At the same time, Bellas looked down and felt that his body was descending, but he felt no problem at all. ability!"

But seeing that at this time, he stomped his foot suddenly, and the sound of the whole earth suddenly hardened.

And the energy extending from his feet sealed the entire land.

There was a surprised look on Wuchen's face.

With a cold snort, his hands formed a seal: "Tu Dun: The earth moves the core!"

speak out

Belials' feet swayed again, and the other 4-member group was also stunned at this time, with strong surprises in their eyes, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

At this time, Belials snorted coldly, facing the cracks that appeared one after another, and stepped on the ground again, and the whole land was all agglomerated with a direct click!

Wuchen took a deep breath and stepped back directly.

Hands as fast as the seal of the wind: "Senfa: Goemon!"

When these words were spoken, a violent and extremely hot oil was spit out from the mouth!

Right now.

Thousands of degrees of oil came directly to his face. Belials also felt the threat. He couldn't help but squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, a little surprised in his eyes.

Said: "You have some ability, but you can't kill me with this power!"

Immediately after his words were spoken, wings stretched out, and at the same time, the bronze giant sword in his hand was held in reverse with one hand!

He holds the bronze giant sword in his right hand, waiting for the moment when the hot oil river rushes towards it!

He snorted coldly and suddenly slashed out with a sword.

Only heard the roar of the explosion sounded the whole huge high-heat oil river

In an instant, it was swallowed up by this huge force.

There was a look of surprise in Wuchen's eyes.

A little surprised for a while.

I didn't expect that this guy's ability is really not small.

Wuchen snorted coldly and said, "It's really strong!"

After hearing this, Bellas said: "Then how could I kill you? I came to kill you on the orders of my master!"

This sentence was just spoken.

Wuchen was very interested and said: "Who is your master? I'm a little curious, your master won't be that old bastard of Death, although I haven't dealt with him, but I always feel that he won't You want to kill me!"

Bellas shook his head and said, "That was my last master. My director said that he wanted to kill you, because you obstructed his plan, so he sent me to kill you. This time you can only accept your fate. It's gone!"

This sentence came out.

Wuchen said: "Unfortunately, I am not a person who likes to accept fate, but I like to change my fate against the sky. Your words don't work for me!"

This sentence was just said, but I saw that Belials immediately changed his form, and all kinds of strange water chestnut exoskeletons grew all over his body!

He said coldly: "It doesn't work, you have to fight it before you know it. Don't think I can't beat you. Your move just now is really interesting, but if you want to beat me, you're still far behind!" ..

141. Intense Battle [First Update]

When Wuchen saw his body, he actually began to have the appearance of changing bones, and he couldn't help but have a more solemn expression on his face.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "It's interesting!"

There was a bit of ridicule in his voice, and there was a cold smirk on his face.

And at this time, after Bellas heard this sentence, he raised the bronze giant sword in his hand and said, "Really? Let's try it and see if it's interesting, or I'll kill you!"

Say this.

Wuchen hummed coldly, only to see a ray of light appearing directly on his TV's hand at this time, and that ray of light instantly turned into a lightsaber.

Immediately afterwards, the bronze giant sword and the lightsaber met.

When the two swords collided, there was a crackling sound in the surroundings of the immediate death.

The rumbling sound kept ringing.

The strength of the two people clashed in the air, and the strength at this time caused the floor to burst for 4 weeks, and the clouds shook!

At this moment, the two of them quickly took a dozen steps back.

There was a bit of solemnity in his eyes.

Bellas also immediately understood that this guy not only knows ordinary spells, but also uses swordsmanship!

Just thought so.

Wuchen leaped again, and directly scattered the lightsaber in his hand, and at the same time folded his hands on his chest and shouted loudly: "Bachi Qionggouyu!"

The moment the words were spoken, a large piece of light immediately appeared above the sky.

That large piece of light turned into one hook after another, and fell directly from the air!

Right now

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