At this time, everyone suddenly turned their heads and looked over, and couldn't help but startled. There was a strange woman standing in the courtyard at this time, and the strange woman's face showed a bit of inexplicable cold and murderous aura!

The woman was covered in white clothes, with a handsome face, a little gloomy!

At that time, there was a plain white knife hanging on the waist!

Coral immediately felt a little familiarity. As a real demon slayer, Coral has a lot of battles, and it is very important that she often remembers the opponents she has defeated, because , once he didn't kill those monsters, the mission would be considered unfinished!

Coral was startled when she saw the woman in front of her, her eyes were full of thorns, because the woman who appeared in front of her looked 10 points similar to a female ghost she had killed before, almost exactly the same. Coral's heart is full of inexplicable fear.

Inuyasha stood up directly, took a deep breath, and snorted coldly, with a bit of inexplicable vigilance on his face.

Immediately a little nervous, standing in front of the crowd, he pulled out his knife and said, "There really is, then let me... come and kill him!"

Saying this, his eyes narrowed slightly for a while! ..

330, the female ghost strikes

Coral became vigilant at this time, and quickly said: "Inuyasha be careful, I have seen this monster before that should have died, I don't know why it will come back to life, you have to be more careful!"

After Inuyasha heard this, there was a strange look of evil on his face, and there was a bit of inexplicable strangeness in his eyes.

Said: "Do you mean that this thing has been killed by you before, and now it is alive again?"

Just after hearing this, Coral nodded and said, "Yes, that's it, I have killed this monster before, and I have killed it once, and I don't know why he appeared here again. It's unbelievable, but this yokai really did kill this yokai once!"

When Inuyasha heard this, he immediately seemed even more surprised and resurrected?If it is the hand of the coral cave, it should not give a chance, so how can this guy be resurrected?

Just thinking about it, I saw that the female ghost immediately put her right hand between her left waist, and at the same time slowly pulled out the pure white knife, which was a pure white blade at the same time.

There was even more ice and snow floating in it.

At this time, I only heard the female ghost say leisurely: "You all deserve to be damned, you actually broke into this place, you just don't know whether to live or die, I advise you to hurry up and beg for mercy, maybe you can save your lives!"

Just after saying this sentence, Inuyasha snorted with dissatisfaction and said with a cold smile: "I think you are tired and crooked, whether you live or die, eat me first!"

Just after saying this, Inuyasha shot out, and the whole body jumped out immediately, and all of a sudden it was cut towards the woman, and the female monster had already reacted in an instant. , Immediately he raised the pure white blade in his hand to block it, the two swords and guns met, and sparks flew out immediately, and all around were sparkling, and the powerful light wave made 4 weeks of shaking. .

And this time.

Inuyasha felt that it was very troublesome, his eyes narrowed slightly, he snorted coldly, took two or three steps back, turned around again and slashed at it, this time using the fire in the energy of the five elements.

The energy of fire was directly activated and collided with the woman's knife again. Sparks splashed all around between the collision of the two forces, and they both stepped back.The ice on the woman's knife melted the fire, and at the same time, a faint smile appeared on the woman's face, and a bit of disdain appeared on the gloomy face.

Say, "Is that all there is to it?"

Wuchen listened to it, and when he watched it, he had already noticed this woman. This damn woman has the power of Rashomon. This is a good explanation. The power of Rashomon comes from The combination of resentful souls, evil spirits, and regions is an energy deeper than darkness. This power cannot be obtained by ordinary monsters or humans, so there is only one explanation, and that is Naraku!

Only this damn guy can do that.

I thought so in my heart.

Wuchen did not take action immediately, but calmly looked at his eyes with a bit of inexplicable curiosity. That guy called out this female ghost for what, instead of doing it himself.

Just thinking about this, Inuyasha's nose moved slightly at this moment, and he sensed something wrong, and snorted coldly and said, "Do I understand that it's Naraku's power? That disgusting stench power. , actually on your woman, she really is a problem guy, no wonder the power is so strong, it turned out to be controlled by someone!"

At this time, when Coral wanted to say something, the woman immediately widened her eyes, and a huge dark force rose from her body, holding a knife in her hand.

Said: "You damn bastard, who you say is controlled, I will always be free, and you are the ones who are imprisoned, and I will slaughter all of you!"

After he finished speaking, he clenched the knife with both hands, and a dark breath floated on the knife. At the same time, the ice and the dark breath combined, and he took a step and slashed towards Inuyasha.

Inuyasha saw the knife slashed towards him, but he didn't have any fear. He directly blocked it with his broken iron teeth. The two forces collided, and there was a loud explosion all around. When people's knives collided, energy oscillated all around.

And this time.

Inuyasha also felt it, very troublesome, took a deep breath, and snorted coldly: "This woman is very difficult to deal with!"

This has just been said.

Wuchen also said: "It's really hard to deal with!"

Just when he said this, he said with a wicked smile on his face: "But you are my disciple. If you dare to lose, then I will let you know that you are good-looking!"

As soon as Inuyasha heard this, sweat dripped on his forehead, and he turned around and said quickly, "What do you want to do!"

Wuchen looked indifferent, sat on the stool and said with a smile: "Don't you understand what I mean? I mean if you still can't beat this guy, then I will beat you. Explosion, hurry up and get this female ghost for me!"

After Inuyasha heard this, he snorted, then took a deep breath, holding the knife in both hands, the female ghost saw his appearance, and immediately slashed it again, and the two swords met again. Touching, sparks splashed everywhere, although Inuyasha smashed the female ghost with a strong force, but the female ghost's body was floating in the air, but it only floated twice, and then fell to the ground, completely No injuries, and not even the black ice on the knife disappeared.

The female ghost smiled coldly, stuck out her long tongue from her mouth, licked her lips and said, "It's just a lowly half-demon, is it still strong? Come on, come on, make a move, Let's make another move!"

At this time, Inuyasha heard this sentence, and his eyes suddenly burst into flames. Usually, he took a deep breath, clenched his teeth and was unable to speak for a while. The anger in his eyes was enough to burn the whole house. Now, what he hates most is that others call him a half-demon, saying that his bloodline is inferior!

The female ghost in front of her has already committed two taboos. The murderous aura in Inuyasha's heart floated again, and the light on her body suddenly flew up, and she quickly entered the state of state one!

Inuyasha's whole body is filled with magical energy. ..

331、The Dilemma of Inuyasha

At this time, the woman saw this appearance, but she showed a cold and mocking expression on her face and said: "That's all, it's still weak and pitiful, but it's just a half-demon of extremely low blood. Want to beat me?"

This has just been said.

Where can Inuyasha endure it, his eyes widened immediately, he roared, and he shot out, his hands clenched tightly, and the iron fangs slashed at the woman with a knife!

The woman immediately drew a knife to block the two's knives and met again, and suddenly there was a rumbling sound all around, and a huge explosion sounded.

The sound of the explosion came, and both of them immediately stepped back and felt the pressure. It seems that they naturally knew in their hearts, and the other party was not as weak as verbally!

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