And when everyone was on guard at this time, they slowly walked out from the bush, a man dressed in white baboon skin, the man walked out slowly, and several people recognized who it was, it was with That damn bastard.

The veins slowly came out, a faint smile appeared on his face, he slowly raised his head, the somewhat dangerous, melancholy face had a somewhat successful smile and said, "Hello everyone, I finally see you all again. Well, this is great, so I brought a gift for meeting, I hope you don't mind!"

His words had just been uttered. At this time, he slowly opened his white baboon cloak, and one after another evil wolves slowly appeared from under him again. It was from his body. The wolf that appeared was not a wild monster.

How could Inuyasha bear it at this time, and said coldly: "You damn bastard, you die for me!"

When the sound fell, he jumped out and slashed out with a knife!

His speed is as fast as a hurricane, thunder and lightning!

In an instant, he slashed directly at Naraku.

But at this moment, Naraku was very calm, with a smile on his face, and he looked completely indifferent.

He was suddenly slashed by a knife, and his body instantly turned into a style and floated out directly.

His skin was chopped off, but his body was gone.

And even more floating in the air.

Said: "Too weak, too weak, let my wolf play with you!"

Wuchen immediately blocked Inuyasha directly behind him. A huge wave was about to bite Inuyasha, but because he was pushed directly behind him, he was not bitten.

Wuchen immediately made a move, and suddenly spit out from his mouth: "Huo Dun: The arrogant fire is extinguished!"

After he finished speaking, huge flames spewed out of his mouth, directly roasting several giant wolves in front of him into charcoal. In the fire pit, there was always a giant wolf that was burned and screamed.

And at this moment

Everyone was also startled, but at this moment Naraku was already floating in the air.

Kagome directly took out an arrow.

Said, "I'll kill him, teacher!"

Wuchen immediately rolled his eyes and said, "This guy doesn't die so easily, don't think about killing him, we'd better do our own Huawei, he's here to harass us, we'll move forward now That's right, now we have just landed ashore, and we have already fallen into his illusion just now, everyone should be careful that this person's body is not here!"

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone suddenly woke up.

Master Maitreya nodded, his expression sullen, he took a deep breath, and directly took out the thunderbolt magic spell.

Say, "Come and try this!"

Activating the magic power suddenly shot out, and suddenly the avatar of Naruo above the sky was blown into pieces.

At this time, everyone woke up with a startled look on their faces, but they immediately understood that this guy wanted to use his clone to drag Chinese here, so what is he doing?

Wuchen immediately said: "Our key task now is to collect more jade of the four souls and the heart of that guy. Only by finding his heart and soul can we completely defeat him, otherwise we will defeat those clones. It doesn't make any sense!"

After saying this, everyone agreed. Inuyasha put away the knife and snorted coldly, "Then where should we go now? What should we do?"

Wuchen said angrily: "If you guessed correctly, the heart of that damn bastard should be hidden in a secret place, we have to take it slow!" ..

328. Strange Village

The group then set off forward.

The dust-free group soon set off forward.

Soon everyone came to a special mountain village.

Everyone who has just experienced an illusion is more vigilant this time.

But at this time, everyone just entered the mountain village, but they didn't find any special place, which made everyone's faces have a bit of strange nerves, and there was a strong puzzled color in their eyes.

They had just arrived at the entrance of the village, only to see an old man walking forward immediately, blinking his eyes in confusion.

The old man had white hair and white hair, and was only five feet tall.

When he stepped forward, he looked at Master Maitreya in front of him and said, "Are you a Master?"

As soon as this sentence was asked, it immediately caused a strange look on everyone's faces. What is going on with this old man, why he came up and asked this question is really surprising!

The Master Maitreya replied quickly out of courtesy: "Yes, I am a Master, may I ask you who is?"

Just after saying this, the old man immediately turned around and greeted the large group of villagers who were busy: "Everyone, come and see, there is a mage here, and see if he can help us exorcise! "

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone immediately gathered around, with a little excitement on their faces, and a strong curiosity in their eyes, and they rushed forward.

A large group of people, men and women, old and young, did not look like monsters, and all of them showed curious eyes, with a little excitement on their faces, as if they had been looking forward to it for a long time.

And this time

The old man quickly said: "Our village is often haunted by ghosts, so I want to ask the master to help... To exorcise the ghosts in the village, we originally thought of looking for it in the temple, but there is no place in front of the village, no store in the back, and no way to find it. To a really good temple, so I can't find a real master, I wonder if you are willing to help us?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Master Maitreya had a puzzled look on his face, wouldn't he believe this old man in himself all of a sudden?

Inuyasha just walked out and said angrily: "Old guy, we don't have time to help your so-called broken village, hmph, we're going on our way, and we don't have time to help you at all..."

This sentence had just been uttered, and Kagome, who was on the side, immediately slapped him on the back of the head and said, "Could you be more polite to the old man? Really, it's really annoying, it can't be like this!"

Inuyasha was slapped, but he didn't look angry at all. Instead, he immediately turned his head and said, "You are too much, you actually..."

Kagome just snorted, looking indifferent.

At this moment, Master Maitreya gave a wry smile and quickly said: "This is our companion, and an exorcist who has just practiced, if possible, I would like to stay here with my companions to exorcise you all. magic!"

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