Quickly took the elevator down to the 1st floor to buy breakfast.

After the two finished breakfast.

Wuchen remembered that he had work to do, and hurried back to the store.

At this time, the old shop and Jackie Chan have opened a shop.

Jackie Chan both stared blankly at him walking in.

At the same time, they also saw the red lip print on his neck, and also saw his disheveled appearance, both of them were stunned.

The old man immediately showed an ambiguous expression and said, "Yanfu is not shallow!"

When Wuchen heard this, he touched his hair and said quickly, "I had something to do last night, so I came back late!"

Jackie Chan laughed, stepped forward and said, "By the way, you are really fast!"

He just picked a plum blossom eye.

Wuchen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but at this time.

Jackie Chan's expression at this time is very similar to those old lover, although he is just an ordinary old virgin.

Wuchen coughed softly and said quickly, "Stop talking about this, let's talk about the next spell, do you know where it is?"

This has just been said.

Just then, the door was pushed open.


A big bald head came in outside the door.

That's Sheriff Black.

Sheriff Black left directly, and recently said to the crowd with a dignified expression: "It's a little bad, the spell has appeared in Mexico!"

This sentence was only said, and the two who had just flown back from Mexico were stunned, turned around suddenly, and said in unison: "What did you say!"

Sheriff Black said: "That's right, we found that another charm was lost in Mexico, and it was in the most southern part of South America, so we want you to run again!"

After Wuchen heard this, there was a speechless expression on his face. He just ran back, and he was too stupid to forget the spell.

He slapped his forehead with a wry smile and said, "Then what should we do now? Are we going to fly back?"

Sheriff Black nodded and said with a press: "Yes, you are going to fly back now, because we have found that the black hands have already started their actions, and their actions are very fast, and they have not returned to San Francisco at all. Come, let's start operations directly in Mexico, now things are in trouble, and we find that the black hand's network is getting bigger and bigger, not only the crimes between international trade, but the whole United States has begun to have their connections. It's on!"

When Wuchen heard this, he involuntarily took a breath and said, "It's troublesome!"

His words revealed some inexplicable tricks. It seems that the world may have changed more because of his arrival, but he has not fully realized it at this time. This matter must be strangled in the cradle. among!

Thinking so in his heart, he frowned.

At this time, Jackie Chan involuntarily widened his eyes and said, "Now we are going to fly back to Mexico, what about the domestic situation?"

Sheriff Black took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, we will take care of those black-handed American organizations, but the bosses in Mexico can only take care of you, and we will try our best to investigate the whereabouts of other spells!"

Jackie Chan said with a sigh of relief: "Then I will probably come back soon, I will run back quickly to help you solve them, after all, they are different now!"

Sheriff Black showed a confident smile on his face and said: "We are now equipped with most of the heavy firepower, and some missiles, if necessary, even small missiles!"

The old man on the side frowned immediately and said, "You have to use magic to deal with magic. If you don't understand this, don't interfere, you know!"

Sheriff Black was immediately stunned, unable to speak for a while, and said with a slightly embarrassed look on his face: "Dad, that's not magic..."

The old man frowned immediately and said, "That's magic, it's not just ordinary antiquities, you know!"

Sheriff Black looked a little embarrassed, coughed twice, and quickly said: "Okay, I will be obedient here, I will try to hold them when you come back, but you have to come back quickly, I will I'm afraid we don't have enough firepower!"

At this time, Dad snorted and said, "Let Dad help you. Dad will imitate Dad and know how to deal with that group of bad guys!"

There was some inexplicable excitement in his voice.

And this time Xiaoyu.

He immediately said, "Mexico, Xiaoyu is going too!" ..

138, Advent [fourth more]

Wuchen and Jackie Chan got off the plane again at the airport at this time.

There was some helplessness in his eyes.

Naturally, the two were not so stupid, so they brought Xiaoyu over.

And in the eyes of the two who came to Mexico at this moment, there was a strong look of helplessness.

I just flew back to San Francisco from Mexico, and this time I'm flying over again!

Jackie Chan sighed and said, "I hope this time goes well!"

After hearing this, Wuchen smiled bitterly and said, "This may not necessarily be smooth..."

There was a bit of helplessness in his voice, and he sighed and said, "Let's go first!"

After saying this, the two continued to walk forward.

Immediately, he walked straight out of the airport.

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