The Legendary Miko Kikyo!

At this moment, Kikyo stood on the branches and looked at Naraku coldly and proudly, with a faint magic light floating on her body.

Said: "Narro, you damn bastard, I finally found you again!"

After Naruo heard these words, he snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and forced a smile on his face.

Said: "I didn't expect you to come to me, which is very strange, but speaking of whether you miss me very much, we used to be old after all..."

After Kikyo heard this, he was so angry that he immediately pulled out an arrow.

At the same time, he opened his bow and shot it in an instant.

At this moment, Naruo saw the sword shot towards him, with a surprised look on his face, and then he saw that there was a smudge in it, which made him feel strange dark energy, he was a little surprised in his heart.

At this moment, the arrow was about to hit it, and it immediately stretched out its right hand, grabbed it, and held it directly in the palm of his hand. That was how the dark energy knot became like this. I felt in my heart. He was very surprised, and blinked his eyes in surprise, a little surprised.

At this time, Kikyo snorted coldly, raised his head proudly, looked at him coldly and said, "You damned fellow, you should die now, the reason why I came to you today is to kill you. about you!"

Just after saying this, Naruto narrowed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and took a half step back and said, "It's a strange guy that you are still able to find me, but speaking of your strength, Has it recovered to this point, but has the pure and flawless shrine maiden turned into a guy infected with demon power today?”

I just said this, and Kikyo felt a pain in my heart. The dark power is because my obsession is getting deeper and deeper, but what I have to do now is to kill Naraku. This guy is really in my heart. Demons must be killed by zombies.

Kikyo thought so in her heart, and at this time, Naruo let out a cold snort, already seeing what Kikyo was thinking, it was not polite to shoot directly, and at the same time she lifted the baboon skin in her right hand, and whispered in her mouth. : "Hand of Darkness!"

The hand of darkness stretched out from under the skin of his baboon, and the light of darkness suddenly converged from it into a shock wave, and it was smashed in an instant.

At this time, Kikyo was a little surprised. He jumped down from the branch, and quickly shot four or five arrows to kill him and fell to the ground. After condensing his strength again, he shot an arrow. past!

The power of that sword shot was terrifying, and Naruto jumped up in fright. Only then did he stabilize his body, snorted coldly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a deep breath. Said: "As expected of Kikyo, as expected, your archery skills are not backward at all!"

After hearing this, Kikyo smiled politely and said: "This is because I specially reserved these tricks for you, especially to kill you, don't worry, I will kill you and make you die in pain! "

When she said this, Naruo heard the taste of gnashing her teeth, and she couldn't help but feel a little scared. After all, this guy was already very strong before. If you let this woman continue to fight him, then it will be a problem. It's troublesome, and the more I think about it, the more helpless I feel.

How did he get into such a troublesome guy, he sighed helplessly, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, the energy of the whole body immediately gathered at this moment, I saw him immediately widened his eyes, and the power of Rashomon was at the same time. At this time, the energy gathered, deeper than the darkness, involuntarily turned with his mind.

And at this moment, the power of Rashomon that the Kikyo splashed on him was startled, what the hell is this?Why does it look so strange?

At this moment, Naruo drew a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Kikyo's surprised expression, and said with a smile: "Gaojie sorceress, you are very surprised, aren't you? That's right to be surprised, otherwise If so, who should I show my power to? Come and experience my trick!"

The moment the words fell, his eyes suddenly widened, and countless thorns sprang from his hands.

Those thorns were all dark, and they hit the Kikyo in an instant, and the Kikyo at this moment was shocked, because the tricks came so quickly and urgently, there was no way to quickly resist. , he immediately shot the sword of food and lodging directly, which suppressed all of them. He was also very tired to understand the stalk. He breathed heavily involuntarily. He said solemnly, "You really are a troublesome and dangerous guy, hum!"

When Naruo heard this, a smile formed on the corners of his mouth, and he said, "Thank you so much for the compliment, Miko-sama, that's true, but Miko-sama, you have to be fully prepared, otherwise you will be killed by me. Oh die, your soul is something I really want to collect, so don't let me succeed, otherwise your soul will fall into my hands, and it will be something you will regret in your life, or in the next life. , I will torture you to pieces, you should be more careful!"

The provocative words came out of the mouth flatly, which made people shudder, and Kikyo was even more angry, and the anger rushed from the heart! ..

370、Talking about cooperation

And when the two were fighting against each other.

At this moment, Inuyasha and his party just encountered obstacles.

What they encountered at this time was Kagura.

At this moment, Kagura has a lot of dark energy appearing in front of everyone, with a cold expression on his face, and a bit of ridicule in his eyes, because he wants to anger the people in front of him.

Kagura's heart, in fact, also wants to play with the hearts of others, so he wants to provoke his opponent, to show his embarrassing side and his disgusting side.

At this time, after seeing God, Inuyasha snorted coldly, and said loudly, very angry: "This guy ran over again, watch me cut him in half!"

I just said this, and then I was taught by Master Maitreya by the side: "You guys calm me down, don't be too impulsive!"

As soon as he said this, he slapped Inuyasha on the back of the head with a slap. Inuyasha just remembered that he had to calm down, but he immediately widened his eyes and quickly replied: "You This guy is really annoying, I'll just..."

Wuchen rolled his eyes helplessly, glanced at Inuyasha with a speechless expression, and said with a wry smile: "You are so speechless, calm down for me, don't make trouble for me, now I don't need you to go out to fight immediately. The person in front of me is not necessarily sure whether he is an enemy or a friend. He is really an idiot. If I am to take action immediately, then what exactly is the thing I taught you before, calm me down Come down, don't shoot me now, calm down and talk to me right away, otherwise I'll put you in confinement right away!"

When Inuyasha heard this, he immediately startled me. He didn't know what the confinement representative meant?Because I have never been locked up, but I can understand the meaning of the word, but I don't understand how to be locked up, Inuyasha immediately wanted to say something.

But Qibao, who was beside him, quickly hinted that he should stop talking immediately.

And at this moment, Kagome is the same.

At this time, a smile appeared on Kagura's face, looking at the helplessness in the eyes of the people in front of him, he shook his head and sighed, and said a little bit speechlessly: "It's really boring, I thought it could be completely It irritates you, makes you crazy, is it so boring? It's really boring!"

These words have just been said, and then Wuchen looked at Kagura in front of him and said: "What are you doing suddenly running here? Why did you suddenly run over? It shouldn't be to say hello to us, right? With your strength You are not qualified to fight with me, even your boss may not be able to defeat me, so why are you running here, didn't you go back and report to your boss? Why are you running over now?"

After hearing this, Kagura rolled his eyes, snorted, and shook it gently with a small fan: "My boss told me to try to stop you from finding him, but unfortunately I'm not very good at finding him. I want to stop it, but now it's because of the boss's order..."

At this time, everyone's hearts were a little more curious, what did this guy think, just thinking about it, this time Inuyasha understood, with a cold expression on his face, snorted and said: "Sure enough, you guys These monsters are not honest and have no sense of shame, they are all bastards, your boss Naraku must be..."

Just after saying this, Kagura immediately narrowed his eyes and threatened, "If you have the guts, say it again, and I will screw your head off!"

Inuyasha was very unconvinced immediately, and directly put his hand on the handle of the knife, and said coldly threatening: "Then you can try to see who chops off whose head first!"

After saying this, at this very moment, Kagura immediately took a deep breath, stabilized his mood, and said, "Okay, you guys are safe. Stay, I'm not here to fight with you this time, nor to do anything. I'm here to discuss cooperation with you. I don't want to be in the same boat with Naraku, and I don't want to stay with him anymore, but he controls me! "

A strange look appeared on Inuyasha's face, and he said in surprise: "What do you mean, do you mean that you want to cooperate with us to defeat Naraku and return you to freedom? It's funny enough, I don't believe you. The sinister and mean guy nearly killed us before..."

Master Maitreya was also very vigilant and took a deep breath. Although he didn't say anything, the expression on his face showed everything.

And the words of Inuyasha at this time also represented the worries in the hearts of everyone, and after hearing this at this moment, the Kagura in front of him immediately said: "Don't worry, I can tell you what else is ahead, and you will be clear. Now, you will meet a lot of monsters in front of you, and one monster is a very ferocious humanoid monster. It was specially arranged for you by Nero, and it is very insidious. You have to be more careful. That guy will change, this is me The first gift to you, if you don't believe it! Then just wait and see, if you believe I will appear again!"

After the words were finished, Kagura's style of painting dissipated, and at this moment, everyone's heart was a little more curious. Whether this person was telling the truth or not, they were completely uncertain in their hearts.

Inuyasha blinked his eyes in confusion and said strangely: "What does that guy mean? Why does Naraku control him, can't he leave? Isn't he just cooperating with Naraku? Why did he say that? Strange words?"

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