Wuchen snorted coldly, shook off the flame in his hand, and said lightly: "It's a troublesome guy, who gave you the power of Rashomon on your body, it's more terrifying than darkness. Abyssal power! Who gave it?" ..

324, the death pill strikes

Xiao Nan snorted coldly, looked at the person in front of him and said, "Who are you? Tell me where the power in you comes from, otherwise you will feel better!"

Just after saying this, the man took a breath, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly with disdain, "What does it have to do with you? I was just ordered to kill you, you still want to Finding out what's on me, it's ridiculous, it's a joke, I'll tell you?"

The moment he finished speaking, his hands immediately merged, and at the same time, a huge water jet was born from his hand, and the water jet suddenly shot out from his hand.

When Xiao Nan saw the water, he sprayed it towards him, and then his hands formed a series of seals.

"Woodun: Wood Ingot Wall!"

"Wood Dun: The Art of the Great Forest!"

The moment the two moves came out, they flew directly towards the man. The man's face was slightly surprised. There was no quick defense for a while. After the water jet was blocked, the big forest force directly moved towards him. The body slammed into the past, and the person's body was directly hydrated, and at the same time, it quickly floated directly into the sky.

Seeing him go up to the sky, Wuchen drew a cold and successful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said with a bit of disdain in his eyes: "See where else you can go!"

When the words are finished.

Both hands are finished!

In an instant, he could only hear him shouting loudly: "Lei Dun: Sixteen Pillars of Binding Technique!"

Suddenly, 16 huge pillars fell from the sky, and suddenly pressed the man down, and there was a crackling sound of thunder and lightning. The man was made of water, and he was also a water monster. He originally wanted water. If he was stunned by lightning, he would shout something when he was electrified, but this was not only a simple Leiden, but also had a shackle composed of 16 pillars, which made him completely immobile.

He suddenly screamed loudly.

Wuchen strikes again.

"Lei Dun: Thirty-six Binding Techniques!"

The sound fell on the pillars that bound the man on the ground, and all of them turned into houses in an instant, and the thunder and lightning crackled.

Wuchen snorted coldly and made another move.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Vegetarian Burning!"

A flame suddenly appeared in the house, and the flame slowly burned. The man inside was very afraid of fire. He was afraid of thunder and was burned all of a sudden. His eyes were full of horror, and his whole body was covered with It was very painful to be burned, but he couldn't do anything, he couldn't hydrate or slip away in an instant. He was not lightly affected by the lightning and lightning, and he was roasted by the flames like a suckling pig.

It was very painful all of a sudden.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and slowly lifted all the spells.

At this time, the man was already half-kneeling on the ground, his clothes had turned black, and he was very embarrassed, as if he had been roasted by something.

He gritted his teeth and looked up, looking at everyone in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said, "You bastards dare to treat me like this, if I..."

When Wuchen heard this sentence, he immediately said: "If you dare to say so much nonsense, then you will not have the opportunity to talk about the future, and you will not have the opportunity to tell me anything else, did you hear it, if If you don't hear clearly, then I'll say it again, if you talk nonsense to me again, I'll kill you damn bastard right away, you hear? I just want to know my useful information!"

After saying this, the man was stunned for a moment and was taken aback. There was a bit of fear in his eyes, and he could see that he was really scared. He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and lowered his head and said: " What do you want to know?"

After hearing this, Wuchen showed a faint smile and said: "Who gave that power to you? Who collected it? How did you get it? What happened? Tell me the truth! "

The man was shocked when he heard this, but he had to explain that he lowered his head and said, "That was the power that a guy named Kagura gave me, and I don't know where he came from. , I only know that the guy claims to be the messenger of the wind, he is a very strong guy, I can't beat him, but after he handed that power to me, he just left, no matter what I did with it! At the same time, he Said that his power came from a monster named Naraku..."

When Wuchen heard this sentence, he showed such an expression as he expected, and nodded coldly and said, "So that's right, I have a general understanding, so where is the messenger of the wind named Kagura now? You? Can you know? Is there any way you can get in touch? Or is there any way you can find it?"

As soon as he said this, the man shook his head and said, "That damn guy defeated me, gave me his power, and then left. I also want to find that guy and have a showdown with him again, but He slipped away so fast, I couldn't find it at all!"

After Wuchen heard this, he narrowed his eyes and nodded. This is indeed in line with Kagura's style. At the same time, it is still unclear how this power came from. How did that guy from Naruo extract such high purity? the power of.

The more I thought about it, the more strange it became.

Right now, right now.

At this time, I only heard a voice from the sky: "No dust! I'm here to find you again!"

Wuchen raised his head and looked over. It was a cold and noble young man. At this time, his face showed some inexplicable excitement. At the same time, he was also very familiar. The pale skin and dog ears, and the huge tail draped behind him.

Wuchen immediately recognized who it was.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Shoshomaru! It's so strange that you have time to come to me!"

This has just been said.

Sesshomaru standing on the top of Genting said: "I said I came to you to prove my strength, you damn fellow, I want to come to you to wash away the shame, I want to defeat you!"

After hearing these words, Wuchen rolled his eyes, shook his head with disdain and sighed: "Why are you suddenly arrogant now? Are you strong now?"

The words just came out, and Sesshomaru said at this time: "You can try my strength or weakness!"

When he finished speaking, his face was even more determined, he snorted coldly, and slowly fell from the air. At this time, Inuyasha immediately became vigilant, took a deep breath, and looked at himself vigilantly, This half-brother has some inexplicable nervousness in his heart. After all, although he is strong, he still seems to be unable to beat him! ..

325、Strong strength

Wuchen stood by the river with Sesshomaru at this time.

At this time, the others were hiding far away.

The evil view is no exception, because he is afraid that the battle will directly affect him, so that he will lose his life directly, and he is naturally very afraid in his heart, so he can only quickly hide away!

Wuchen looked at Sesshomaru in front of him with a smile on his face: "Why do you have the courage to challenge me now? That's interesting!"

As he said this, a faint smile appeared on his face, obviously a little provocative.

And after hearing this sentence.

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