Everyone was stunned, stunned for a moment, and at this moment the smoke slowly dissipated.

What appeared was a man wearing iron armor, with a bronze ghost face on his face, three meters tall, and leaning on a giant sword in his left hand.

The man was tall and strong, and he even had a huge bronze sword.

After the man appeared, there was a bit of interest in his eyes, and he looked at a few people and said, "You guys are a bit interesting, I didn't expect that guy to be so willing, but also, this is not his full strength, send It's okay for you!"

After hearing this sentence, the four of them were stunned.

There was a bit of surprise in Tru's eyes, he blinked, and said curiously: "Who are you..."

just finished speaking

The man smiled and stood up straight.

Said: "People who came to help you, let's go, the time is almost up, wait until we shoot!"

His words came out.

Immediately, everyone's hearts were cheered up.

I saw the man jumped directly from the window with a bang, the whole ninth floor.

When several people saw this appearance, they quickly went to the window to take a look, but saw that he had already given birth to wings and flew directly out of the city.

The eyes of the four people at this time were full of surprise, and they hurriedly ran downstairs.

They went downstairs very quickly, seeing the man flying in the sky, their eyes showed incomprehensible expressions, is this a person?But just now, it didn't look like a human's appearance, and it also had wings!

Everyone thought so.

Immediately followed.

The more I chased it, the more amazed it became, because this was the direction out of the city, obviously chasing toward the south of the city.

And this time.

The crowd quickly chased out of the city, and with the thundering sound of the behemoth appearing in a dark place, everyone's eyes followed, and they quickly followed!

Just then.

Everyone's eyes at this time revealed a bit of surprise. When did such a Japanese-style house exist here? !

at this time.

I saw that the man in front of them had already put away his wings, coldly holding the bronze giant sword and said, "They are here, it's time to get rid of them!"

There was a bit of cold murderousness in his words, because the reason he came to this world was to kill, just to kill!

There was a strong murderous look on his face.

But right now.

at this very moment.

I saw it on the top of the building.

A man appeared.

The man was tall and thin, but his face was as flawless as a woman's.

His long hair was tied into a ponytail, and he was wearing a black robe like the robes worn by monks in the Middle Ages.

At this time, everyone's eyes were attracted to the past.

Rasu shouted in amazement, "It's this guy!"

At this time, holding a bronze giant sword, at the same time, the extremely tall man carried the giant sword on his shoulders and said, "Are you the guy the boss said?"

Wuchen looked at the man with a bronze ghost face and holding a giant sword, with a somewhat puzzled look in his eyes and said, "I don't remember I ever messed with you, where did you come from? ? I'm really curious!"

His voice revealed a strong doubt, no matter how he provoked himself in this world, it was only hindering the power of the Holy Lord!

Who is this guy?He couldn't help but doubt in his mind.

And at this time.

The man's mask shattered with a click, revealing a hideous face, like a monster.

Or a monster.

That face appeared under the moonlight!

The monster's face was like a mantis turned into a sperm.

The tusks are very long.

Nostrils high.

The eyebrows are like knives, the eyes are deep, and the face is blue-purple!


The whole face looks as if the animal has become a sperm, as terrifying.

Wuchen looked at that face

Involuntarily stunned, this guy is not...

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