in another dimension, so it has never been opened in this state, and more importantly, , even you can't open such a small different dimension space, and how can I open the door of time and space, so the two of us join forces, you rule the world, and your friends, I will help you rescue They, but on the condition that you help me fool them, let them help me fight, I want to take them to another world, I want them to fight for me!"

After hearing this, the Holy Master immediately frowned and said in surprise: "You need the help of my brothers and sisters, don't you? You need our help, you need our devil's help, right? ?"

The man nodded and said: "Yes, this is the condition, if you don't accept it, I can find someone else, and someone else will definitely accept it, and I also feel that some people do not belong to this world, so your power is also strengthened. You can feel that's why your magic is so much stronger than before, don't you want to kill him?"

After the Holy Master heard these words, a cold snort appeared on his face.

Said: "You are right, but I am not very happy to cooperate with you, so let me think about it, maybe I will promise you, or you can do your thing first, or you can put How about getting my stuff back?"

Just after saying this, the man immediately showed a mocking smile and said: "Even if it becomes a stone statue, it still speaks very well, as expected of the devil of God, it's not easy to fool you, you still If you want to fool me, it's not easy, then everyone will stop playing, you help me, I will help you, everyone is good friends, if you don't help me, you may die!"

The Holy Master's expression became a little gloomy and said coldly: "Okay, I am willing to help you! What are you going to do now?"

The man laughed and said: "This is much simpler, in the hidden spells, there are actually fragments of the gate of time and space, you should be able to guess these, so I want to get the fragments of the gate of time and space, and then Smelt it!"

The Holy Master said coldly: "Deal!"

The man laughed out loud.

Immediately afterwards, the body turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated. ..

137, return to Mexico [third more]

And at this time, just after the Holy Master and the two negotiated.

Wuchen was in the hotel and slowly woke up.

The two fought one night.

Wuchen is naturally very tired and very direct, that is, he doesn't get up until 9:00.

And this time.

Snake in his arms.

He also slowly opened his eyes.

But immediately, his eyes widened in surprise, and he simply said, "What's going on..."

He just said this, his face turned red, but he took the initiative last night. He quickly struggled to get up from his arms, wrapped his body with a sheet, and said with a snort, "You are really..."

Wuchen said with a bit of helplessness on his face: "Yesterday it was you..."

Hearing this, the little snake blushed and said quickly, "Don't say it..."

Wuchen patted his head helplessly, and looked at the torn clothes at the end of the bed. The tights were all torn from the clothes of the little snake.

Wuchen coughed twice, put on his clothes, and turned to look at the scenery.

The little snake was able to take out the clothes in the suitcase and put it on.

The two faced each other again. At this time, there was a bit of inexplicable embarrassment between the two. Although the two had a heart for each other, the scene at this moment was much more awkward.

Wuchen took a deep breath, touched the back of his head and said, "I..."

The little snake looked at him fiercely and said, "You have to be responsible, otherwise I will..."

When I said this, I immediately stretched out my fingers, then made the shape of scissors, and forked twice.

Wuchen involuntarily took a breath, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Yes, yes..."

The little snake snorted and said, "That's good!"

That soon, she immediately noticed that she was hungry.

He said quickly: "I'm hungry now, go and buy me something to eat!"

Wuchen felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, nodded, pushed the door and walked out.

Taking a deep breath, there was some helplessness in his eyes, and it was bad now, and he got into trouble with an aunt.

But after all, it is also the person he likes, but it is a little troublesome when he leaves.

He thought so in his mind.

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