General Ika thought for a while and said: "This contract is placed in the shadow world, and all of our nine generals can enter, but I can't break it, because once someone wants to break the contract, the contract will be hidden, and It will automatically hide in a place where we, the shadow generals, can't find it at all! So what I need is that you can come and destroy me!"

After hearing this, Wuchen said helplessly: "But I can't enter the world of shadows, the world of shadows belongs to you, the world of shadow creatures, should I not be able to enter?"

General Ika shook his head at this time and said: "No, you can enter, but the conditions for entering are a little harsh. The key is how to send you in! The key to our entry into the shadow world is that although we were not originally humans, But infected with the power of demons, our bodies have changed into demons, as long as you can disguise the power of demons! I can help you do this."

After Wuchen heard this, he seemed very curious and said, "How do I find that contract?"

General Ika laughed and said: "You will find a way to find it, but next, we should discuss how to get out if you break the contract after entering, because once you break the contract, the shadow world will fall into In a frenzy, either you will be trapped in the shadow world, or you will find a way to escape at once,'s difficult."

Wuchen froze for a moment and said, "Why do you say that?"

General Ika said: "Because, breaking the contract will cause a frenzy of creatures in the entire shadow world, and they will find out that they will send soldiers to investigate! And your disguise will also be detected, because you are not a real demon, You will be detected, you have to find a way to leave quickly, or you will be trapped!"

Wuchen nodded and said, "When are you going to do it?"

His words made him curious. If he can really break the contract, he can win an ally, which is not bad! ..

239. Enter the shadow world [fourth more]

A burst of black and white.

Wuchen saw it as soon as his eyes bloomed. On his arm, a special mark soon appeared. The special mark was completely composed of black, and the general shape was like a pentagram.

At this time, he was in the shadow world.

Why is there a deal here of course!

It is very necessary for him to disintegrate the formation of the Ghost Shadow Corps!

So he naturally agreed at this time, but in just a split second, his body was marked and he entered the shadow world at the same time.

There was a helpless look on his face.


There was black and white all around, as if he had entered a black and white plain at this time, and the grass he was stepping on was also white.

When looking forward, there are only two colors of black and white, as if he is in the world of comics that has been transformed into a sketch.

At this time, he continued to walk forward, but it was as if he had seen everything, and there was also a strange wind in 4 weeks. All this made him feel that something was wrong.

He frowned tightly, and then I saw a creature with its mouth wide open, swimming in the air, like a lamprey in the sea, and immediately opened its mouth at him, and its eyes were red and it was about to bite him.

But as soon as he saw the special mark on his shoulder, he turned around and left, with a look of fear in the depths of his eyes.

Wuchen continued to walk forward at this time, and he continued to walk forward. It was still endless, and it opened up very quickly. Just after he walked for thirty or forty minutes, this changed, and the boring environment changed!

It finally changed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. In front of him was a forest path, with special black and gray trees on both sides. He walked in and shuttled through the forest path. He felt as if he was walking on the path. In the woods in the north, the trees on both sides are all pine-like woods.

He was very curious.

Wuchen then walked forward, but did not see anything special in front of him, just when he was thinking about it.

Just then.

A low growl made him turn sharply and look over.

When he turned his head to look over, he was stunned involuntarily, and a strange creature appeared behind him.

The creature's body was like that of a tiger, but its face was as wide as a cow's mouth, like a hippopotamus.

The body is very strong.

Lying on the ground like a giant tiger with its mouth open wide, with bull feet on its head, its eyes are as fierce as a wolf.

The claws were as sharp as a lion and the fangs grew out of the huge mouth, as sharp as the teeth of a shark.

When Wuchen saw this thing, he was suddenly startled, and at the same time he noticed that behind the long body there was a tail that looked like a poisonous scorpion, which made him even more curious. WTF?

Ah, just thinking about it in my heart, I saw that creature made a huge roar, and there was a cold murderous aura in those eyes, and immediately it was going to pounce directly on him

Wuchen saw that thing was about to rush over, his face was slightly surprised, and immediately his palms slammed together, shouting loudly: "Tu Dun: There is no dungeon!"

The sound fell, and the moment the thing was about to hit it, it immediately fell directly into a large pit, and was immediately covered by a soil cover.

In an instant, he couldn't make more huge roars because he was locked in it.

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, what the hell is this?He thought about this in his heart, just when he was just curiously leaning over, the sound of a click came, he was startled, flew back and retreated, and at the same time, his hands were sealed, and he suddenly slapped his palms. .

Then he shouted loudly: "Tu Dun: Tu Liubi!"

The moment the sound fell.

Immediately afterwards, I only saw the huge creature, and it directly broke the dungeon!

At the same time, it directly hit the soil wall!

The huge force immediately caused the wall to rumble and the sound of an explosion appeared.

Wuchen was frightened by such a creature for the first time, and flew back again, took a deep breath, and immediately formed a seal on his hands, and then his eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted loudly: "Huo Dun: Hao Fire out!"

As soon as the sound fell, a huge fireball spewed out of the mouth. The huge flame spewed out of the mouth, and a violent flame was spewed directly. In an instant, the monster was immediately burned. He shouted and stepped back two or three steps. The flames were indeed a very terrifying existence for this shadow world.

Immediately after that, the huge creature was burned to the brink of death, with an unextinguished flame on its body and the poisonous needle behind it.

It was directly burned into the body, and quickly disappeared.

Wuchen was relieved, walked over and saw that this thing was burned by fire, and it turned into such a strange appearance.

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