As soon as this sentence was said, the two of them were immediately shocked. Is this guy's perception ability so sharp? ?

But right now.

Just as the two were about to go out, only one voice was heard.

"Oh ho? Is it someone who came here again?"

This voice appears.

The eyes of the two also followed.

Nangong Hen also quickly looked at the past.

I saw it walking in front of him.

It's a man in a suit.

But this costume is different!

The man was still a one-eyed man.

And there are two knives, one long and one short, on his waist.

Japanese dress up.

That's right, this person is Yagyu Jubei!

At this moment, he looked at Nangonghen with a serious face and said, "Are you also from another world?!"

152. The Pretender [Fourth]

At this time, there was a little doubt in the eyes of Yagyu Shibei.

And I was even more surprised at how this person looked strange, although if the strange black and white appearance was removed, he was still handsome.

But this person is all black and white, which is really weird.

And at this moment, Nangong hates.

Looking at the Liusheng Ten soldiers in front of him, he immediately said: "Dongying people? Do you know where this place is interesting?"

After hearing this, Liusheng Shibingwei frowned and said, "I don't know!"

Right at this time.


Only a loud roar was heard.

Two people hiding in the dark.

Immediately looked over.

I saw a tall giant beast appear.

Wuchen was stunned involuntarily.

Because he saw it.

It was a monster that appeared in the dark crusade.

Or in other words, people turned into monsters, that is, what the infected eventually turned into.

All are pretenders.

And the pretender had reached the final stage at this time.

At this time dragging that very huge and cystic body.

There appeared not far from the left hand of the two people.

Nangonghen frowned immediately and said, "What is this thing?"

Liusheng Shibingwei shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing!"

There was a bit of vigilance in the words, and then one hand was placed on the short knife.

He is ready!

At this time, Nangong Hen couldn't help but immediately raised his true anger.

Nangong looked at the giant beast coldly and said, "It looks so violent, and it's not a good thing."

When the words are spoken, the power is immediately exerted!

There are some guesses in the eyes, this thing is really terrifying, and there seems to be a strange energy luck in this space.

Nangong hated thinking this way.

At this moment, the pretender immediately launched an attack, and after roaring, the rotten body moved very fast.

There was a bit of surprise on Yagyu Jubei's face, a knife in one hand, a short knife in his left hand, and a long knife in his right hand immediately unsheathed.

The moment the two knives were unsheathed, they flew back and retreated, and the pretender punched him where he was standing. If he jumped faster, he would have been flattened by a punch.

The instant the fist smashed down, only the sound of a bang was heard, and the entire standing place was smashed and collapsed.

At this time, Nangong hates

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