Belials of Destruction among the Three Dark Knights!

How did this guy come to such a place, and how did he appear in this world?

There was a deep look of surprise on Wuchen's face, and he couldn't understand why this guy suddenly appeared, which was really strange and puzzled.

Wuchen was very surprised and said: "You can actually appear in this world, this is impossible, why is this happening!"

He frowned, very puzzled.

At this time, Bellas had a smile on his face and said coldly: "Since you don't know, then you have to ask my boss about this, but maybe you have no chance, because you are about to Oh to die!"

There was a bit of ridicule in his voice and a cruel look in his eyes.

Wuchen heard this, snorted coldly, and jumped directly from the wooden house.

Said coldly: "I'm going to die? Are you kidding me?" ..

140, fierce battle [first more]

At this moment.

Wuchen looked at the enemies in front of him coldly and said, "So you are very confident?"

Bellas said coldly: "Don't you have confidence that I will come before you? The enemy in front of me is either death or surrender!"

There was a hint of pride in his words.

At the same time, he immediately raised the bronze giant sword.

Moreover, he raised the bronze giant sword with one hand, suddenly took a step, and swept it out!

Wuchen saw the sword swept over.

There was a look of disdain on his face, but his heart was a little empty!

After all, I haven't tried to beat this guy with the tricks of the Naruto world.

Or have never played against these guys.

Thinking like this in his heart, he immediately activated the glittering fruit.

In an instant, the body quickly shifted and turned into a ray of light, which just flashed past this trick.

Bellas said with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "I didn't expect your body to turn into light, right? But it's not enough!"

The moment his words came out, his eyes widened immediately, his legs were fixed and he held the sword in one hand, and he roared loudly: "Whirlwind!"

These words suddenly hit the ground, and a tornado immediately appeared on the ground where the sword hit!

The black and purple tornado is about to sweep away!

Wuchen's eyes widened immediately, and at the same time, he jumped up suddenly, and the direction the tornado was going to roll over was also the direction of the wooden house.

direct printing

He shouted in a low voice, "Tu Dun: Tu Liubi!"

The moment the voice fell, the moment he clapped his hands on the ground, a thick city wall appeared directly in front of him.

The moment the city wall appeared.

It was immediately blown apart by the cyclone, but the cyclone was soon stopped.

But right now.

I saw Belials holding the bronze giant sword directly, and suddenly smashed into the city wall at first sight.

The city wall burst with a bang.

Wuchen gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and used the Thunder Armor Technique directly.

Hardened hands in an instant

directly on top.

The giant sword and the hand touched together, and the huge force was also transmitted to the dust-free body!

Wuchen was about to withdraw his hand, but he forcibly held it back, his eyes were full of surprise, it's a bit incredible that this guy is so strong.

There was surprise in his heart.

However, at this time, he made a seal with one hand!

He shouted in a low voice, "Huo Dun: The Art of Fireball!"

A huge fireball spewed out of his mouth immediately.

Seeing the fireball, Belias quickly retracted the giant sword and took three steps back. Just as the fireball was about to hit him, the sword slashed out, and the fireball was chopped into pieces.

When Wuchen saw Belials, he had such a strong power that he couldn't help but take another breath, but he was ready immediately, gritted his teeth and jumped up suddenly, his hands forming a seal: "Fire Dun: The art of Longyan singing!"

The moment the words were spoken, flames spit out from the mouth one after another, and the flames were formed in an instant!

In an instant, one fire dragon after another fell directly from the air, but at this time, Belias held the hilt of the sword with both hands, roared loudly, and immediately rotated. Like a whirlwind, all those fire dragons were blown out!

The surprised look on Wuchen's face fell to the ground, and his hands suddenly clapped: "Tu Dun: The Technique of Huangquan Marsh!"

The words fell, and suddenly the earth began to relax.

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