I saw that the elder sister immediately turned into a ghost and ate the village chief alive.

The village chief was startled, he stepped back quickly, slammed his butt and sat in the pit.

Wuchen hurriedly used qi magic to hold it, and said quickly: "Don't worry, quickly tell the truth!"

When the elder sister heard this, she was stunned for a moment, but then she said full of resentment: "This old man is really vicious and extraordinary, my brother and I were originally children of nobles, but due to changes in the family, the family was down. , I had to run around with my younger brother and a little bit of entanglement. When I came here, this man claimed to be the village chief here, and said he was a good man. He wanted to introduce the two of us to work. No, so I took my younger brother to the so-called work place with him, but I never thought it was a place of fireworks and willows opened by a bully lord!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone immediately understood. It turned out that even the old village chief brought the two brothers and sisters to the brothel!

Wuchen said coldly: "Then what happened after that?"

After hearing this, the woman sighed and said in a low voice, "I stayed in the brothel for a living, but I didn't sell myself, but only as an artist. Because I can play and sing, I can make a living. But I never thought that I ordered him to take care of my younger brother. This old guy paid tribute to a bully lord. The bully lord is naturally fond of prostitution... My brother was tortured to death... and I learned about it. He wanted to settle the account with him, but he heard my news... He had someone tied me up and offered it to the lord again. The lord took me... Tortured me to death, and my brother and I came to his house before the grievances were dispersed. , I wanted to cause him to be here, but he didn't know what to expect, he has life-saving means, and he can't be killed..." ..

338、In the end, the truth is revealed

At this moment, after the old village chief heard the words, sweat dripped from his forehead, his face was blue and his lips were white.

There was a little more reluctance in his eyes, he got up quickly, and immediately took two or three steps back, his eyes were full of fear, he already knew in his heart that he was likely to die, but he was not reconciled, he How could he be willing to die himself? After finally becoming the village chief, he could use this woman and his younger brother to make a little money, and dying like this was even more terrifying for him.

It is often said that people who live longer are more afraid of death, and this old village chief is also like this. He is already 70 in 6, so how can he not be afraid of death?

Seeing that he seemed to be running away, Wuchen laughed coldly, with a little more murderous aura in his eyes, and said coldly, "Old man, if you do this, you must pay the responsibility, you This old thing is really a shameless person who has lived for more than 70 years. He must have no ideological education. To dare to do such a thing is simply shameless. You are worse than a demon! Although a demon is a demon, it is not You are human, but there are also demons of spirituality, and although you are human, you are not human!"

In the moment when the words were finished, the anger rose directly!

At this moment, everyone could not help but immediately seemed to want to kill the village chief, and the Inuyasha in front of him almost drew his sword immediately.

At this time, the coral was even more unbearable, and the anger in his heart directly put his hand on the handle of the knife, and he wanted to chop off the old village chief with a knife.

At this moment, the sweat kept rolling down the forehead of the old village chief. This time, he did not kneel directly, but gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and looked at it for 4 weeks. The villagers also stayed away from him. , All of them are vigilant against him, I didn't expect the people who have always respected to be so beastly behavior!

This made everyone amazed and shocked.

At this moment, the old village chief clenched his teeth, and while everyone was not paying attention, he quickly ran in the direction of his house.

At this time, everyone was amazed. He just ran out a dozen steps before he immediately changed his route and ran towards the entrance of the village.

But at this time.

Inuyasha snorted coldly, flew out and jumped out, quickly transformed, pierced his chest with one foot, and kicked him into the fire. He wanted to make everyone feel ashamed, and then threw the fire Kill yourself, then run away!

But he never thought that Inuyasha was more of a means. Thunder rushed out and kicked him into the fire.

The old village chief was kicked into the fire, and he suddenly screamed loudly, his eyes full of grief and anger.

His whole body was burned by fire, and there was more resentment in the fire, biting his flesh and blood, he soon became inhuman, with a body like black coal, hands like a ghost, and a face like a zombie!

Seeing him like this, the two siblings felt a little unbearable in their hearts, but they were extremely happy, and they all felt a little inexplicable refreshment for a while.

Wuchen looked at the two brothers and sisters as he struggled, and said, "You have already understood your wish, so hurry up and reincarnate, don't waste the time of reincarnation for this kind of mortal rubbish! "

When the two siblings heard this, they immediately knelt down to go to the market.

I just heard the elder sister say: "Thank you, my lord, for avenging the grievances for the two of us. If there is another life, I will be a bull and a horse for the benefactor!"

After Wuchen heard this, a smile appeared on his face and said: "There is no need for this, I will send the two of you to die, and you can be a good person after you die!"

The voice fell and the magic was cast again, and a faint streamer appeared on the bodies of the two siblings. The two sisters and brothers held hands, and as the streamer drifted away, the soul ascended to the sky, and the resentful spirit had long disappeared.

But at this moment, the village chief was on fire all over his body, his flesh and blood were almost burned, only a pair of dead bones remained, but he still had an obsession, and slowly climbed out of the fire, his eyes were full of anger, and more anger

At this time, the large group of villagers were stunned when they looked at this appearance, as if they were looking at ghouls.

Involuntarily, he was so frightened that he urinated his pants. It was really scary. What happened to the old village chief was still alive, only to see the old village chief roaring from his burned out vocal cords. The voice, that may not come from the vocal cords, but from the depths of the already rotten soul!

Seeing his appearance, Wuchen snorted coldly, and at the same time looked at the monster's body, which was about to be burned, and said lightly, "It seems that the monster's body must be the body of the person killed by the village chief. With the accumulation of resentful souls, this village chief is afraid that even the monsters will be a scourge!"

Inuyasha slowly pulled out the broken teeth, and looked at the body of the monster that was slowly extinguished. The body of the monster was burned to ashes, and everyone could see that there were not only human bones but also monsters. The bones all showed complicated expressions, this old village chief's heart was more vicious than a demon!

The old village chief did not extinguish the flame at this time, but slowly crawled towards several people.

Seeing the old village chief slowly crawling over, Wuchen said lightly: "Remember to cooperate, and the old village chief is now resentful, and he was infected with the spirit of a monster just now. , now there are signs of change, you must remember not to be scratched by it, otherwise... it will be in big trouble!"

After hearing these words, everyone nodded, and immediately became vigilant, and everyone showed a surprised look. This and the old village chief are about to become a monster!

Wuchen turned his head to look at a group of villagers and said coldly: "You people have been deceived by such despicable and shameless people for so long, you really don't know what it means to have good ears and eyesight, next time you have to use your eyes to recognize people. Even if you are old, it is not a noble character. This person has harmed so many people and is even worse than a monster. You should be more careful, don't be deceived again, and the elected village head will be treated like this person at the end of the year. Honestly!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded quickly, but then they saw that the village chief made a roaring sound and screamed loudly. After that, flames burned in the bones of the crying ball, and he stood up abruptly, roaring with laughter like a ghost, and said, "I'm going to... kill all of you, I will devour your souls, chew your bodies, and eat your souls!"

With these words, everyone looked vigilant at this time, and all of them stepped back quickly, and a group of villagers had been so scared that their souls flew out! ..

339、To deal with the mutant old ghost

Inuyasha heard what he said, and when he saw his appearance, he pouted in disgust and said coldly: "Just because of you, an old ghost? You still want to kill people and eat people just because you look like this, I You're going to die anyway!"

When Inuyasha said this, he immediately pulled out the broken iron tooth from his waist, and at the same time roared, jumped in the sky, and quickly chopped it.

But the old ghost is not a vegetarian, nor is he joking, his strength is very strong, and he quickly and directly caused an amazing flame energy to appear in his hand, and he directly blocked it.

The two forces collided, and the claws and Iron Broken Teeth collided with each other, and there was not much to do, but instead caused Inuyasha to retreat!

There was a bit of surprise in Inuyasha's eyes, and he was very surprised for a while, looking very surprised!

And at this moment, the old ghost immediately spewed out astonishing flames and blew out Inuyasha's entire body.

Even if Inuyasha is strong in the face of the flames, it is powerless, and it is blown away in an instant. If it is not because the clothes on his body are left by his father, they are hard enough!

Inuyasha was blown out and hit the ground like a bolide in the air. At this time, everyone was very surprised to see this appearance. Coral was very surprised and said: "This guy can actually block the iron fragments. The power of teeth!"

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