After hearing these words, the village chief's face immediately became excited, and his eyes immediately showed a bit of gratitude and said quickly: "Then thank you very much, this is really grateful. Ah, we've been haunted by ghosts for a long time, so it would be great if you could help us!"

As soon as this sentence was said, strange nerves appeared on the faces of the other people, and the ghosts were infested here, which made everyone's eyes look a little more strange.

Because everyone didn't feel the demonic energy, or even the strange place, the old man who was there said that there were ghosts here, which was really confusing. Could it be that the ghosts knew that everyone was coming, so they hid it specially?Really unscientific!

Everyone thought this in their hearts. At this time, Inuyasha did not continue to say the words to death, but snorted and said lightly: "I don't directly feel the breath of ghosts here, but you guys are quite suspicious. Yes, if I find out that there are so-called ghosts and monsters here, I will definitely kill all those ghosts and monsters here!"

As soon as the old man heard this, he immediately showed a surprised look, but he quickly stepped forward and said gratefully: "Really? Then I really thank you for this, and we will definitely pay the corresponding return. For you, it won't let you work in vain!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone nodded and entered the village.

Master Maitreya's face was a little more strange, and he also wanted to know why there was a ghost here. Although he has never been here, there is obviously no demon or demon here. It's really strange. Strange, so his face is a little more curious, and he can't guess for a while!

Everyone quickly moved into the village, and everyone lived in a good place, and there was a big big house.

Although the village looks quite dilapidated, I did not expect that there is a very large house at the end of the village!

At this time, the group of people were a little more curious, why is there such a big mansion at the end of the village?Everyone sat in the hall of the mansion.

Feel very curious.

Wuchen naturally knew the structure of this house at once!

He could feel it all at once. There is nothing strange in this house, and this house is a mansion type. There are three floors in total, and each floor has six rooms, which are very wide. , There is a front court and a back court!

Just a big mansion.

And everyone didn't dare to move, they were sitting on the first floor of the big mansion, and their eyes were a little more strange. I really don't understand why there is here, but it is not easy to ask questions immediately, because The old man and a few young people who had sent him and others over just now left.

Just as the sun was about to go down.

The old man was holding all kinds of daily necessities in his hands, followed by a large number of young people who walked into the yard and quickly said, "Mage exorcists, we have brought daily necessities!"

The words said that the old man took the gas stove and several sleeping bags and put them at the door of the hall.

Master Maitreya said strangely: "Why did the old man bring so many sleeping bags? Can't sleep in this room? Is there no bed?"

This sentence was just said, and then at this moment, the old man whispered: "Because, the facilities in those rooms cannot be moved, because the things in those rooms are owned by owners, so you can only let everyone Live in the hall!" ..

329, the strange breath

At night, this is the time of the child, with all the strangeness in their hearts, everyone did not get into the sleeping bag, but leaned on the roof beam, all of them showed suspicious expressions, and their eyes were full of surprises. It's strange, it's not very clear why, the village chief would suddenly let everyone live here, and he said that there are ghosts and ghosts, and he didn't take everyone to other places.

At this moment.

Inuyasha, who had been silent for a long time, finally said: "I think this village is very problematic. I guess the village chief must be hiding something very strange from us!"

These words were just spoken, and Qibao, who was next to him, also said: "Yes, they said they would do the work of exorcism for us, but they did not let us go to other places at all. It's strange, why is it like this?"

However, Master Maitreya had already guessed it slowly. There was a bit of inexplicable worry on his face. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "If I guessed correctly, I want us to go. The place for the exorcism should be this house!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone immediately reacted, but there was a look on their faces as expected!

Master Maitreya went on to analyze: "If I'm not wrong, they wanted us to live here from the beginning, so they brought us here, and the ghosts must be hiding here, but I don't know what they are thinking. , I don't know if they have any connection with the ghost, once the ghost is related to them, and it's even more troublesome to deal with us!"

As soon as these words were uttered, Inuyasha immediately snorted and said, "If they dare to lie to us, I will immediately chop them all to pieces and send all their damned fellows to hell!"

When Kagome heard this, she snorted very dissatisfiedly and said, "You guy is really easy to say, you are really an idiot, what we need to do now is to exorcise, right, right here. What's the use of saying this?"

Master Maitreya coughed softly, took a deep breath and said, "You just need to be more careful, I think there will be so-called ghosts soon, you must be more careful, otherwise if you let them get the first Even if we are better than them, we may not win!"

On the contrary, Inuyasha looked indifferent, but in fact, he had already made plans in his heart. Although he did not smell the demonic energy, he felt very sensitive. How could he be afraid?At this moment, his heart is only worried, worried that everyone will really have an accident, which makes his heart inexplicably a little nervous.

At this moment, Inuyasha sat on the pillar beside him and said, "Isn't it just a monster? Are you still afraid of him, but Cricket is just an ordinary monster, don't we have enough defeats? Are we still afraid? I'm not afraid of him unless he becomes an ordinary monster, you just need to be more careful!"

This has just been said.

Coral rolled his eyes and said, "What a stupid guy who can't be saved!"

As soon as he said this, Inuyasha immediately wanted to get angry.

Kagome watched him from the side.

Inuyasha didn't dare to move, he snorted and didn't say a word, there was some inexplicable nervousness on his face, and the only one who could cure him was Kagome!

At this time, everyone is waiting for the moment when the child is over!

At this moment, everyone's mood suddenly became tense, and there was an inexplicable sense of tension in their hearts!

At this moment, the wind blew slowly, and the whole building vibrated.

The whole building that vibrated directly made everyone feel a little more inexplicable in their hearts. Everyone felt a little strange in their hearts, and they naturally understood in their hearts that something must have happened and something must have happened. , Everyone thought so in their hearts, and at this moment, they couldn't help but feel even more nervous.

And at this time.

Wuchen seems to have fallen asleep and looks like he is actually perceiving the energy of the person. There is a faint power guarding him around him, and he has already filled the whole village with perception!

He can already perceive that there is something weird in the whole village. The weird place is the villager's home. Almost every villager's home seems to have a touch of squeamishness, which is preserved, but there are very few very traces of ordinary human beings. It will also exist on the body, because in this world, demonic energy is universal, it is constantly moving, it is not fixed!

Because monsters can move, and humans can also move, if they come and go, it will naturally lead to the flow of demon energy everywhere, and it is not impossible to flow into the human body!

Therefore, it is very normal for a human body to have a little bit of demonic energy in it.

Wuchen knew that if there was a demonic energy, but it didn't go up for a long time, but there was always a little bit of it, it was very doubtful.

With this thought in Wuchen's heart, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was ready to fight involuntarily!

At this time, the wind was slowly blowing, and the whole yard was full of wind. At this moment, Qibao was so frightened that he scattered, and immediately jumped up and said loudly, "Ghost!"

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