This is spoken.

Immediately afterwards, there was a look of astonishment on the faces of the dust-free people sitting on the side, and there were a few more doubts in their eyes, but they still listened normally.

Inuyasha's hand moved slightly, and there was a little anger in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it, because he hated hearing the word half-demon.

Take a deep breath.

At this time, the old village chief said again: "I tell you that guy is very vicious, and he is not a good person at first glance, so..."

These words have just been said, and everyone at this moment could not help frowning, but did not say anything, let the old village chief continue to speak!

At this time, the old village chief continued: "I tell you, the reason why we have to deal with them is because they ate people, and they are definitely not good things!"

These words are guessed out of thin air, and the appearance of guessing absolutely makes people feel very angry!

And this moment.

Hearing the old village chief's 10-point affirmation, he looked very confident.

Inuyasha was very angry, frowned slightly, and snorted coldly: "Why do you put your guesses on other people's heads, maybe your guesses are wrong, and he is so timid , how is it possible to eat people? Aren't you slandering others?"

As soon as the old village chief heard this, he immediately glared at him. He said that in this village, although everyone in the past had turned his back on him, he has WeChat in this village. So when I heard this, I immediately became angry and frowned and said, "You bastard, you dare to doubt my words, I see that you are full of white hair and have strange ears on your head. It's a problem guy, it's really annoying, maybe you're a monster!"

After hearing these words, Inuyasha immediately became angry, but soon he snorted coldly, his eyes were a little more cold, and he took a deep breath with murderous intent, and said lightly: " That's right, I'm a monster, so how can I be much better than you, a human being, unreasonably suspecting that others can eat people, and you have not investigated the truth of the matter, and suspecting that others can eat people is simply ridiculous! "

As soon as this sentence is spoken.

Immediately afterwards, the old village chief frowned, and said with anger in his heart: "I think you are a monster, and I will have someone come to give you to you..."

Immediately before he finished speaking, Master Maitreya gave a wry smile, and quickly stopped the old village chief's mouth.

Said: "Sir, you should stop talking so much, otherwise others will really not help you. We are willing to help find more monsters in the village, and we are also willing to help you, but the premise is that you don't want to help you. Say no more nonsense!"

After hearing these words, the old village chief snorted, turned his head and stopped talking, but there was a bit of contempt in his eyes, and his expression changed slightly when he looked at Inuyasha!

At this time, Inuyasha was very angry and wanted to hit someone!

But at this time.

Wuchen stood up, loosened his muscles, and said helplessly: "Take me to see it!"

The old village chief snorted and nodded. He actually had some respect for Wuchen, because this person looked like a big man, and his aura was naturally different. go in the direction.

Everyone quickly followed, and the old man took everyone to a shrine.

Although this village is very poor, I don't know why there are magical beasts here, and there is a bad old man in it. The bad old man has white hair, combed very well, and is dressed in the attire of a clergyman.

There was a bit of strange color in his eyes, and when he saw the old village chief walking over, he frowned very dissatisfiedly and said, "Why did you bring other people you don't know here, and this guy looks like a demon, Why did you bring the demon here? You are making a mistake!"

These words were just said, and the old village chief immediately laughed as if to please, and quickly said: "Don't mind, don't mind, this is the exorcist I invited, although they look strange, but I I want them to see the corpse!"

The old man snorted and immediately turned his head and said, "You will defile the corpse, you guys..."

Inuyasha didn't care so much, rolled his eyes, stepped forward, pushed the old man away, and walked into the hall of the shrine.

After walking into the hall, he looked at the corpses in front of him, and he was a little bit strange and puzzled. The monster, he should be able to know, but now he is in a state of ignorance, which fills his heart with doubts, and frowns involuntarily!

At this moment, everyone also walked in quickly, and the two old men quickly followed into the hall.

The two old men who entered the hall looked at each other!

Immediately afterwards, a bit of strangeness appeared in my heart. Looking at Inuyasha's serious appearance, my heart was also infected a bit, and I didn't dare to speak.

And at this time.

Wuchen frowned slightly and said, "Sure enough, there are some clues, these wounds obviously don't seem to be caused by that guy!"

After saying this, Inuyasha nodded and said: "If I remember correctly, this special wound should be a wound made by the mouth of some kind of special sharp insect! It is a very sharp mouth, that guy should not have it, and It doesn't look like a worm either! So he probably didn't do it!"

The old village chief hurriedly came over and said, "Really? Who did it? Where are the monsters?"

Inuyasha didn't say anything, just lowered his head, smelled the demonic energy and left, and when everyone saw this, they said two polite words to the old village chief and left!The old village chief was stunned! ..

382. Plan

Inuyasha's weight soon returned to the front of Ji Nian's house.

The old woman came back when she saw everyone, with a bit of inexplicable displeasure on her face.

The old woman stepped forward, frowned, and felt a little strange in her heart, and said, "Why are you running back? Didn't you go to arrest people? What's the matter with Nian'er in our house?"

These words have just been said, immediately after this time.

After hearing these words, Inuyasha rolled his eyes and said, "I know it wasn't that guy who did it, but now I can't find the murderer..."

After hearing this, the old woman frowned, feeling a little strange in her heart.

Then he said, "What's the matter with us, do you want us to help you?"

At this moment, Di Nian'er came out and said as he walked, "Mother, if we can help them, we should try our best to help them. After all, this matter is also very important. There are people who died in the village. , we don't even know, and now someone is willing to help us... that's not bad!"

The old woman frowned immediately after hearing this, and there was a bit of inexplicable anger in her eyes.

Said, "What are you thinking, kid? What has it got to do with you? You just need to be busy with your own business. Why bother with others?"

When the words come here.

Immediately after that, Nian'er was speechless.

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