Dust-free at this moment.

He made a direct move again, his eyes suddenly widened, he took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly: "It seems that you are really a troublesome fellow, in that case, let's try this again! "

"Wind Dun: The Great Vacuum Jade!"

The moment he finished speaking, a huge air ball suddenly spit out from his mouth, and it was directly cut into the past. The man's body was cut with a clattering sound, and he fell directly to the ground with a rumbling sound. At this moment, he Suddenly, he looked up, and a huge fireball smashed towards him.

The huge fireball was suddenly crushed towards the man's body, and he took two steps forward in front of the huge fireball, and suddenly swung the knife with his right hand, and the fireball was immediately cut open.

Wuchen came in a sudden shock, jumped up, and quickly fell in mid-air, kicked him in the face, kicked him out, and lost his speed, and he immediately stood firm. Footsteps, turning around and slashing, the sword qi swirls out.

Wuchen saw that the vitality was coming, took a deep breath, flashed to the side, and immediately spit again, and flames spewed out of his mouth.

The flame smashed directly, the man sneered, licked the corner of his mouth, a cold smile appeared on his face, and said disdainfully: "It's really interesting, but it's a pity that it has no effect on me, although your strength is It's strong, but it's still weak for me, let's try this again!"

The moment he finished speaking, his eyes widened, his hands were clenched with the knife, his body leaped up, and he slashed down with a sudden blow, and suddenly he shouted loudly: "Blood Moonlight Slash!"

The moment the words fell, four or five sword qi bursts flew directly from the bag, and the fireball was split into pieces in an instant, but at this moment.

His body was about to fall to the ground.

Wuchen directly jumped high into the sky, and suddenly kicked him to the ground with a bang. At this time, he was kicked directly to the ground and then fell into the big pit, unable to move for a while, he had to struggle to stand up , but saw that Wuchen had already jumped directly into the air, took a deep breath, and had a somewhat ominous premonition in his heart.He seemed to be in a cauldron at this time, and there was a little doubt in his eyes, what did he want to do, what exactly did this opponent want to do, the more he thought about it, the more strange and puzzled he felt, and a little puzzled feeling.

At that time, the corners of Wuchen's mouth outlined a cold smile, and at this time, everyone's hearts were also full of uneasy feelings. Feel weird! ..

368、Fried Devil

Wuchen never thought of showing mercy at all, his eyes widened suddenly, he took a deep breath, and at this moment, he immediately spit out in the air: "Xianfa: Wuyouwei Door!"

The moment the sound fell, the mouth suddenly spit, and the violent high-heat oil up to several thousand degrees smashed directly from the air.

The hot oil with a temperature of several thousand degrees was directly smashed down and hit the ruins, and the man who fell into the big pit of the ruins was directly hit by the thousands of degrees of oil, violently. The sound of zizizi sounded, and the sound like barbecue kept sounding. The man shouted involuntarily, and then his face was full of evil and evil. He originally wanted to run to 4 weeks, but just at this moment.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and after falling to the ground, he took a deep breath and clapped his hands together, and then his long hair was scattered, his eyes widened and he shouted angrily: "You want to run? So easy to come and try this!"

"Wood Dun: The Art of the Great Forest!"

When the sound fell next to the sound of the big pit, all the huge wood suddenly rose up, and it just grew slowly, trying to seal the sky directly.

The man's heart immediately became anxious. He was directly scalded by the intense oil, and the huge heat made him almost die in it. His heart was full of surprise, and at this moment.

Wuchen came to the top of the sky again, and immediately slapped his palm under his feet, took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Mu Dun: The Flower Tree World is born!"

Immediately after that, from the air, it grew directly out of thin air, and countless trees came out, and fell into the hot oil river with a bang.

At this time, the man also smashed him into the violent river because the trees and vines suddenly fell from the air, and then the trees fell into the river and burned directly, forming a fluid like lava.The sound of rumbling sounded, constantly making the oil even hotter, and at this moment the man's eyes widened, and now he was dead, thinking this way, and he was also very unwilling, at this moment He naturally understood in his heart that he was specially released by someone, and he also came out to fight. Why did he die like this? He was very unwilling in his heart. Let me out, I must kill you!"

After Wuchen fell to the ground, the tree slowly grew up, but it was burned directly by the violent river, and it became even hotter.

The trees on the periphery continued to grow, directly surrounding the entire big pit. The big pit was like half of an oil pan, and the trees that grew up were like the huge pot lid.

Wuchen jumped into the sky again, took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly widened, and his mouth spit out again.

"Fire Escape: Toad Oil Fire Bomb"

The huge flame bomb spit out directly from his mouth, and the rumbling sound ignited all the trees. The violent smoke and the high temperature immediately made the man panic, and he quickly got rid of the constant The burning river immediately spun the knife in his hand, and immediately the blood-red mist washed over the audience with a humming sound, directly cutting the entire burning tree open. Immediately there was a jump in the smoke and dust, and it jumped into the air.

At this time, Wuchen's voice came, and a surprised expression appeared on the man's face. He suddenly turned his head to look over, and his face was full of surprise.

He just thought it was incredible. How could someone have such an incredible speed? Could it be that he was already in ambush?He couldn't guess what was going on in his heart, but time was running out. A cruel voice came from behind him: "Xianfa: Super Jade Spiral Pill!"

The moment the words fell, the largest azure blue spiral pill directly hit the man's body, and it was injected with special natural energy, only to hear the crackling sound of the man screaming, and he was directly attacked. The huge spiral pill smashed into the oil pan that had just escaped.

He shouted, how big is the spiral pill?The diameter alone has directly reached about 15 meters.

At this moment, the man was suppressed by the giant spiral king, and he was directly punched into the huge oil pan. , but his body was slowly blown up, and the stench came out, and then the huge spiral pill exploded the entire area with a roar of thunder.

Wuchen was relieved, then jumped directly to the ground, took a deep breath, and after jumping to the other side, looking at the huge ruins, there was a bit of helplessness on his face, he shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Again. Destroyed so many things, but presumably that guy should be dead!"

Master Maitreya felt a little uneasy in his heart, and quickly asked: "Is the teacher really okay? What if that guy suddenly wakes up and chases after him? We can't prevent him!"

These words were just said, and then Inuyasha rolled his eyes and said, "Can't you feel it? I don't believe he can survive that huge destructive power!"

Although Coral was vigilant in her heart, she also understood at this time that the huge power was enough to make anyone die, and it was impossible to resurrect. Coral nodded and said, "It should be impossible to resurrect, we should go now. It's the right way to find Naruto..."

I just heard that Wuchen couldn't sense the man's power, and then nodded and said: "That very difficult bastard is finally dead, but I don't know how he was stolen, I feel that It's very strange, the power of Rashomon is so strong in the body, but it doesn't belong to the devil completely, it's really strange, it really makes me feel completely unpredictable, I have to find that damn guy Naraku!"

At this time, everyone heard this and observed it for a long time, and found that the huge river was still burning, and nothing like the corpse was touched. He turned his head and left, but at this moment.

Just after they left, Kagura, the messenger of the wind, returned here again. Looking at the huge ruins and everything that had been destroyed just now, he was completely surprised, but said with a little pity: "I didn't expect that Has it become like this!" ..


The wind blew gently.

At this time, Naraku is constantly cultivating himself.

He was in a mysterious cave at this time, and no one should have known about it, but at this moment a voice came from a dense forest outside the cave: "Naruo, I know you bastard is inside. Come out, I've been looking for you for a long time, I've been looking for you for three or four days, and finally found you again!"

There is a bit of clarity in the voice, a bit of suffocation in the sweetness, and a bit of pity in the coldness.

And this moment.

After hearing this voice, Naruto immediately stopped his cultivation and walked out of the cave at the same time, with a smile on his face, looked up, and immediately saw the person standing on the branch. .

It was a woman in a witch costume, a very beautiful woman, a pure and flawless woman.

Yes, that is one of the strongest women ever.

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