A few others are farting.

Lasu said coldly, "We only need the spell!"

The three people at this time were actually normal, but as soon as these words came out, Lasu's body quickly swelled up and became demonized again!

Lasu looked at the dust-free coldly

Said, "We just need the spell!"

There was a cold murderousness in his words.

Wuchen said: "Really, let go!"

A Fen said, "Sorry I can't do it!"

After Wuchen heard this.

Snorted coldly.

He didn't really want to use power, because he had already used up a lot of power just now!

Taking a deep breath, his eyes turned directly into Samsara eyes, and then followed.

Right now.

Wuchen shouted in a low voice, "Lun Tomb: Border Prison!"

After these words were spoken, the three of them were immediately kicked out, and Xiaoyu immediately fell to the ground.

Wuchen also flew over immediately, caught Xiaoyu's body, and pulled the tape off Xiaoyu's mouth.

And Xiaoyu said in shock at this time: "Brother Chen!"

Wuchen sighed and said helplessly: "It's really troublesome!"

As soon as he said this, he quickly released Xiaoyu's shackles.

Xiaoyu was free.

She hurriedly said: "Blow up all these bad guys!"

After Wuchen heard this, he looked at the three people helplessly.

The three of them touched their faces and stood up quickly, and there was a little more panic in their eyes. Without the hostages in their hands, a few of them seemed like lambs to be slaughtered!

Wuchen looked at the three people coldly and said, "I think you really want to die early! Your boss has just been beaten by me, and now you want to be beaten for you, right?"

These words have just been said, and the three are ready to fight.

Lasu said coldly, "It's not necessarily who was beaten!"

His body swelled, and the energy became more surging, obviously supplementing the energy, and his face at this moment was also worn away, turning directly into the face of a demon!

The face became as long as a goat, and small horns grew on its forehead.

When Wuchen saw that he had become like this, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and said: "It seems that you have indeed gained a lot of power, but you want to defeat me, but you are too weak!"

Then Xiaoyu, who turned to look at him, said, "Xiaoyu stay away, don't get hurt!"

Xiaoyu nodded and was also stunned, she quickly ducked back, her eyes were full of horror, how did these guys become so powerful, Xiaoyu's eyes were a little surprised, but more curious!

After all, in the original book, Xiaoyu is not a fuel-efficient lamp! ..

150. Rescue Xiaoyu [Second]

Wuchen looked at the three demonized people in front of him.

He said coldly, "Just a few of you rotten assholes, and you want to beat me?"

There was a bit of disdain in his words, and then he looked back and found a huge figure blocking the light.

When Wuchen looked back, he immediately realized that it was Truu who planned it.

At this moment, Tru's eyes widened.

Wuchen had no fear at all, and when he returned to his senses, he immediately kicked Tru's chin.

He shouted loudly: "Knoba Bad Yansheng!"

This is spoken.

Trudeau was directly kicked over.

Although True had become like a troll just now, after being kicked over by this kick, the whole person looked up at the sky on the ground.

Suddenly stunned.

Wuchen snorted coldly.

He turned to look at the other three.

But the other three are not weak either.

Lasu sneered and stretched out his hands directly. This time, instead of rushing forward to attack, he directly burned flames in his hands.

Only to hear him yell: "Look at me roasting you all!"

After Wuchen heard this, he said it with a little disdain. :"try it yourself?"

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