Right at this moment.

Wuchen took a deep breath, and at this time, he immediately used the Chidori Blade!

The thunder and lightning were instantly used to the past, and at this time, the man was just hit by the Chidori Blade immediately!

In just an instant, it immediately turned into water and disappeared.

Wuchen felt more and more difficult at this time, and when he looked again, the man had already fallen into the water, and he wanted to use Layton.

I want to force that damn guy out, but suddenly I think of forcing him out, and I have no good way to do it, what should I do?The more I thought about it, the more I felt a little troubled face suddenly showed a smile, after thinking for a while, a cold smile was drawn on my face and said: "Don't think that, I can't do anything about you, I'll see what you do. !!" ..


When Wuchen finished speaking, his hands had already finished printing.

A very quick palm slapped the ground on the ground, took a deep breath, and revealed a bit of cold murderous aura in his eyes!

"Layton: Let's go!"

In the moment when the words fell, it immediately caused an astonishing thunderbolt to spurt out of his hand, and then entered the kettle instantly. The man immediately jumped out of the kettle, flew into the sky, and rolled up even more. A lot of water, that water filled the sky, making the surrounding area full of water vapor!

Amazing power that shook 4 weeks!

And this time.

Inuyasha seized the opportunity, clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, roared suddenly, stepped directly on the ground, jumped up, and roared high, the knife handle in his hand spurted out amazing flames, which filled the air at the same time. A knife beside him was aimed at the man who was hiding in the water!

The feminine man saw the flame knife slashing directly at him, but he was not afraid, but gently stretched out his delicate hand and blocked it with the palm of his hand!

The clanging sound was heard. At this moment, the broken iron teeth in Inuyasha's hand were directly hit with sparks, and Inuyasha's body was also repelled by this huge anti-vibration force for more than ten meters!

Inuyasha slowly fell to the ground, with only surprise on his face, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, took a breath, and stuck the knife beside him, but Inuyasha felt that the danger of 10 points was terrible!

This guy is just too strong.

Thinking like this in my heart, I took a deep breath and looked helpless.

Seeing this appearance, Kagome immediately teased her own breathing, and then immediately pulled out a Demon Breaking Arrow from her shoulders!

After taking a deep breath, he directly opened the bow and arrow!

At this time, the man who was curling the water in the sky, saw this appearance, his face was full of disdain, and said lightly: "It's just a little girl, am I still afraid of you?"

Kagome's arrows are not ordinary arrows!

It's a special arrow with a demon-breaking attribute!

There was a sound of breaking the sky. The arrow that was shot had the attribute of breaking the demon, and it pierced through all the water curtains at once. At this time, the man was surprised, but he quickly grabbed it with his hand, and then he was because of the The power of Rashomon suddenly roared and shouted loudly, his whole hand was blackened, and he hurriedly threw the arrow in his hand!

His eyes were full of surprises, and he said in shock, "What kind of power is this? Why is this happening?"

Inuyasha was also very surprised, turned to look at Kagome, and said, "What's going on? Why is this happening? How did you do it?"

Kagome was stunned for a moment, then blinked and said: "I just added the power to break the demon, I didn't expect it to be really useful to him, but this guy is completely different from the demonic energy I have felt before, he is not the same. It's not an ordinary monster, or he is not a monster, it should be something else!"

After Inuyasha heard these words, he nodded and said, "Is that the way it is? But since the power of breaking the magic can kill him, then you cover me, and I will cut him!"

After saying this, a confident look appeared on his face, after all, his daughter-in-law can break the defense!

And this moment.

Wuchen came to the two of them and whispered: "I will use a wide range of tricks in a while, you remember to seize the opportunity to kill it, you can't keep him, this guy has a dangerous aura, even if it is me and It will take a while for him to entangle with him, because he has an abyss power deeper than darkness, it is an evil energy, and this guy must not be allowed to survive!"

Hearing this sentence, both of them nodded, a firm look appeared on their faces, and there was a little more determination in their eyes.

Seeing the two of them, Wuchen nodded in agreement and took a deep breath. At the same time, he looked at the man who was rolling in the sky and said, "Don't be complacent, how about taking my trick again!"

Both hands are finished!

He did it in an instant, and he shouted loudly, "Come and try this trick! Huo Dun: Work hard!"

A huge flame ball spewed out of his mouth and smashed directly at the man above the sky.

When the man saw the huge flame ball slot, he rushed over, and immediately instructed Shuimu to wrap himself up, and at the same time, a huge water quality shield appeared in front of him, and the water quality shield appeared in front of him to block the flame ball. A huge splash of water and huge water vapor were aroused.

At this moment, the water vapor was broken, and the sound of the sky broke directly.

A Demon-Breaking Arrow that was shot directly broke through the water curtain, and in an instant it pierced his shoulder.

His face was stunned. At this moment, he only heard the sound of puffing. An arrow was stabbed in his left shoulder, but his right hand was directly cut off with blood, and it went on!

He hurriedly jumped directly to the other side, and at this moment Inuyasha was standing in front of him, with blood on Tieshaya.

A smile appeared on Inuyasha's face, and he said, "The boy tastes good!"

At this time, Inuyasha has not fully entered the second state to be able to exert such strength, which is really good.

A smile appeared on Kagome's face at this time, and at this time, the man quickly grew another right hand and pulled the arrow from the shoulder of his left hand, although his right hand was black again. , but he didn't care at all, and quickly treated himself with water, he said coldly: "So many people can't kill me in a wheel battle, are you too weak?"

When Wuchen arrived at this time, a smile appeared on his face and said, "Isn't this done!"

His words suddenly fell from the sky, and there was a faint light in the palm of his hand, and he shouted loudly: "Huo Dun: Hao Huo Tian Prison!"

This move suddenly fell from the sky. If it hits, the man will at least be directly imprisoned by this move, and he can't use his power at all, so that guy is completely useless.

At this time, the man had already seen the rapid roll back, took a dozen steps back, and at the same time the water jet cut directly.

Wuchen saw that his tricks were missing, so he turned over and stepped back a dozen steps, and the rice was cut empty and lonely.

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