Everyone was stunned, all of them bowed their heads in shame, and they were speechless.

Wuchen shook his head helplessly, sighed and said: "You guys, you just don't understand, so many of you don't know how to really cooperate, and you just want to fight by yourself, so why bother? What about teammates? You really have no brains at all!"

After hearing this, Master Maitreya quickly said, "The teacher is right..."

Inuyasha snorted and said, "I can solve it by myself, actually..."

At this time, the flame is burning vigorously for 10 minutes.

Gawain rolled his eyes speechlessly and said, "Then do you want me to put out the fire now and let you deal with him alone, he has been seriously injured, and now he will die after burning for a while, do you want to deal with it yourself in a while? "

When Inuyasha heard this, his face changed slightly, he coughed lightly, and quickly said: "Really, what are you doing with so many troublesome things, I don't want to do strange things, I don't want to cause trouble either. Since you have already defeated it, let him be like this..."

When he said this, he turned his head quickly, and his eyes were a little guilty, because he knew in his heart that even a seriously injured monster might not be able to fight by himself. The power of the monster is really not the monster that Inuyasha himself can kill. There is too much resentment and too much power, and even the strength of Inuyasha cannot touch him at all.

And this moment.

Wuchen turned his head to look at the village chief and his party

There was a little more fear in the eyes of the group of people, but soon they all moved away from the village chief. At this time, the village chief's face changed slightly, and there was a little more in his eyes. He quickly said, "That..."

Inuyasha snorted, looked at him and said: "It seems that you are very suspicious, why is there such a strong resentment in your house, and it seems that you are very familiar with this house, but you are very afraid of it. There's something in the house, do you know something else, tell me!"

After speaking, the village chief had an embarrassed look on his face, coughed lightly, and said, "Where is there such a thing, please don't misunderstand, it's just because there was a woman before. , She fell ill and died when she passed by the village. She happened to die in front of my house, but she misunderstood me. She thought we wanted to kill him, so she died with resentment. We buried his body at that time. He...his soul misunderstood, and we have evolved into regret..."

These words had just been said, and Inuyasha stared at him suspiciously, frowned and said: "What you say sounds very unbelievable, and it sounds ridiculous, really a weird guy, and You look very..."

Master Maitreya quickly stopped Inuyasha and turned his head to look at the village chief and said, "Village chief, I ask you to explain what you said clearly, I don't know exactly what you mean, our group of people eliminates demons. There are countless demons. We don’t want to be deceived by others. If the village chief insists on this statement, then maybe his resentful soul will not be able to escape. This time, a house was burned. What will happen next time, we can No guarantees, as it will be leaving soon!"

As soon as these words were said, Inuyasha, who was beside him, also said lightly: "Yes, this time it was just a small house that burned down. Next time we are gone, what will happen? I don't know..."

Coral also said, "Yes, I don't know what else will happen. It seems that you definitely don't want to solve this matter, right?"

Under the successive offensives, the village chief was about to collapse. He was terrified at this time. At the same time, he saw the images of various ghosts and evil spirits churning in the fire. He couldn't help shaking his whole body, his eyes were full of fear. The color of her eyes widened, she swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva, and she was unable to speak for a while, because she was too nervous in her heart.

Seeing his appearance, Wuchen said coldly: "So what is going on? I would like to know, just now you said that the woman's dead soul formed a special resentment after her death. This is the trouble. You can't live in peace, what you said at the time was, but there are monsters, why did they become ghosts?"

These words had just been said, when the village chief had an embarrassed look on his face, and quickly explained: "Every demon slayer, please don't be angry, I actually made a mistake in this matter, because of that woman. , she was attacked by bandits and died, but she mistakenly thought that we were with those bandits, so..."

Wuchen's face changed immediately, and there was a little bit of coldness in his eyes. The murderous murderous aura immediately shocked the village chief, and he said coldly: "You know what? I hate it the most. It's a liar, a liar is the worst, if you let me know you're a liar, I'll cut you into pieces, do you know what that means? Have you ever heard of a punishment called Ling Chi execution? Do you want to give it a try?"

These words were spoken, and then the group of villagers jumped a lot, with a little more fear in their eyes, and they all stayed away from the village chief. When the village chief saw this appearance, there was embarrassment on his face. He was stunned for a moment and coughed softly, but he didn't dare to say anything more for a while.

Because he was very nervous and unwilling in his heart, he directly said the unfortunate thing in his heart. If he said it, he would not be the village head, and he would no longer be able to stand in this village. , and it is very likely that he will be killed by the demon slayer in front of him, and he hastily continued to lie: "Actually it is true, I don't need to deceive..."

The murderous aura on Wuchen's body became more and more cold, and those eyes stared at the village chief coldly. At this time, the village chief was so frightened that his three souls and seven souls were about to fly out of the body. He swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva and couldn't say it. The words came, and suddenly he slowly knelt down, he knew that he was very likely to die! ..


Wuchen looked at the other villagers. The eyes of the group of villagers were full of doubts. They didn't quite understand what happened. , Although the village chief is an elder and has a certain kind of heart, at this time no one dared to come out to defend, and no one dared to come forward to say anything else, because things in the village chief's house are really weird, especially when that After the woman's wraith appeared, the village chief seemed even more strange!

And this moment.

Wuchen asked coldly: "Come on, old guy, I won't kill you for the time being, if you don't say it, then it won't be possible!"

When the village chief heard this, he quickly kowtowed and said, "Forgive your life, a brave man, don't kill me, don't hurt my life... In fact, the truth is like this..."

When the words came out, his body trembled slightly, and at this time Inuyasha was also listening, and the village chief began to narrate.

"The woman originally came from afar with her younger brother, but it was too windy and rainy that night, so she hid in the village committee's home yard. At that time, I saw her carrying a boy, his younger brother, who was relatively Poor, it was introduced into the living room..."

Wuchen immediately said: "Then why women become resentful souls, you have to explain this to me clearly!"

The village chief coughed awkwardly and said: "The woman lives with her younger brother, and she came here to avoid the war, so she carries some wealth and a little beauty... and his younger brother is also pretty and cute... So I …”

When everyone heard this revelation, their eyes widened immediately, and there was a deep anger in their eyes.

The village chief quickly waved his hand and explained: "No, it's not what you think, I was introducing the woman and her brother to the nearby lord's house... to work there, who would have expected the lord to fall in love with it. The two sisters and brothers wanted them to serve the lord... But I never thought that the woman would dare to refuse from time to time. I didn't expect that the woman would lead someone to flee and quickly flee back to the village. I didn't dare to hide it, so I told it. That lord, that lord sent someone to kill the two brothers and sisters in our courtyard, and I buried them. The resentful spirits of the two sisters and brothers were dissatisfied with me, and they were entangled in me and ran rampant in the village. This is what caused such a tragic disaster, please forgive me..."

These words were just finished, and Inuyasha immediately frowned, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

Qibao felt a little more strange in his heart, and frowned slightly, this matter is very logical, a small village chief must not be able to deal with the territory, and because he was killed by the territory in the courtyard, so the two brothers and sisters There will definitely be resentment, and it is very normal to entangle the old village chief, but there is always a feeling that something is wrong.

Wuchen shook his head and sighed, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, he snorted coldly and said: "Old man, I don't believe a single word of what you said, I just want you to verify it. , of course you have already finished speaking, so I won't give you a chance to add it, nor give you a chance to explain, I will ask the two resentful souls to come out and explain it to me in person!"

When these words came out, everyone was shocked, even Inuyasha and a few others were shocked.

Wuchen cast Qi magic directly, and his hands snapped together, then took a deep breath, pointed his fingers to the sky, pinched the magic formula with both hands and shouted loudly: "Through the sky, Yama opens the way, ghosts Come to help, the spirit of resentment is summoned!"

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately poked his ring abruptly, hitting the ground directly, and the burning monster immediately had a huge mouth, and suddenly spit it out. Everyone looked at it and saw two white streaks. The soul suddenly flew from it.

The two white souls were one large and one small, one female and one male.

big girl little boy

Two souls appear in front of everyone

The woman was wearing a white plain robe, with slight scars on her face. At the same time, her eyes were pitiful, and her face was handsome but with a bit of bitterness.

And the little boy was like a girl with a blushing pink face, jade lips, a petite figure, long hair, slightly bowed head, and a bit of inexplicable inferiority in his eyes.

Wuchen recruited the two of them, and at the same time directly purified their souls.

Said: "You two brothers and sisters are part of the resentful soul, so quickly tell what happened to you, and I am here today to plead for the two of you!"

Hearing this, the two brothers and sisters had just been summoned, and when they heard it, they were together. I saw that sister suddenly turned her head to look, and when she saw the old village chief, her eyes widened and her face turned red at the same time. , with pain in his eyes, showing a strong murderous aura, and roaring loudly: "You damn old guy, you killed both of me, how dare you still be here! Old bastard, you really deserve to die!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone present was stunned. They had already believed that seeing the female ghost had such an attitude, all of them showed suspicious eyes, although it was said that the village chief had always been in the village. There is some blood and fame, but this sister has already said this, and everyone can't help but doubt.

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