The words just came out like this, Inuyasha on the side took a deep breath and pulled out his iron teeth, saying: "Delete let Kai cut off his head, I must kill him this kid, kill the whole village He has absorbed the souls of the people in those villages, he is already a murderer, and he cannot be saved!"

This sentence was just said, and at this moment, the coral on the side immediately hesitated and took a deep breath but did not let go.

At this moment, Inuyasha frowned unwillingly and said, "Coral, what are you thinking? Don't you understand what I mean? Don't you understand what I mean? I don't want you to be bound by the past, you used to Maybe you have been deceived, but now you should not be deceived by others, it is not your younger brother who is in front of you, although he has the appearance of your younger brother, he is definitely not your younger brother, don't you understand?"

Hearing this, Coral immediately stood up, clenched his teeth, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I know that is my brother... I know he must... Although he must have lost his mind, although... "

At this time, Amber lowered his head and said: "Sister kill me, I am full of sins, I absolutely can't live in this world anymore, I want to die..."

The words were so pitiful, but deep in their eyes, it still seemed like something was manipulating them.

Wuchen immediately realized that he wanted to make a move, but at this moment, Amber's body also moved quickly, and suddenly jumped into the air, there was an unexpected look in his eyes, Amber himself did not expect it, but In fact, it has already been manipulated.

Coral quickly wanted to make a move, but at this time, he saw countless monsters, rushing in quickly, biting Amber's body directly, and flying out into the sky at the same time! ..


At this moment.

Everyone suddenly saw Amber being taken away, and all of them had expressions of surprise on their faces, but at this time, the anger of the coral was even more soaring, and the fists were clenched. Furious, he immediately shouted loudly, "Mica!"

the moment the sound falls

The mica flew up in an instant, and at the same time turned into a huge shape and flew out carrying the coral.

Mica's body became huge, and at the same time rushed out quickly.

At this time, everyone did not have such a fast time to stop them, and they were all stunned.

I was stunned and didn't react for a while, but at this time, Wuchen, who responded the fastest, quickly stopped the action that everyone wanted to chase.

Said: "You all stay here for me, let Coral go and taste it alone, taste the taste of impulse, this stupid woman!"

At this time, the coral is driving the mica quickly!

Soon it was rushing into the sky, and the mica didn't care about it at this time. It flew very fast, and it flew very fast, and it flew so fast that it was amazing!

At this time, Coral's heart was also anxious, and he had already forgotten everything, and there was a strong anger in his eyes. At this moment, he just wanted to save his younger brother.

The coral flew rapidly, and soon I saw the amber.

Slowly, he saw Amber being bitten by a monster in the air, and he shouted loudly: "Amber!"

At this moment, Amber's eyes widened and shouted loudly: "Sister don't come here again, go back quickly, don't worry about me anymore, you will die, don't come here again, don't worry about me anymore, I You know I'm dead, don't worry about me anymore, okay? Really I'm not saved anymore..."

I don't know if it's true, or if it's being manipulated by Naraku.

I don't know why, Amber shouted loudly at this time, and there was a little more begging in his eyes, but he seemed to be begging Coral to save himself quickly.

And at this moment, Coral no longer cares about so much, shouting loudly: "Don't worry, my sister will definitely rescue you, my sister will not give up on you, Amber, you are waiting for my sister!"

When the words were finished, they quickly flew over with mica, while Amber flew even faster in the air, and soon the two of them came to a special city.

It's all thick fog.

At this time, the coral immediately fell to the ground, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes. Looking at 4 weeks, he felt very suspicious, and at this time, Amber was half-kneeling in front of the coral. , there was a strong look of guilt in his eyes, and he lowered his head and said, "Sister, why did you come to save me? It's unnecessary, I'm already a dead person, why do I do such a thing? Does it matter? I'm just a dead guy, I've killed so many people, you should be afraid of me..."

Hearing this, Coral trotted over quickly, held his shoulder and said, "What are you talking about, Amber? You are my brother, you are my brother, how could I despise you? How could I give up What about you, I will save you, I will definitely save you, I will not let you die!"

Amber heard this, smiled bitterly, sighed, lowered his head, and said very guiltily: "Sister, I know I'm a bad person, I'm dying now, can you..."

The words just came to this point, Amber's right hand was immediately lifted up, the coral was startled, and quickly stepped back, the mica also quickly made a roaring sound, and there were a few more in the eyes. Be vigilant.

At this time, Coral's eyes were full of surprises. Amber's right hand that was just stretched out instantly turned into a devil, full of exposed terrifying muscles, which made people feel terrifying!

And this moment.

At this time, Amber smiled grimly and said, "Can you dedicate your heart to me so that I can eat more?"

These words have just been said, and they immediately scared the coral enough!

There was a bit of panic in Coral's eyes, and he involuntarily took a breath, his eyes were full of frightened expressions, frightened.

How did his younger brother become like this, at this moment, at this moment.

I just heard a voice from above the roof: "It's really touching brother-sister relationship, but it's really interesting that such a touching brother-sister relationship has become like this, it's really interesting, right? ?"

These words were just said, and then I saw a very handsome man jumping down from the roof, with a cold smile in his eyes, and he was obviously mocking!

When Coral saw the man, he immediately took out the flying bone, took a deep breath and said, "You guy..."

Just after saying this, the man, Naraku, immediately smiled and said, "Your brother was shot into a hornet's nest at the time. It was I who saved your brother, but now you are not grateful? You should be grateful. Oh, you should know that I rescued your brother, otherwise your brother will die, so how about we make a conditional exchange?"

This has just been said.

Coral immediately shouted with anger on his face: "You damn bastard, what are you trying to do? Let my brother go to me, I must kill you!"

After hearing this, Naraku shook his head helplessly, sighed, and said a little bit speechlessly: "What an idiot, if I wanted to release your geography, why didn't I release it earlier? Now I'll wait for you to chase after you. Let's put it again, are you a little too stupid, you can't be too stupid, especially when you look like this..."

After hearing these words, Coral became even more furious. At this moment, how could she endure so much, her eyes widened as if she wanted to eat people!

And at this time, Naraku, who was looking like this, looked a little disappointed and said, "Don't be so angry, it's not good for you at all, if you have to be so angry, you won't be able to save your brother. Ah, you have to know that you can't beat me even if you are strong, and there is no way to beat me! What are you left with now that you are free from the copper plate? This special fog will make you truly and completely separate from your companions, they I can't contact you, I can't sense you, how much strength do you think you have, how powerful you can be, how can you do what you can do with me!"

Then, when it comes to this, with a 10-point arrogant look, he slowly spit out from his mouth and walked towards the coral! ..

346、Only cooperation

Coral was angry after listening to the whole speech, but she knew it too well in her heart, and she naturally understood in her heart.

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