Paris thought for a moment and said, "I can cook, I can still some..."

Dad immediately said, "Okay, you can cook for us!"

Paris was suddenly stunned and said, speechless, "Okay... Then where is my residence?..."

Dad pointed upstairs.

Paris just climbed up the stairs.

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

At this time, the old man said quickly: "This woman is too fierce, be careful not to let her destroy too many things!"

Wuchen nodded and said with a wry smile, "I understand!"

Paris quickly ran downstairs and said, "It's okay, I'll live here in the future. If you want to cook, you have to tell me the kitchen first!"

Dad nodded and pointed to a door in the distance behind him.

Paris walked over and stared at those things and couldn't help being stunned.

Wuchen rolled his eyes and hurriedly said to Jackie Chan, "Go to church!"

Jackie Chan was speechless for a while.

Wuchen sighed and hurriedly walked out of the store.

Just then.

He seemed to have a foreboding and frowned involuntarily.

Because he felt the movement of energy again.

And those energies are very familiar, obviously it is the energy that has fought with me, although I don't know who it is, but it is moving nearby!

Wuchen frowned and jumped directly onto the roof along the raindrops of energy, and soon he ran around on the roof.

Immediately noticed something was wrong, and suddenly turned to look.

He was surprised to see it!

At this time, Lasu and the others were holding Xiaoyu who had just left school, and frantically walked forward.

And the energy that I felt just now is actually the people of the Black Shadow Corps holding the energy to attract their attention!

Wuchen frowned, this time it was troublesome, did you kidnap Xiaoyu? !

These bastards are really despicable.

With this thought in Wuchen's heart, he snorted coldly, and immediately he lived on the roof, ran up, pulled out a few people, and started the car to run towards the road!

Wuchen also quickly chased after him.

Of course he's fast

But the speed of the car is not covered, and it will soon hit the road

On the coastal road, the car was even more astonishingly fast.

Wuchen can only chase wildly beside him at this time.

Gritting his teeth, there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

These guys are so shameless.

Thinking like this in my heart, it's even faster!


He seized the opportunity and jumped up suddenly.

He jumped directly onto a building, and at the same time jumped down from the building.

Wuchen jumped down from the building, but without the slightest bit of fear, he jumped extremely fast. In a split second, the sound of bang sounded, and immediately jumped to the front of the car. The huge force made the entire front of the car. All up!

At this time, Xiaoyu, who was hugged tightly by A Fen in the car, widened her eyes in horror.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and directly stabilized the whole car with strength.

And the other three.

Quickly holding Xiaoyu, she ran directly to the beach.

The trio ran very fast.

Wuchen also quickly chased over, and soon everyone came to an empty beach.

Wuchen gritted his teeth and looked at the few people holding Xiaoyu in front of him.

Said, "You bastards!"

A Fen holds Xiao Yu who has been tied into a zongzi in his arms.

Said: "If you want this little girl to be safe, just exchange those spells immediately, and if you find a spell, give it to us, or the little girl will die!"

After Wuchen heard this, he frowned and clenched his fists and said, "A girl is just a child, and you have to do such a thing to her to let her go!"

This sentence came out.

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