Wuchen said distressedly: "The more and more chaotic space means that there will be more trouble in this world, and my exciting life will disappear!"

Paris was also very surprised when she heard this: "Then you call me this idea, but it's the same, but it seems that I saw a shooting star just now!"

When Wuchen heard this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong and frowned and looked over. He also saw the meteor, which was flying north of San Francisco at this time.

Wuchen sucked in a breath of cold air and widened his eyes, he could feel the flow of energy inside.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I have to go and see!"

The moment his words were spoken, the sand was immediately summoned.

He used Gaara's ninjutsu.

Summoned sand.

In an instant, he stepped on the sand and flew away.

But this time.

Paris grabbed his clothes and said, "I'm going too!"

Wuchen rolled his eyes silently, and could only go with him.

Dust-free quickly rushed out.

Riding on the sand at this moment, he flew directly over the city, and soon came to the north of San Francisco.

Here is a large desert.

There shouldn't be anyone, but at this moment, I see a large desert.

With a fiery red color, it doesn't look like someone is lighting a fire.

Wuchen frowned and slowly landed in the north, and it was only a few hundred meters away from the red light just now.

Wuchen looked over and found that something was not right.

Paris frowned and said, "It's a big problem!"

Wuchen also nodded and said, "It's really a big problem!"

There was some concern in his words.

And at this moment, when he frowned and looked around, he only noticed.

There is a wave of energy there.

And at this moment, the wind is all around

Wuchen looked up quickly and saw several meteors streaking across the sky.

There was helplessness in his eyes, and it seemed that those traversers who had just descended in San Francisco flew over.

This time things got more complicated.

Wuchen frowned involuntarily.

Wuchen quickly grabbed Paris's hand and said, "Let's hide first!"

This sentence came out.

Paris thought for a moment, nodded, and followed him to hide in the greenery beside him.

And this time in a big sand pit.

At this time, a circular flying object slowly clicked and made a sound.


And in there.

At this time, a figure slowly appeared.

I saw that man was wearing a black and white costume, and his face was also black and white, with a black and white crown on his head!

And at this moment, the hand is also clearly black and white.

The man was very handsome, but there was a bit of violence in his eyes!

That person just kicked the round thing away with one kick.

He jumped up from the big bunker.

Looking around, he said to himself, "Where is this? How did I get here?"

Wuchen observed in the dark, involuntarily took a breath, and said in surprise: "Nangong hate?!"

That's right, the black and white one is indeed the black and white Langjun Nangong hate!

At this time, Nangong hate actually appeared here.

Wuchen couldn't help but let out a distressed laugh, with a helpless look on his face, and rolled his eyes, God, who can save himself? !

He thought with a speechless expression in his heart.

Paris was more interested, got up and said, "This guy is so strong and looks very interesting!"

At this time, Nangong Heen frowned slightly, and immediately shouted loudly: "Whoever hides in the dark and doesn't hurry up and get out!"

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