How can we get started?

At this moment, Inuyasha can't bear it anymore, and immediately clenched the knife again, the fire on the knife was full of flames and shouted: "Coral, you are really an idiot, don't you understand? He is lying to you, that's all It's not your brother anymore. That guy has manipulated your brother's mind. How could your brother do such a thing? Don't be deceived by him. Don't be tempted by him!"

Coral woke up suddenly! ..

342、I was swept away by anger

At this time, Inuyasha's sword was already full of flames, and there was only cold murderous intent in his eyes. Facing the enemy in front of him, that was the enemy, and he also used this method to play with his relationship with Kikyo!

There was only anger and fire burning in his eyes.

Holding the broken teeth in his hand, he roared loudly: "Naruo! You damn bastard, you dare to appear in front of me now, you damn bastard, I won't let you go, come and take it. !"

As soon as the words were finished, an astonishing flame erupted from the blade, and the moment the flame-shaped blade was uttered was immediately accompanied by a roar, forming a special sword energy, which directly charged towards Naraku.At this moment, Naruo's eyes were a little more surprised, but he was very disdainful, and directly let Amber rush up.

Although Amber's strength was very weak during his lifetime, but after his death, he became stronger because of the power of Rashomon and the powerful Four Soul Jade Fragment. It blocked the flame sword energy. Although Inuyasha was stronger, but at this moment Inuyasha had already entered a state of anger, and couldn't care about that much. Even the sword energy just now did not follow. out of his own inner thoughts.

Wuchen immediately saw the weakness of Inuyasha, frowned and said quickly: "Are you crazy? If you are crazy, just jump into the river for me to wake up and see if you are crazy now or what, Don't be so angry at me, does it work? It doesn't work at all!"

These words suddenly woke up, Inuyasha Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief and blinked, although he was a little unwilling in his heart, but for a while he was still angry, gritted his teeth, cut a sound, and clenched his fists. Said, "I really want to tear him to pieces!"

Wuchen sighed at this time, rubbed his forehead and said: "Okay, okay, don't be so excited, you can't let anger control your emotions, you have to calm down to achieve the goal of giving, if you You only know how to run rampage, so how can you be my apprentice? You know that what I hate most is people who are often angry for no reason, because such people usually lose their minds and only hurt others! "

Inuyasha lowered his head when he heard this, and there was a bit of inexplicable guilt in his eyes.

Wuchen laughed, stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Remember to stop Amber, I don't want Amber to disrupt the situation, I want to kill Naruo!"

After Naruo heard these words, a faint smile appeared on his face, and there was a bit of disdain in his eyes. He had already obtained the powerful Rashomon power at this time, so how could he be afraid?There was only indifference in his eyes.

Said, "Oh, can't you? Can you really kill me!"

When Wuchen heard what he said, there was no anger on his face. Although he said that he was a little angry in his heart, it was very dull. With a smile on his face, he nodded and said with a smile: "It should be fine, but you don't want it. Too arrogant, if you annoy me, maybe I won't play with you!"

When the words were finished, Naruo immediately showed a look of disdain, snorted coldly, and then his palms snapped together. At this moment, a black-purple demon dragon appeared behind him. !

The black-purple demon dragon appeared behind him, a cold smile formed on the corner of his mouth, and he said disdainfully, "It's just you? Is it a little too weak to deal with the current me? Let's go together, or say Let me teach you a lesson first to try this!"

The black-purple demon dragon was about [-] meters long and [-] meters wide, and it immediately slammed into everyone. The amazing power made everyone surprised by the previous Naruo, but how could he return without such strength? Why did he become so much that everyone thought so.

Wuchen already knew why he was so strong, so he snorted coldly, with a bit of disdain, and there was a bit of cold disdain in his eyes, and smiled faintly and said: "Just It's just your strength, but you used your own demon power and Rashomon's power to combine, and then you want to use it to attack me?"

When he finished speaking, the demon dragon was about to bite his body, but at this very moment!

Wuchen's right hand stretched out directly, and then there were countless snakes directly above his right hand. The countless snakes were combined with Qi magic, and he only heard him shout loudly: "The hidden shadow snake. Hand: Change!"

The moment the sound fell, the countless snakes instantly turned into a large mass of serpentine gas.

The snake-shaped green gas immediately bit the demon dragon in front of him into pieces. After the demon dragon was bitten into pieces in an instant, Naruto was startled.

There was a bit of surprise in Nai Luo's eyes, she involuntarily took two steps back, her eyes were a little more dignified, and she snorted coldly. Gathered together again, and laughed coldly: "Since you are so strong, then I will not fight you hard, I will play with you... play something else!"

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly slapped the ground on the ground. At this time, everyone immediately understood what happened.

At this moment, Inuyasha was entangled in amber and did not have time to return to visit, but at this time, the coral was directly attacked, and a huge demon dragon on the ground directly knocked the coral out.

And that huge Flood Dragon tumbling on the ground, after knocking the coral flying, turned its head and was about to bite Kagome!

Gawain reacted at this time, jumped up and jumped up, and at the same time his body suddenly turned into a ray of light, and it flew out, all of a sudden there was a bang, and the kick just hit the demon dragon in front of him!

That waist dragon was completely composed of waist strength, but it dissipated immediately after being kicked, and he protected the weakest Kagome!

But at this moment, Qibao's body was directly bitten. Although he said he had no teeth, he also bit Qibao directly into the sky.

At this moment, Master Maitreya wants to make a move.

But Coral reacted first, and quickly got up and jumped, and her sexy body crossed a long sky in the sky.

Qibao fell from the sky.

Master Maitreya quickly embraced it in his arms, and Qibao breathed a sigh of relief! ..

343 , The Despicable Naraku

At this moment, Inuyasha was also forced to retreat more than a dozen units. He used Iron Broken Teeth to hold back several rounds of attacks. He took a deep breath, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes, because he had not yet dealt with Amber in front of him. He was angry, but he couldn't express anger in his heart. He also knew very well in his heart that he couldn't suddenly become angry at this time, and he also understood in his heart that he must calm down completely and not be swept away by anger. Mind, or he would be finished, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, because no matter what he thought about keeping himself calm, it was of no avail. For a while, there was a little helplessness in his eyes.

At this time, the corner of Amber's mouth outlined a cold smile, and there was a bit of coldness and disdain in his eyes. That's all, I also thought how strong you would be, it turned out to be nothing more than that, but it's just an ordinary half-waist level, if you have a seed, you will become stronger!"

Hearing this, Inuyasha immediately widened his eyes and saw that he quickly entered the second state. What he hates most is when others call him a half-demon, and what he hates most is this kind of words, the most annoying. What I hate is this kind of disapproval of myself.

The more Inuyasha thought about it, the more angry he became. His eyes revealed a strong anger. How could he manage so much, and he didn't care about it, and he entered state 2 in an instant.

After he entered state 2, his energy exploded vigorously, but at this moment Naraku seized the opportunity.

Originally, everyone was a little bit overwhelmed by his sneak attack just now, but he made a quick shot, and he jumped out and jumped in front of Inuyasha.

Inuyasha didn't react for a while, and he suddenly clasped his throat with one hand. He wanted to use the iron claw, but at this moment he felt the rapid loss of power, and his eyes were full of surprise, very surprised. , there is only surprise in his eyes.

Immediately at this moment, Naraku suddenly kicked the Inuyasha in front of him and flew out. After being kicked out, Inuyasha coughed out a mouthful of blood.

But his state 2 has completely disappeared, and there is only surprise in his eyes, he is speechless, he is dumbfounded, and quickly said: "Why is this happening? Why is this happening? What's the matter, how can it be like this!"

After saying this, he felt a little panicked for a while, he couldn't help panicking, and he didn't understand why it was like this!

Wuchen trotted over at this time, came to Inuyasha's side, slapped him on the back of the head, sighed helplessly and said, "You are such a stupid fellow, why are you so stupid? Ah, he actually took away part of his power, you must not be able to beat him now, why are you so stupid?"

Inuyasha blinked his eyes in confusion, stood up quickly, and immediately shouted: "What are you calling for? Why do you say that to me..."

When Wuchen heard this, he gave a helpless wry smile, sighed, and said very speechlessly: "You are really stupid, why did you quickly exit state 2 just now, don't you know how it is? Is it the same thing? He sucked your power, you have no power in you now, don't you feel it? Are you really that stupid?"

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