After leaving the airport, I immediately took a taxi.

But because the two of them didn't book a hotel at all, they could only go directly to the hotel they stayed at last time.

At this time, the two took a taxi to the hotel where they had stayed.

to the hotel.

at this time.

Just as the two of them got off the bus, it was at this very moment.

Only a familiar voice sounded: "Do you think Jackie Chan and the others will come?"

This voice belongs to Rasu.

La Su's voice sounded a little silly.

The words that came out immediately caused the three people beside them to frown.

At this moment, Jackie Chan had a smile on his face and looked at the 4 people.

Said: "Hello!"

This has just been said.

4 people were stunned for a moment.

Rasu was the first to reflect on it and shouted loudly, "Jackie Chan!!!"

This sentence has just been said.

Wuchen just rushed forward and kicked it out: Konoha bad Yansheng! "

The moment the voice was spoken, Lasu was kicked out with one kick!

Lasu let out a yawn, and then the thing in his arms fell directly.

Jackie Chan stared at each other, only to see the steps jumping up and down until it fell directly to the ground.

It's the sheep charm!

At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on the little charm!

Wuchen squatted down directly, and grabbed the spell with one hand!

He snorted coldly, and at the same time assumed a fighting posture.

Looking coldly at the few people present, he said, "Why do you want to grab something!"

This is spoken.

A few people took two or three steps back in fear, because they all knew that the two people in front of them were very capable. If they confronted them head-on, it would be a matter of seeking death. They had to find a way to leave first, otherwise if they were allowed to move. If you start, not only will you not get a bargain, but you will be beaten again!

Thinking of this, several people hurriedly backed away.

There was a slightly embarrassed look on Rasu's face.

Said: "No no..."

His words had just been spoken, and his three companions all showed a bit of inexplicable anger on their faces. This guy is really annoyed that he is more than successful!

Rasu didn't dare to say a word!

Wuchen snorted coldly and said, "Speaking so much nonsense, let's go Jackie Chan!"

Jackie Chan nodded, and the two turned around and left.

A smile appeared on Jackie Chan's face, and he said, "It's really great now, we finally got it!"

Wuchen is holding the sheep charm in his hand at this time

Said: "This is not necessarily, it is a good thing, I have to go back and talk about it, and I feel like there is something around me!"

There was a strong sense of vigilance in his voice.

Jackie Chan was a little puzzled after hearing this, but he understood immediately, came over and nodded, and the two rushed to the airport.

The two quickly rushed directly to the airport.

After Wuchen and the two arrived at the airport, they wanted to take a flight and immediately returned to San Francisco.

Just then, they found that the last flight had already left.

Dusk is slowly falling at this time.

Jackie Chan gave a wry smile, and said helplessly: "This time things are in trouble!"

Wuchen snorted coldly and said, "I know things will be troublesome, but... even if it is, then this thing is still in our hands!"

There is a bit of confidence in his words, he is confident that the four trash can't get this spell in his hand!

At the same time, even if Wallon came to him, it would be completely useless, after all!

No matter how powerful the Holy Lord is!

It is also impossible to turn 4 ordinary people into a strong man who can rival him.

But soon, he said distressedly: "We have to find a place to stay, the hotel just now can't be reached!"

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