The dust-free hands are printed again.

The Rashomon in front of him also slowly fell.

He slapped the ground with his palm and shouted, "Lei Dun: Sixteen Pillars of Binding Technique!"

The moment the words fell, a purple stone appeared immediately after 4 weeks.

The purple stone forms a pillar, which directly wraps the Dikui in it!

How could Di Kui react, he was immediately scorched black by the electricity. Although the whole body was covered with stones, it was completely useless, and the electricity was like a poached egg.

Wuchen shouted, rushed over, and slowly dissipated as the restraint of the sixteen pillars

I saw five elements of energy appear in his evergreen, and shouted loudly: "Five elements of fire seal!"

As soon as the voice fell, a palm was slapped on Di Kui's forehead! ..

238. General Ika's Request [Third Update]

Wuchen's power is very domineering. In an instant, Di Kui screamed angrily, but it was completely useless. I saw that the energy of the five elements was constantly eroding his body, and the seal also formed a cross in an instant, which appeared on his body in an instant, that huge His body was immediately completely bound by the cross shackles, but after a while, a human-sized cross appeared.

Di Kui's body completely disappeared.

A faint smile appeared on Wuchen's face, he just wanted to try this trick.

Unexpectedly, these demons can be sealed with this trick.

Wuchen quickly activated Shenwei again, and directly put the demon cross into the Shenwei space.

At this point he immediately turned around to look.


someone is coming.

appeared behind him.

A man dressed as a Japanese samurai.

Not a Japanese samurai though.

Instead, ninjas!


This ninja is very special, he is General Ika of the Ghost Corps!

at this time.

The general of the Ghost Corps came to him.

Wuchen was also a little surprised and said curiously: "You actually came to me?"

General Ika nodded and said, "Your black flames make me feel terrified. I know it's not a good thing to be your enemy!"

After Wuchen heard this, he said a little curiously: "What do you mean?"

General Ika snorted coldly and said, "That damn Tara fooled us before, saying that he could let us occupy the world again, but I know he has bad intentions. What he thought was, let me fight for him. No pay, but he's so naive!"

Wuchen suddenly understood, it turns out that the Ghost Shadow Corps is not a monolith.

He used to think it was a bit weird when he watched the show, because it seemed that these ghost generals didn't listen to Tara's words very much in the play.

Especially after they found a suitable host, when they were able to successfully summon and produce a complete ghost video, Tara could hardly mobilize them at all!


General Ika is particularly special.

From the beginning to the end, Tara never dared to say a heavy word, and never asked any more words!

General Ika seems to have a very special status.

But it was verified today.

With a smile on Wuchen's face, he said, "Then what do you mean?"

General Ika said with a smile: "Maybe we can really cooperate, I don't want to die at your hands, I am a person who is very greedy for life and fear of death, this is not a derogatory term, no one wants to die, you are right ?"

Wuchen nodded and said in agreement, "I think you're right that no one wants to die, so you mean you want to cooperate with me, right?"

General Ika nodded and said: "Yes, I want to cooperate with you. I am a very simple person. I don't say that darkness comes to the world like other people. This is unrealistic... It is even more unrealistic with you around. , so... if you can get me out of Tara, and, let me get rid of the Sombra Corps, and let me have a piece of territory of my own! I am willing to cooperate with you, and I am willing to work with you to deal with other people!"

Wuchen heard this and said curiously: "What do you mean you can't..."

General Ika nodded and said: "Yes, our eight generals actually have a special agreement with Tara, that is, the contract will bind us, and we together form the current Ghost Corps! Even Tara himself cannot Go disobey! The content of this contract is that everyone is responsible for the Ghost Corps, and no one can break the rules of the Ghost Corps, nor can they destroy the structure of the Ghost Corps!"

Wuchen nodded suddenly.

General Ika went on to say: "But I don't want to be a member of the Ghost Corps anymore, because I know their ideas are illusory! The point is, even if we reoccupy the world, it will still be Tara who will be the strongest! Ning! For the chicken head, not the phoenix tail!"

His words said that his fist was slightly squeezed here.

There was a curious look on Wuchen's face, and he said with a smile: "That is to say, you don't want to follow him anymore, but you can't not follow him because of the contract. If you face each other, you will be punished by the contract? Is that right?"

General Ika nodded and said, "That's right, the content of this contract is that we can't hurt each other, and we can't kill each other, and it has the effect of an alliance!"

Wuchen said suddenly: "So it is, then I understand, then what can I do to help you get rid of this contract?"

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