When Inuyasha heard this, he immediately moved, subconsciously thinking that the Specter just jumped out quickly and rushed out, and the one who fell to the ground was a girl.

There were more than a dozen arrows stuck behind the girl, and she was crawling on the ground reluctantly.

Inuyasha hurriedly squatted down and helped the girl up, the girl closed her eyes slightly after seeing Inuyasha, and said to herself, "Go save people, my village is about to end. now..."

At this time, everyone also quickly chased over, and at this time, the coral splashed all over the body of girls with arrows, and the eyes were full of surprise, and Master Maitreya couldn't help but startled, who is so cruel? , shot so many arrows over.

You can't help but be a little more surprised in Kagome's eyes, what's going on?Why is this happening?Who is so hated?

I just thought about it in my heart, but at this time.

Qibao trotted over with Wuchen.

He quickly said, "Hurry up and save this girl, this girl seems to be dying, hurry up and save her!"

When Wuchen heard this and saw the girl's appearance, he was already out of breath, even using his own palm immortal technique was useless.

He sighed and said, "It's useless, the girl is dead, the girl's body is finished, there is no need to play, because the organs inside the girl's body have been completely corroded, and the outside is only the damage of the skin. It can still be saved, but the inside is completely rotten, so it can’t be saved!”

When everyone heard this, they were all awe-inspiring, with deep surprise in their eyes. They couldn't understand what was going on, but they all felt incredible and were very surprised.

Coral said in surprise: "How can it be? Why can't it be saved at all? What's going on? Why is the inside of the body rotting?"

Inuyasha wanted to refute at this time, but he immediately smelled a strange odor, and quickly put the girl's body down and jumped back quickly, just at this moment, the girl's body was directly rotten. It turned into black soil, and the smell of soil was astonishing as if it had just been dug out of a swamp. It was disgusting but a little scary.

When everyone saw the pile of mud, their eyes widened involuntarily, and they were amazed. What happened?How did this girl become like this?

Wuchen sighed and said, "This girl's body is full of miasma! If I'm not mistaken, it's that damn half-demon again!"

Inuyasha heard this, rolled his eyes, snorted and said, "It's obviously Naraku..."

Kagome hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, what should I do? That girl has become like this, does that mean..."

Inuyasha seemed to have thought of something, was startled, and quickly rushed forward and shouted: "Naraku!"

When everyone saw that he had to take it out, everyone showed a puzzled look, but they quickly followed! ..

341 , Naruto Comes Out Again

Soon Inuyasha came to a messy village, which was full of dead people, all kinds of dead people's stumps and arms, and even their heads were knocked into countless pieces.

Seeing this, Inuyasha laughed involuntarily, his eyes were full of surprise, and involuntarily there was a little more surprise in his eyes. What happened?Why did you get attacked by monsters like this?But it shouldn't be.

But at this time.

I only saw a young man dressed in the armor of a demon slayer, walking out slowly with a special sickle in his hand. His eyes were dull, and there was only the desire to devour life. At the same time, there was a faint light behind him. There was a faint magic light in the depths of those eyes.

As soon as Inuyasha saw the boy in front of him, his nose moved slightly at the same time, and he immediately felt an unusual smell on the boy's body, and the boy's body exuded a rotten smell, which made Inuyasha involuntarily. He almost covered his nose, but he immediately understood that all the people in this village were killed by young people.

Inuyasha took a deep breath.

The broken iron teeth in his hand were directly pulled out, he gritted his teeth, looked at the young man in front of him, squinted his eyes and said, "Who is this guy? Did you kill everyone here?"

The boy didn't answer, just moved, and saw the scythe in his hand, and the rapid TV hit Inuyasha directly with the chain.

Inuyasha saw the sickle slamming into him, and his eyes were a little surprised, and he directly pulled out the broken iron teeth to block it, and the sickle was knocked flying in an instant!

But the young man jumped and caught the sickle. At the same time, the tail of the chain was thrown away, and an iron pendant rushed directly to the iron broken teeth.

Tie Broya was directly entangled by the iron pendant, and was immediately restrained by the boy's iron chain.

At this moment, Inuyasha's eyes were a little more surprised, but at this time, the strength of the young man was amazing, and he directly pulled the iron shattered teeth back. Even if it was Inuyasha's strength, there was no moment. The method was quickly resisted, and the knife was almost taken away in an instant.

Inuyasha's eyes were full of surprise, very surprised, and quickly pulled the knife back.

At this time, the iron pendant was instantly undone, and the young man held the iron pendant in his hand and swayed it again.

He stared at Inuyasha coldly. At that time, there was only blood that devoured life, red desire, and an astonishing demonic energy all over his body.

And at this time.

Everyone immediately followed, and at this time Shaan immediately shouted to the young man in excitement: "Amber!"

At this time, everyone realized that this was the relatives of Coral.

At this time, Coral said in amazement: "Amber...you...No! Die? How could you be like this...wait..."

The words revealed a deep shock, and when he looked around, he felt amazed, his eyes widened involuntarily, and he took a deep breath.Because of the 4 weeks of casualties, there are countless flesh and blood flowing on the ground, which made the coral's heart have been greatly impacted, his brother Amber is so kind, how could he do such a thing, why is it like this , why is this so?

Coral was very puzzled, but soon he figured out the polish on his body and the godless light in his younger brother's eyes, which made Coral understand all of a sudden. He shouted angrily towards the sky: "Narro, you damn bastard!"

These words were just spoken, and then I saw Amber walking slowly from behind, one person and the other wearing white baboon skin.

At the same time, he walked out with a faint smile on his face. When he raised his head, his gloomy face revealed a successful smile, and he said with a cold smile: "The drama of the deep love between sister and brother is really fun. , your human emotions are really fragile, you suddenly feel that you are not confident, then the person standing in front of you is your younger brother, the murderer, the one who destroyed the village, is your younger brother, what can you do? Coral? !"

Naraku said this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of interest, but in fact it was to play with the evil taste of human nature.

Wuchen walked out slowly, and after seeing Naruo in front of him, he said unceremoniously, "You disgusting half-demon, you evil and depraved disgusting soul, it really makes me feel sick, so disgusting. Like, how dare you live in this world?"

After Naraku heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he soon showed a smile.

Said: "Thank you for your energy that is deeper than darkness, which made me truly evolve. I really want to thank you, but now I will use this power to repay you!"

After hearing this, Wuchen also said unceremoniously: "I'm sorry, I don't believe you have other abilities, you only have the power to control others and the miasma in yourself, right? You bastard. Not only disgusting, but also nauseating, just like chewing gum thrown on the street..."

When Naruo heard this, no matter how deep and scheming the city government was, he couldn't help but get a little angry, and he gained a lot of power. Naturally, he also has self-esteem. He was so insulted by others, how could he not be angry? He also came together slightly, as if his eyes were going to explode, but he slowly held back, took a deep breath, and said lightly, "I just want to watch the show of siblings killing each other today. , I just want to see if you, as a sister, have anything to say to your brother, I am your brother's savior. If it wasn't for me, your brother would have died. Now that your brother is alive, do you think say what?"

Coral was even more furious after hearing this, but she forcibly restrained her desire to take action, because she knew in her heart that she couldn't take action yet, and she couldn't bear to take action, because in front of her was her younger brother!

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