He slowly put down the huge flying bone, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, his eyes were full of inexplicable sadness!

Naturally, I was too clear in my heart that I couldn't defeat this guy, I couldn't kill him, and I didn't have the strength to kill him.

What can be done?This guy is too strong!

Compared to the current self, Nai is too strong in front of him, and he has no way to defeat him at all.

This has just been said.

And at this time.

Naruo smiled and said: "Now you should understand, you can't defeat me, you can only cooperate with me, I will release a younger brother, I will reunite your siblings, I will not deceive you, you can rest assured Well, but you need to cooperate with me, what you need, you need me and I also need you, why bother, why is it like this?"

When these words were spoken, there was a helpless look on his face, he gritted his teeth, and there was a little helplessness in his painful eyes. Naturally, he knew in his heart that if he cooperated with the man in front of him, then he would be like passing through hell. In the middle, but what else can I do? I want to save people, I want to save my brother!

She said in pain: "What do you want me to do to let my brother go, how can you let go of my brother, I promise you everything you want to do, I can promise you, but you must let go With my brother, he also..."

Naraku nodded, smiled with satisfaction, and said, "I like your attitude very much, so I decided, if you can help me steal that knife from Inuyasha, I will help you, and I You are also willing to release your brother, let him release his fate, and let him truly become a human... Now that he lives on the power of the Four Souls and Rashomon, he has become a real ghost and there is no way out. If you are willing to believe that I am willing to help me, I can help your brother become a human body, and let your brother really live!"

When Coral heard your words, there was a little more surprise in his eyes, full of surprise, but thinking of this man's handwriting and strength, he couldn't help but believe a little, but he couldn't help but dare to believe. , There is a little more surprise in his eyes, can this man really do it?When I thought about it, I felt like I wanted to believe it!

Coral lost everything and lost her parents, and she felt really uncomfortable, although she knew that it was probably drinking poison to quench her thirst.

But this is the only way, the man in front of you is the last hope!

Thinking like this, although I felt a little unwilling in my heart, I could only choose to believe it. I took a deep breath and said, "Is it true or false? If I am willing to help you, will you really put Amber? Back to the way it was!"

Naraku nodded, smiled and said, "Of course I will never deceive others, I will only make a conditional exchange with others. Since you are willing to help me, we are partners. I will never deceive partners, because partners and I'm all in the best relationship!"

Coral didn't want to believe it when she heard this, but she knew that only the man in front of her could restore her brother to his original state. His brother was the man in front of him who did this. He must have a way to do it, although I know that guy has a lot of strength too

Although very clear

Wuchen is also a very strong human being, but he can't do it. He can't bring the dead back to life. Let's bring a dead person back to life again. That can't be done, but Naraku in front of him can definitely do it. !

Coral thought so in her heart, took a deep breath and said, "This is what you said, I am willing to help you!"

These words have just been said, and at this moment, Naruo laughed loudly and said with a smile: "Thank you for your help, so now go to Dad's knife and bring it, I will help you, don't worry, this is I will never lie to you about this matter, I will let you and your brother truly reunite, and I will not lie to you!"

Coral naturally knew in her heart that this matter was likely to be a deception, but she could only choose to believe it. It was too clear and too clear in her heart, but she could only choose to believe. This was really sad!

Coral took a deep breath, quickly and inappropriately mounted on mica, and flew directly in the direction of the crowd.

And this time.

In the eyes of Naruto at this moment.

There is only the pleasure of playing with people's hearts. His eyes are full of smiles, and he is extremely happy at this time, because playing with people's hearts is a very refreshing thing in his opinion. It is very refreshing for him. It's comfortable, so at this moment he is even more hilarious.

At this moment, Amber seems to have disappeared long ago, and all eyes are numb, because it has been completely controlled, there is no way to express any of my own thoughts, and there is no way to get back my sanity little by little. All the words are actually just Naraku's manipulation!

At this moment, Coral's heart is naturally complicated, and there is a bit of helplessness in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and flew forward. At this time, the valley just flew to everyone, and the place was just separated. It is to see the dust-free directly.

Dust-free is waiting for the coral to land!

Coral, who had just landed, took a deep breath, and there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Get out of the way, I'm going to take away Iron Broken Teeth!"

Just after saying this, Inuyasha's eyes were a little more surprised, and he stood up suddenly and said, "You...why do you do this? Why..."

After hearing this sentence.

Coral gritted her teeth, clenched her fists and said, "Because this can save my brother..."

Inuyasha immediately said loudly: "You damn stupid woman, don't you know this, he is really lying to you, he is lying to you completely, don't you think that damn guy will let your brother go No? It's impossible, there's no chance, it's really impossible, how could you let your brother go? You're really stupid!"

As soon as he said this sentence, Coral shouted loudly at this moment: "I know! But I only have this chance!" ..


After Wuchen heard this, he sighed and said, "Don't you believe in us? Don't you believe in your companions? You already started not believing in us, didn't you? Have you forgotten? We are companions, we are friends Don't you believe this? You believe in an outsider? A poor and terrible monster, why do you believe in that monster instead of us?"

After hearing this sentence, Coral immediately said: "It's not like that, it's not that I don't believe you, I just..."

I just heard this sentence, and at this moment, Wuchen immediately asked: "Are you not believing us or you are starting to be afraid, are you afraid of something? We are all here together, why don't you believe it? We, do you think you alone can control the power of the two belt and one road? Do you think you can defeat Liang Tailu? Impossible, we may be together, although your brother may never be resurrected, but you believe Context, he's a despicable and shameless villain, he's a monster, he's a goddamn guy who manipulates people for fun, he can't be a good guy! Don't you believe in that damn fallen monster?"

Hearing this sentence, Shaan suddenly felt pain, and naturally knew it in his heart, but for his brother's thoughts, his parents and younger brother, this is the only chance, why can't you try it? Roared and said, "Why don't you let me try it, maybe there is a chance... I don't want my brother to die like this, there is still a chance, and I don't want my brother to die, I know that It's very bad, it's a bad thing to cooperate with youkai, I know I know, I know too much!"

When the voice said this, he choked up, his eyes were full of unwillingness, whether he wanted to die in his own land, it was really painful. Watching his younger brother die before was already painful to me. Heart, why do you have to experience it again, if...

This is a nightmare, wake up soon, pray in my heart, but know that this is a real nightmare, it just happened in reality, it makes people feel unwilling, but it is a fact!

Seeing Coral's sadness like this, Wuchen sighed helplessly, rubbed his brows and said, "What an idiot, how can you be so stupid..."

Master Maitreya was also very helpless, came out and said, "Coral..."

Wuchen continued: "Since you think you can, then let you go. If not, we will support us as companions behind, and we will not harm you!"

The moment he finished speaking, he immediately turned his head to look at Inuyasha and shouted loudly, "Give her the knife!"

Inuyasha felt a little unwilling, but he didn't dare to say anything in the face of his master. He snorted and said, "Really, this guy is obviously so stupid, yet he has to help this idiot!"

Immediately afterwards, Wuchen rolled his eyes and said. : "Bring the knife here!"

After hearing this, Inuyasha felt a little speechless, although he knew that he would definitely be able to get the knife back, he was a little unwilling, took a deep breath, and snorted: "Okay! "

After he finished speaking, he directly pulled out the broken iron teeth from his waist and handed it directly to Wuchen beside him.

Wuchen took the iron broken teeth, took a deep breath, and then said: "I give you this knife, but I hope you can really save your brother, if we can't, then we will We will take action, we will not be merciful, maybe your brother will die because of this, but I can only say that people are born, old, sick and dead, and although your brother died due to an accident, the deceased cannot be resurrected!"

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